Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment (11)
An Acupuncture Treatment that Gives Same Effect as Qi Kong Practicing
By Brandon SJ Oh, L.Ac.
As I explained earlier, one ying and one yang technique is based on inserting a needle on one of each yang and yin meridian. One ying and one yang technique stimuli a meridian through paring harmonizing acupuncture point and stimulant acupuncture points by its interior and exterior relationship. Benefit of using one ying and one yang technique is strong activation of a meridian and soothing and balancing Qi movement simultaneously.
If you want to harmonize and enhance Qi circulation on a target meridian, take an acupuncture point in balancing acupuncture point first then take stimulant acupuncture point which is in interior and exterior relationship with the first acupuncture point you took. Or if you need to clear stagnation and enhance circulation of a meridian , take an acupuncture point among stimulant acupuncture points first then choose next acupuncture point among balancing acupuncture point which is in interior and exterior relationship of the meridian.
Once you stimulate or clear stagnation with one ying and one yang technique, you need to take back Shu point or Mu point as an axis of enhanced Qi movement by inserting acupuncture needles.
Power for treatment exists mainly in stimulant acupuncture points. However, the meridian control acupuncture treatment puts more stress on balancing Qi control and naming by harmonizing acupuncture point that were used. For example, Yin Indication means harmonizing acupuncture point was used on yin meridian and Yang Indication means an acupuncture point in harmonizing acupuncture points was used on yang meridian.
- Application of the Technique
One Ying and One Yang acupuncture technique is designed treatment which is mild enough for the old and children. And the treatment gives benefits of practicing Qi Gong. Acupuncture treatment is considered sedating technique by draining Qi in order to treat a symptom. So, elder and children should not be allowed for long term acupuncture treatment. But One Ying and One Yang technique enhances overall amount of Qi in the body just like having more Qi Gong practices.
Sedation and tonifying techniques in One Yin and One Yang acupuncture technique are for tonifying a meridian excepting fullness symptom such as sprain and strain and acute indigestion.
▲ Procedure for Acupuncture Needling
▷ For Upper Body: ① First, select one and the most appropriate acupuncture point in the list of balancing acupuncture point which is on yin meridian. Then select next acupuncture point in the list of stimulant acupuncture point which is on yang meridian. 上先 調和穴部: 先 陰經 調和穴部 必 陽經 取 推動穴部 ② Second, select one acupuncture point in the stimulant acupuncture point which is located on upper body and belonged to yin meridian. Then take one acupuncture point which is in the list of balancing acupuncture point. 上先 推動穴部: 先 陰經 推動穴部 必 陽經 取 調和穴部.
▷ For lower body: ① First take one acupuncture point which located on lower body and in the balancing acupuncture point list. Only allowed to choose acupuncture points belonged to yang meridian. Then select another acupuncture point in the list of stimulant acupuncture points which is belonged to yin meridian. 下先 調和穴部: 先 陽經 調和穴部 必 陰經 取 推動穴部 ② Select an acupuncture point in the list of stimulant acupuncture points list which is belonged to yang meridian then select second acupuncture point in the list of balancing acupuncture points list which is belonged to yin meridian. 下先 推動穴部: 先 陽經 推動穴部 必 陰經 取 調和穴部
▷ After inserting all needles, take either Shu or Mu point for axis of Qi circulation.
▷Procedure for removing needles: ① Remove acupuncture needle which is one either Shu or Mu point. ② For removing acupuncture needles on extremities, remove them as procedures for inserting needles.
▷ Rules for inserting needle; Men for left, Women for right (男左女右): ① in the morning: For men, insert on an acupuncture point on left first. For women, insert an acupuncture point on right side first. ② in the afternoon: For men, take first acupuncture point on right. For women, insert first acupuncture point on left side. ③ Inserting the first needle on affected side of the patient has priority than men for left, women for right. For example, treating a men patient in the morning and his affected side is right, the first needle should be inserted to right side. ④ The most important rule for sequence of inserting acupuncture needle is a practitioner’s intuition and empathy.
<Examples of One Yin One Yang Acupuncture Treatment >
Emptiness/Fullness |
Meridian |
Balancing Acupuncture Points |
Order |
Upper Body-Fullness上實 Lower Body-Emptiness下虛 |
The Earth |
Yin Meridian陰主治 |
ST41 (해계)-Sp 9(음릉천)-CV12(중완) |
Yang Meridian陽主治 |
St36(족삼리)-Sp5(상구)-Ub21(위수) or Ub20(비수) |
The Sky |
Yin Meridian陰主治 |
Ub60(곤륜)-K10(음곡)-Cv3(중극) |
Yang Meridian陽主治 |
Ub40(위중)-K3(태계)-Ub28(방광수) or Ub23(신수) |
Human |
Yin Meridian陰主治 |
Gb40(구허)-Lv8(곡천)-Gb24(일월) or Lv14(기문) |
Yang Meridian陽主治 |
Gb34(양릉천)-Lv3(태충)-Ub18(간수) |
Upper Body – Emptiness上虛 Lower Body-Fullness下實 |
The Earth |
Yin Meridian陰主治 |
Lu5(척택)-Li4(합곡)-Cv12(중완) |
Yang Meridian陽主治 |
Lu9(태연)-Li11(곡지)-Ub13(폐수) |
The Sky |
Yin Meridian陰主治 |
Ht3(음소해)-Si5(양곡)-Cv14(거궐) or Cv4(관원) |
Yang Meridian陽主治 |
Ht7(신문)-Si8(양소해)-Ub15(심수) |
Human |
Yin Meridian陰主治 |
Pc3(곡택)-Te4(양지)-Cv17(전중) or Cv5(석문) |
Yang Meridian陽主治 |
Pc7(대릉)-Te10(천정)-Ub14(궐음수) or Ub22(삼초수) |