About Us

The Acupuncture Times starts its first publishing on April, 2019. It is first ever Korean and English bilingual printed newspaper in Korean Acupuncturist community in the States.

Target readers are acupuncturists, and students in acupuncture schools in U.S., and venders, and one who is interested in Alternative Medicine in America.

1.Missions of The Acupuncture Times

We provide news and information in order for our readers to practice better with confidence.

2. Our Value

  • Practical Information: Our news articles cover mainly current and scientifically proven practical information of acupuncture and herbal medicine that could be applied to real practice. – Our news also cover rules and regulation, insurance information that could be apply to acupuncturists.
  • Collaboration: We value participation of readers of Hani Times. We have belief; ten common people’s one step is greater than a great man’s ten steps. – We have strong belief that as we communicate efficiently we can make better acupuncture community. Ways of communications is not limited to verbal communication. Buying stocks or shares of the Hani Times could be other way of communication in between Newspaper Company and readers.

3. Readers


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Korean/English speaking acupuncturists and students Korean/English speaking practitioners such as Chiropractors, physical therapists
Sub Acupuncture supply Venders in Korean and American community

Venders deal with supply for alternative medicine in Korean/American community

3. General Information of Hani Times

– First issue: April, 2019

– Monthly newspaper. (The newspaper is printed in between 20th to 25th of each month.)

-Size of the paper: tabloid (10.50X16.50 inches)

-Total number of a copy: 24 pages. 12pages of Korean, 12 pages of English

-Pagination: 12 pages of color and 12 pages of black and white

-Circulation: 10,000 copies/month

4. Distribution

-Acupuncture clinic in U.S. by direct mailing service: 6,000 copies

-Acupuncture organizations, groups and interest group, schools: 2,000 copies

-Acupuncture and herb supply venders in U.S: 1,000 copies

-Alternative Medicine related schools and venders: 1,000 copies

6. Colum writers and volunteer student reporters

The newspaper is working with columnists who have experience and well recognized by other acupuncturists for their achievements in order to provide more practical information.

The newspaper also provides chances for students to write their school news. We believe that students who evolve acupuncture community in-depth by covering news articles get benefits for their future career pathways.