DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements-11. Phlegm and Fluid Retention 痰飮 담음 (3)

△ 『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements』 English Version. ⓒKIOM

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

05-5 Stagnation Phlegm 鬱痰울담

Phlegm stagnation is old phlegm or dry phlegm. When heat phlegm accumulates between the heart and lungs for a long time, it becomes attached to the diaphragm, making it difficult to spit out and causing the following symptoms: the hair becomes dry and the face becomes pale like dry bone, the mouth and throat become dry, and the person coughs with dyspnea. Use a Jiezhai’s Pill to Dissolve Phlegm, Curb Phlegm Pill, Rosy Glow in Sky Paste, Clear Fire and Break up Phlegm Pill, Modified Syzygii Flos Relieve Stomach Decoction, or a Trichosanthes Fruit and Ponciri Decoction.

  • Jiezhai’s Pill to Dissolve Phlegm 節齋化痰丸 절재화담환: It mainly treats difficulty in spitting tangled phlegm induced by stagnation and old phlegm out. 1 nyang of Asparagi Tuber (天門冬), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩) (Choose thick and friable one to soak in alcohol and stir-fry before use), Trichosanthis Semen (瓜蔞仁), Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (橘紅), and Anodontae Caro (海粉), 5 don of Natrii Sulfas (芒硝), Cyperi Rhizoma (香附子) (use the one soaked in the salt water and then stir-fried), Platycodonis Radix (桔梗), and Forsythiae Fructus (連翹), and 2 don of Polygoni Tinctori Fructus (靑黛). Grind these drugs and mix with boiled down honey with the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁). Make pills to the size of a cherry. Take 1 of these pills and chew with boiled water or make pills to the size of a millet and then take 50 – 70 pills with clear water boiled with ginger.
  • Curb Phlegm Pill 抑痰丸 억담환: It treats a dry cough caused by dry phlegm and phlegm induced by stagnation. 1 nyang of Trichosanthis Semen (瓜蔞仁), 5 don of Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae (貝母) (stir-fried one), and 2 don of Pinelliae Tube Preparata (法製半夏). Grind these drugs and mix with rice cake. Make pills to the size of mung beans. Take 100 pills with water boiled with ginger.
  • Rosy Glow in Sky Paste 霞天膏 하천고: It treats a phlegm deficiency and old phlegm tangled slimily in the chest, intestines and stomach. Using this formula may lead to vomiting or diarrhea which will not become a deficiency. For example, adding tonifying herbs to this formula to remove the accumulation of phlegm in phthisis, abdominal distention and dysphagia due to heat is the safe usage of the formula. Therefore, taking this formula is more appropriate than the emetic method. To treat phlegm due to excessive or newly formed phlegm, dry by Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星) and Pinelliae Tuber (半夏), disperse by Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (橘紅) and Aruantii Fructus Immaturus (枳殼), drain by Polyporus (猪苓) and Poria Sclerotium (茯苓), descend by Scutellariae Radix (黃芩) and Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連), circulate by Crotonis Semen (巴豆) and Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata (附子), and moisten by the leaf of Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen (竹瀝) and Trichosanthis Radix (瓜蔞). (The complete description appears in Various Prescriptions).
  • Clear Fire and Break up Phlegm Pill 淸火豁痰丸 청화할담환: It treats the following symptoms: excessive phlegm and disharmony in the diaphragm, stagnated Fire in the upper energizer, fever and dryness in the throat and plum-stone syndrome 2.5 nyang of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (大黃) (mixed with alcohol and steamed and roasted for nine times), 2 nyang of Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮) (stir-fried), Ponciri Fructus Immaturus (枳實) (stir-fried with bran), and Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮) (stir-fried after soaked in salt water), 1.5 nyang of Scutellariae Radix (黃芩) (soaked in alcohol and then stir-fried), Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連) (soaked in alcohol and then stir-fried), Gardeniae Fructus (梔子) (stir-fried), Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星) and Pinelliae Tuber (半夏) (both soaked in the water for seven days with 1 nyang of Alumen (白礬), Gleditsiae Fructus (皂角) and Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑)), 1.3 nyang of Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae (貝母), 1 nyang of Forsythiae Fructus (連翹), Trichosanthis Radix (天花粉), Poria Sclerotium (白茯苓), Massa Medicata Fermentata (神麯) (stir-fried one) and Brassicae Junceae Folium (白芥子) (stir-fried one), 7 don of Natrii Sulfas Exsiccatus (玄明粉) to golden color), 5 don of Chalcocitum (靑礞石) (heated by fire with 1 nyang of Mirabilitum (焰硝)), Polygoni Tinctori Fructus (靑黛) and Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草), and 2 don of Aquillariae Lignum (沈香). Powder these drugs and mix these with the leaf of Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen (竹瀝). Make pills to the size of the seed of the royal foxglove tree. Take 60 – 70 pills with tea water.
  • Modified Syzygii Flos Relieve Stomach Decoction 加減二陳湯 가감이진탕: It treats old phlegm, dry phlegm, and heat phlegm. 1.2 don of Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (橘紅) (soaked in salt water and then dried on fire), 1 don of Ponciri Fructus Immaturus (枳實), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩) (stir-fried one), 9 pun of Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮), Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae (貝母) (stir-fried one), Cyperi Rhizoma (香附子) (便香附子), 7 pun of Poria Sclerotium (白茯苓), Trichosanthis Radix (天花粉) (soaked in salt water and then stir-fried), 5 pun of Saposhnikoviae Radix (防風) and Forsythiae Fructus (連翹), and 3 pun of Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草). Make these drugs to 1 package and boil in water.
  • Trichosanthes Fruit and Ponciri Decoction 瓜蔞枳實湯 과루지실탕: It treats the following symptoms: inability to move the body due to pain in the diaphragm induced by phlegm accumulation that is not removed easily, chest discomfort or dyspnea due to phlegm accumulation, and impairment in speech due to blockage of the heart’s orifice by phlegm. 1 don of Trichosanthis Semen (瓜蔞仁), Ponciri Fructus Immaturus (枳實), Platycodonis Radix (桔梗), Poria Sclerotium (赤茯苓), Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae (貝母) (stir-fried one), Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩) (use thick and friable ones) and Gardeniae Fructus (梔子), 6 pun of Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸), 5 pun of Amomi Fructus (砂仁) and Aucklandiae Radix (木香), and 3 pun of Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草). Cut these drugs to make 1 package. Boil with water and then mix with 5 spoons of the leaf of Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen (竹瀝) and a half spoon of the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁)

