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Los Angeles
Saturday, March 29, 2025

What is Soeumin in Sasang Medicine?

Body types are diagnosed and grouped by a person’s strongest and weakest organs By David Lee, L.Ac.

Case Study of Bisoma Acupuncture Using Yang Points

By David Lee, L.Ac. Acupuncture can be so simple that you will be a master practitioner just by...

Bisoma Five-Element Acupuncture

ByDavid Lee, L.Ac. Have you often wished your acupuncture system can be simplified while patient satisfaction is exponentially...

Alcohol Withdrawal & Liver Failure Case Study with Bisoma Acupuncture

By David Lee, L.Ac. As we know, acupuncture is not just for relief of pain and inflammation. It...

Sasang Acupuncture for Soeumin and Taeeumin 소음인과 태음인의 사상체질침

By David Lee, L.Ac. Is it possible to unify acupuncture and herbal medicine under one theory? Or are we chasing...

Tetrasoma Four Constitutions Acupuncture & Sasang Herbal Medicine 사상체질 침과 한약은...

By David Lee, L.Ac. One theory that unifies acupuncture and herbal medicine is now a reality at the...

Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment ① Understanding the Theories of How...

By Brandon SJ Oh, Ph.D., L.Ac. If a patient has symptoms on upper body, acupuncture treatment should be...

Eight Constitutions Acupuncture Amended to Unite with Sasang Four Constitutions

By David Lee, L.Ac. Diagnosis for Korean Eight-constitutional acupuncture (ECA) is actually the same for Korean Sasang herbal...

Cancer Treatment Support with Bisoma Acupuncture

‘둘상체질침’으로 암 치료 후유증 완화 By David Lee, L.Ac. Acupuncture is arguably the best...

Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment Ⅷ Acupuncture Points on the Joints...

Prediction of Acupuncture Points' Indications on Joints is Possible by Observing the Joints Movements By Brandon SJ...