DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements-05 Spirit ∙ 神 신 (9) Simple Prescriptions 單方단방∙Acupuncture and Moxibustion 鍼灸法 침구법

Large chinese herbal medicine selection in wooden bowls over papyrus background.

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)


There are 23 kinds in total.

  • Cinnabaris 朱砂: It nurtures the mind and relieves ethereal and corporeal spirits. If taken for a long time, it can facilitate the bright spirit’s movement. It is said that heart heat and heart deficiency cannot be cured without this. Grind finely, levigate, then put it in honeyed water by 1 don.
  • Fluoritum 紫石英: It subdues palpitations and relieves ethereal and corporeal spirits. Smash it so it becomes as little as grains of rice or beans, pour 1 mal of water, and boil down until 2 doe remains. Let the drugs settle and drink the upper water little by little. This is what is recently referred to as amethyst.
  • Hydrargyrum 水銀: ① It relieves the spirit. It is also said to relieve throbbing and palpitations of the heart.[B146] ② If one takes Cinnabar Artificial (靈砂) for a long time, one can connect with the spirit and one’s ethereal and corporeal spirits become comfortable. His/her mind becomes divine. Yang Zidu (楊子度) said, “When Cinnabar Artificial (靈砂) was fed to a monkey, it suddenly understood human words.” It can be thus inferred that Cinnabar Artificial (靈砂) enables the heart spirit to work well. Put 4 nyang of Hydrargyrum (水銀) and 1 nyang of Sulfur (硫黃) together into an iron pot, parch them so they become like grains of sand, and soak them with vinegar when flame bursts. Grind this finely, put it into a brazier called a Suhwajeong (water-fire pot, 水火鼎), block the opening with Halloysitum Rubrum (赤石脂), and seal it up with salty clay. Fire it with 20 geun of charcoal, take it out the next day, grind it finely, and make it into pills the size of  hempseeds with glutinous rice paste. Swallow 5 or 7 to 15 pills on an empty stomach with water decocted with Ginseng Radix (人參) and Zizyphi Fructus (大棗).
  •  Ferreus Liquor 鐵漿: It cures heat and jumping about like a madman caused by epilepsy. It also cures severe manic psychosis, which causes one to run about and cry out. Put Ferrum (生鐵) in a bowl, soak it in water for a long time, and drink the water.
  • Minium 黃丹: It cures epilepsy or jumping about like a madman. It subdues the heart, relieves the spirit, converges spirit qi, and subdues the frightened. It can be taken as pills or powder.
  • Ginseng Radix 人參: It relieves the mind, ethereal and corporeal spirits, stops palpitations, opens up the heart, makes one wise, and cures forgetfulness. If 1 nyang of Ginseng Radix (人參) powder is mixed with 10 pun of lard and wine, and then taken for 100 days, one can memorize a thousand words a day and his/her skin becomes glossy.
  • Asparagi Tuber 天門冬: It cures palpitations, forgetfulness, epilepsy, and manic psychosis by reliving ethereal and corporeal spirits. Remove the core, grind, and take 2 don of it with wine or rice gruel at any time. It is better to eat it for a long time.
  • Acori Gramineri Rhizoma 石菖蒲: ① It opens the hole in the heart, cures forgetfulness, and makes one smart. Grind Acori Gramineri Rhizoma (石菖蒲) and Polygalae Radix (遠志) finely and eat it by 1 don 3 times a day, with wine or rice gruel at any given time. One’s eyesight and hearing abilities are enhanced; one can see inside from the outside and one can even see long distances. ② In order to cure epilepsy, put 2 don of Acori Gramineri Rhizoma (石菖蒲) powder in water decocted with the heart of a pig, and drink it on an empty stomach.
  • Polygalae Radix 遠志: It relieves ethereal and corporeal spirits, enhances wisdom, cures forgetfulness, and keeps one’s mind from being disturbed. Decoct it in water in which Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) is soaked, remove the core, and grind it. Take it by 2 don with wine or rice gruel at any time.
  • Hoelen cum Radix 茯神: It relieves ethereal and corporeal spirits, nurtures the mind, and cures palpitations and throbbing. Grind and put in wine or rice gruel by 2 don. It is also good to make it into pills. It is even better to take it with Polygalae Radix (遠志).
  • Coptidis Rhizoma 黃連: It is mostly used to treat palpitations and chapter on Deficiency Vexation, and it lowers the heat of the heart. Grind and put it in honeyed water by 1 don. It is also good to make it into pills.
  • Phytolaccae Flos 商陸花: It is mostly used to treat forgetfulness and carelessness. Grind flower dried in the shade. If taken 1 don with water before going to sleep, one’s memory will improve greatly.
  • Hemerocallidis Radix 萱草: It relieves the mind, brings pleasure, and removes anxieties. It is also good to plant it in the yard and look at.
  • Albizziae Cortex 合歡: It cures rage, brings pleasure, and removes anxiety. One does not get angry if this is planted in the yard.
  • Aranea ventricosa cobweb / spiderweb 蜘蛛絲: It cures forgetfulness. If gathered on July 7th of the lunar calendar and then stuck to the collar of one’s clothes, forgetfulness is easily cured.
  • Meliae Fructus 練實: ① It nurtures the spirit. It stops anger and brings pleasure if a large amount is taken. One becomes happy when taken for a long time. It is good to make it into porridge and eat frequently. ② Peel off the black skin of Nelumbinis Fructus (石蓮子), take the meat off, and dry it in clayware. Rub the outer fluffy red skin off, leave only the blue core, and grind it. Add a little bit of Borneolum (龍腦) to it and put it in water. If taken with boiled water, one’s mind is relieved and one feels cool.
  • Head of Otus scops Linnaeus 鴟頭: It is mostly used to treat epilepsy. Roast the meat. Also, grind 2 heads of Otus scops Linnaeus (鴟頭) (burned) and Minium (黃丹) (1 nyang) and make the powder into pills.
  • Vespertilio superans Thomas 伏翼: It refers to a bat. If taken for a long time, one becomes happy and attractive, and anxieties will be cured. If taken for a long time, anxieties and worries will be removed. Roast it or boil it. Ones that are sleeping in caves are good.
  • Moschus 麝香: It is mostly used to treat epilepsy (癎痓). It relieves the spirit, removes fright and clears the mind. Grind Moschus (麝香) and put in boiled water by 2.5 pun.
  • Bovis Calculus 牛黃: It relieves the ethereal and corporeal spirits, cures palpitation, epilepsy, and manic psychosis, and is mostly used to treat forgetfulness. It is taken as pills or powder. Both are good.
  • Suis Cordis 猪心: It tonifies deficiencies of heart blood and cures palpitations, forgetfulness, epilepsy, fright, anxiety, and rage. Blood is put into the medicine, or the medicine is steamed or boiled down.
  • Bestiae Caro Attonitae 震肉: It is used to treat fright and absent-mindedness. It is made into jerky. It is the meat of six livestock that have been hit by lightning.
  • Hominis Placenta 紫河車: It is the placenta of humans. It cures epilepsy, manic psychosis, forgetfulness pounding of the heart, absent-mindedness, distraction, fright, fear, the inability to protect the heart spirit, and too much nonsense talking. It is highly effective in relieving the mind, nurturing blood, and stabilizing the spirit. It is steamed and then put into medicine or taken as pills. It is also good to steam only this.

