How To Find The Most Efficient Formula (40) Enhancing Efficacy By Choosing Monarch Herb

△In general, if you first understand the characteristics of herbs mainly used for digestive diseases, it will be easier to select the most effective herbal formula to treat symptoms. imageⓒAdobeStock_eddows

Understanding of Herbs For Digestion-Related Symptoms

By Daniel Cho, L.Ac. (email: [email protected])

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of herbs such as Ren Shen, Ju Pi, Ban Xia, Sheng Jiang, and Gan Jiang for digestion herbal medicine.

  1. Ren Shen

Symptom Indicator Score+++

Frequency of Use ++

Ren Shen seems to mainly treat indigestion and low appetite due to decreased digestive juice secretion in the upper part of the digestive system, including the stomach, small and large intestines, and pancreas. It can also treat pain in the upper stomach and vomiting.

1) Main Symptoms

  • Indigestion from overeating with discomfort in the upper stomach region.

2) Possible Symptoms

  • Poor appetite is common.
  • Pain in the upper stomach region can also appear.


  1. Ju Pi

Symptom Indicator Score+++

Frequency of Use ++

Ju Pi appears to treat symptoms such as hypertonia of the phlegm muscle and decreased exercise capacity caused by a decrease in parasympathetic nerves acting on the smooth muscles of the esophageal and bronchial diaphragms.

 1) Main Symptoms

  • Food stagnation in the chest (chest discomfort due to blockage of food in the esophagus) is mainly induced by overeating<stress.
  • Difficulty in swallowing may also occur.

2) Possible Symptoms

  • Chest fullness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hiccup


  1. Ban Xia 

Symptom Indicator Score++

Frequency of Use +++

In general, it is often used for people who frequently feel nauseous and suffer from severe car sickness.

 1) Main Symptoms:

  • Nausea, gagging, or vomiting
  • Easily nauseated by drinking, brushing teeth, or eating. Also prone to car sickness.
  • Ban Xia is often used for child anorexia and morning sickness of pregnant women.

2) Possible Symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Borborygmus
  • Various skin conditions and benign tumors of internal organs and tissues.

  3) Other Main Symptoms:

  • Small amount of phlegm causing irritation and discomfort in the throat (pharynx neurosis).
  • Coughing to remove the phlegm.


  1. Sheng Jiang

Symptom Indicator Score+

Frequency of Use +++

In general, it is often used when overeating causes poor digestion, bloating and stuffiness in the solar plexus or when indigestion is accompanied by nausea and burping.

1) Possible symptoms:

  • Nausea, gagging, and burping are common. ☞Sheng Jiang is often used as an assistant herb to Ban Xia.
  • Sheng JianJiang’sigestion appears in Fu Ling Gan Cao Tang, Gui Zhi Sheng Jiang Zhi Shi Tang and such.

TIP:  Sheng Jiang has a low Symptom Indicator Score, meaning its clinical tips are obscure and hard to find.


  1. Gan Jiang 

Symptom Indicator Score+++ 

Frequency of Use ++

Gan Jiang appears to treat various symptoms caused by a decrease in the bodybody’sming function by increasing the core temperature in the digestive tract.

1) Main Symptoms:

  • Cold Diarrhea: Soft/loose stools induced by cold stimuli such as cooling the stomach and consuming cold food or drinks, icy milk or beer.

 2) Possible Symptom

  • Cold Hernia: Tendency to have cold feelings in the stomach, which can lead to cold pain in the lower abdomen.

3) Other Possible Symptom

  • Cold Cough: A small amount of clear, watery nasal discharge, phlegm, and sometimes cough that are worsened by cold stimulus (such as cold air).