One Yin and One Yang Acupuncture Technique is the Gentlest Treatment
Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment (11)
An Acupuncture Treatment that Gives Same Effect as Qi...
Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment Ⅴ
Understanding Point Selection theories of Yuan-Luo Yin-Yang Points Selection
Taiji principle contains three elements theory and...
Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment ②
Same named meridian are considered same meridian regardless hands and feet.
Treatment for upper body fullness symptoms...
Enhance Headache Relief with Targeted Muscle Acupoints:
Suboccipital Muscles May Contribute to Hard-to-Treat Headaches
By Winston Lee L.Ac., Ph.D., KMD
Certain headache cases...
Characteristics of Traditional Korean Medicine
Introduction to Traditional Korean Medicine
Written by Jeonghwa Lee, Choonjae Lee, Published by Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
Four Needles, Five Elements and Six Qi: Treatment using Korean SaAm...
By Andreas Brüch, The European Journal of Oriental Medicine
SaAm acupuncture is one of the main acupuncture styles of Korean medicine. It encompasses...
Pathology and Physiology of Stomach Meridian
The Thing to Watch Out for Most Is the Existence of Heat
By Namwook Cho L.Ac.
Sasang Diagnosis with Western Personality Assessments
The Western Personality Assessments Provide More Characteristics to Diagnose the Sasang Constitutions.
By David Lee L.Ac
Pathology and Physiology of Spleen Meridian
Control Adequate Amount Water Matters
By Samuel Cho L.Ac.
Discover the fascinating connection between the spleen...
Eight Constitutions Acupuncture Amended to Unite with Sasang Four Constitutions
By David Lee, L.Ac.
Diagnosis for Korean Eight-constitutional acupuncture (ECA) is actually the same for Korean Sasang herbal...