Acupuncture and Moxibustion 鍼灸法 침구법

  • ①Apply 14 moxibustions on yang heel vessel [BL62] if epilepsy occurs during the day, and on yin heel vessel [KI6] if epilepsy occurs during the night.[P27]
  • ② Moxibustions are sometimes applied on GV20 or GB20.
  • ③ Use CV15, SI3, KI1, BL15, GB35, ST36, LR3, PC5, and CV13 for epilepsy. One must use the purgation method first before applying moxibustion. If not, the patient could die because qi is blocked. However, acupuncture can be used at any time.
  • ④ Use ST40, LR14, LI7, BL66, KI9, SI5, SI3, and KI10 for epilepsy and manix psychosis.
  • ⑤ 30 moxibustions can be applied on PC5 as well.
  • ⑥ 100 moxibustions can be applied on ST25 as well.
  • ⑦ Use LU7, BL15, HT7, CV12, ST36, and HT3 or apply moxibustion on GV20 to treat forgetfulness.
  • ⑧ Use HT7, PC9, SP1, CV15, GV20, SI3, and KI4 when one has lost his mind and become a fool.
  • ⑨ Use KI2, PC6, SP9, GB43, and LR2 when one is easily frightened or becomes easily fearful.
  • ⑩ Use PC7 and ST36 to treat pounding of the heart.[B057]