Things to be Considered as Prescribing 淸肺排毒湯 for COVID-19 Patients


Clearing lungs and expelling toxic tang (淸肺排毒湯) is Recommended for Treatment of Symptoms from COVID -19 Infection by the Association of Korean Medicine.

By Namwook Cho L.Ac

A protocol for prescribing a formula, clearing lungs and expelling toxic tang (淸肺排毒湯), was announced by the association of Korean Medicine which represents all Korean medicine practitioners in Korea recently.

The association defined the causes of the symptoms as heat and dampness pathogens. Each pathogen attacks the respiratory system and digestive system, respectively.

Unlike Chinese cases, digestion-related symptoms among COVID-19 infected patients were rarely reported in Korea. A COVID-19 infected patient without a digestion-related sign could show advert symptoms with the formula. Keep in mind that the formula dries yin of the patients.

Symptoms like high in body temperature should be controlled by prescribing a formula which made with 麻杏甘石湯 and 小柴胡湯.

射干麻黃湯 should be considered for applying cough symptom, and 五苓散 and 藿香正氣散 are for digestion and constipation related symptom releasing.

The primary recommendation for dealing with the COVID-19 is adding there different formula, such as 麻杏甘石湯 and 小柴胡湯. 射干麻黃湯 to respond to various symptoms from COVID-19 infection.

There is three essential formula mix, such as 葛根解肌湯, 小柴胡湯, and 不換金正氣散 is recommended for treatment of symptoms from COVID-19 related symptoms. But if a symptom needs to be controlled most, a component of the herbal formula could be changed.

Heat-related respiratory symptoms such as dryness in nasal cavities, sore throat, and yellow phlegm could be controlled by adding 荊芥蓮翹湯 to 葛根解肌湯 and 不換金正氣散.

For coughing with thin phlegm, add the 杏蘇湯 to the mixed formula of 葛根解肌湯 and 不換金正氣散.

For bloating stomach, remove 不換金正氣散 and add 香砂平胃散 to the mixed formula of 葛根解肌湯, 小柴胡湯, and 不換金正氣散.