05-6 Qi Phlegm 氣痰 기담

When the seven emotions accumulate to block the pharynx and larynx, it feels like old cotton or the seed of Japanese apricot flower stuck within the throat. It is not swallowable or ejectable and blocks the chest and causes chest discomfort. Use a Clear Fire and Break up Phlegm Pill, Jade Powder Pill, Augmented Four Ingredients for the Seven Emotions Decoction (加味四七湯),
Mild Laxative Pill, Double Kidneys Powder, Hogfennel Root and Pinellia Decoction or Augmented Syzygii Flos Relieve Stomach Decoction (加味二陳湯).

  • Jade Powder Pill 玉粉丸 옥분환: It treats qi phlegm. Remove Cyperi Rhizoma (香附子) from 1 je of a Three Immortals Pill and then add 2 nyang of Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (橘紅) powder.
  • Augmented Four Ingredients for the Seven Emotions Decoction 加味四七湯 가미사칠탕: It treats phlegm qi accumulated between the pharynx and larynx, which is not swallowable or ejectable. This symptom is also known as the plum-stone syndrome. 1 don of Pinelliae Tuber (半夏), Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮), and Poria Sclerotium (赤茯苓), 7 pun of Massa Medicata Fermentata (神麯) (stir-fried), Ponciri Fructus Immaturus (枳實), and Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星) (covered with damp paper and roasted) 5 pun of Citri Unshius Pericarpium Immaturus (靑皮), Magnoliae Cortex (厚朴), Perillae Folium (紫蘇葉), Arecae Semen (檳榔), and Amomi Fructus (砂仁), and 3 pun of Amomi Fructus Rotundus (白豆蔲) and Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus (益智仁). Cut these drugs to make 1 package. Add 5 pieces of ginger and boil with water.
  • Mild Laxative Pill 潤下丸 윤하환: It treats a cough due to phlegm and blocked qi due to accumulated phlegm. It has the special effect of bringing phlegm down. 1 geun of Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮) (Remove the white part and boil this for a long time with water melted with 2 nyang of salt. Dry this on fire. Use after following these procedures.), 2 nyang of Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) (roasted one). Powder these drugs and then mix this with rice cake soaked in boiled water. Make
    pills the size of the seed of the royal foxglove tree. Take 30 – 50 pills with boiled water.
  • Double Kidneys Powder 二賢散 이현산: ① It cools the lungs, resolves phlegm, brings qi down, and resolves alcohol toxin. Pour water to the height of a finger and put 1 geun of Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (橘紅), 4 nyang of Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草), and 0.5 nyang of salt. Boil this down and dry on a fire. Powder these drugs and take 2 spoons of with water boiled with ginger. ② The Recovery from the Myriad Diseases refers to this as Phlegm Elimination Powder. ③ This is also known as a Double Kidneys Decoction.
  • Hogfennel Root and Pinellia Decoction 前胡半夏湯 전호반하탕: It treats excess qi phlegm. 1 don of Angelicae Decursivae Radix (前胡), Pinelliae Tuber (半夏), and Poria Sclerotium (赤茯苓), 7 pun of Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮), Perillae Folium (紫蘇葉), and Aruantii Fructus Immaturus (枳殼), 5 pun of Aucklandiae Radix (木香) and Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草). Cut these drugs to make 1 package. Boil with 5 pieces of ginger and 1 Mume Fructus Praeparatum (烏梅).
  • Augmented Syzygii Flos Relieve Stomach Decoction 加味二陳湯 가미이진탕: It treats plum-stone syndrome caused by qi phlegm blocking the pharynx and larynx. 1 don of Pinelliae Tuber (半夏), Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮), Poria Sclerotium (赤茯苓), Aruantii Fructus Immaturus (枳殼) and Platycodonis Radix (桔梗), 7 pun of Scutellariae Radix (黃芩) (One that is thick and friable.) And Gardeniae Fructus (梔子) (stir-fried one), 5 pun of Perillae Folium (蘇子), and Amomi Fructus Rotundus (白豆蔲) and Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草). Cut these drugs to make 1 package. Boil this with 3 pieces of ginger.