DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements-06. Blood (8)

△ English Version of Dongui Bogam. imageⓒ

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

20 Spontaneous Bleeding of the Tongue 舌衄 혀의 출혈

① In the Introduction to Medicine (入門), it is said, “If blood comes out from the tongue, it is called bleeding of the tongue.” Use Clam Shell Powder. ② Stir-bake Typhae Pollen (蒲黃), grind it into powder and sprinkle, then the bleeding will stop. You can also stir-bake Sophorae Flos (槐花), grind it into powder and sprinkle, or pulverize 1 doe of Phaseoli Angularis Semen (赤小豆),
mix it with water, make a juice, and take it. ③ Mix 2 don of hair ashes with 2 hop of vinegar, take it, or sprinkle it on the tongue.

  • Clam Shell Powder 蚊蛤散 문합산: It cures cases where blood gushes out from the tongue. Galla Rhois (五倍子), Resina Liquidambaris (白膠香), and Ostreae Concha (牡蠣粉). Grind together the same amounts of each of these drugs and sprinkle it on the affected area.

21 Bloody Sweating 血汗 혈한

① In the Inner Classic (內經), it is said, “When lesser yin reaches, it becomes epistaxis and bleeding from the skin.” In the Interpretation, it is said, “Bleeding from the skin means bloody sweating”

② Liu Hejian (河間) said, “If the gallbladder suffers from heat, blood flows without control; therefore, it produces epistaxis and red sweat.”. Stabilize Life Powder.

③ In the Treatise on and Formulas for the Three Categories of Pathogenic Factors (三因), it is said, “If someone who is not sick sweats and the clothes get dirty as if they are dyed, it is called red sweat. This is because excessive joy caused heart damage. Excessive joy disperses qi and blood follows qi.” Take an Astragalus Decoction to Build the Center [The prescription is mentioned in the chapter on Deficiency Vexation] and Aucklandia, Musk and Cyperus Powder [The prescription is mentioned in the chapter on Spirit] together. Decoct Tritici Semen and Liriopis Tuber (麥門冬) in a bowl made of gold or silver and mix the medicine. Use a Humuli Juice Prescription for bloody sweating in pregnant women.

  • Stabilize Life Powder 定命散 정명산: It treats epistaxis and bloody sweating. Grind the same quantities of Cinnabaris (朱砂), Glauberite (寒水石), and Moschus (麝香) into powder. Mix 0.5 don of powder of each drug to newly drawn water.
  • Humuli Juice Prescription 葎草汁方 율초즙방: ① It treats cases where a pregnant woman experiences excessive joy and
    sweats until her clothes become red. Pound Humuli Herba (葎草) and squeeze the juice. Mix 2 doe of this juice with 2 hop of vinegar and take 1 cup on an empty stomach. You can also boil it down strongly. ② The skin and flesh of the hedgehog cure bloody sweating. Mix the ashes of the skin to a thin gruel, boil the flesh, and take it.

22 Bleeding Through the Nine Orifices 九竅出血 구규출혈

① If someone is extremely frightened and bleeds through the nine orifices, it is called profuse bleeding from the nine orifices.

② If the doctor does not know that it is a lesser yin disease pattern of febrile disease and promotes sweating, the latent heat expels blood and the patient bleeds through the nine orifices. This is called ‘exhaustion of blood with cold limbs (下厥上竭)’, and it cannot be cured. [It is mentioned in detail in the chapter on Cold].

③ To treat profuse bleeding from the nine orifices, use Biota Leaves Powder. [The prescription is mentioned ahead]. You can also infuse or sprinkle Fulvis Fumi Carbonisatus (百草霜), Carbonisatus Crinis (油髮) (ashes), and the powder of Fossilia Ossis Mastodii (龍骨).

④ When the patient has fright palpitations and bleeds through the nine orifices, drink 2 doe of blood of a just killed pig or sheep and the bleeding will stop. Bleeding through the nine orifices, fingers, and toes is due to sudden fright. Take feces in the navel of a just born calf and burn into ashes. Mix the ashes with water and take 3~4 times a day. You can also add 1 cup of Cephalonoplosi Herba (小薊葉) juice to half cup of alcohol and drink it all at once. Grind dried Cephalonoplosi Herba (小薊葉) into powder and mix with cold water before taking it.

⑤ Moreover, you can sprinkle Aqua Pura on the face of the patient without notice.

⑥ If the patient feels itchy, has sores between the fingers and continues to bleed through the nine orifices, burn the wood
frame around the old honey bucket and apply the ashes. The bleeding will stop.

⑦ If the patient bleeds as if water flows, take the paper that covers a wine bottle, and twist it into the shape of a willow flower. Attach to the site of bleeding, and it will stop.

⑧ Bleeding at the fold of the knee is due to a blood deficiency. Take All Inclusive Greatly Tonify Decoction. [The prescription is mentioned in the chapter on Deficiency Vexation].

23 Bleeding Due to Wounds 傷損失血 다쳐서 피가 나오는 것

It is mentioned in detail in the chapter on Common Wounds.

24 Dizziness After Bleeding 失血眩暈 피 흘린 뒤의 어지럼증

① Haicang (海藏) said, “After severe bleeding, the patient will certainly feel dizzy and faint. These symptoms occur when the patient bleeds through flooding, when one extracts teeth, when one is hurt by metal furniture, or after delivery of a child. Take a large quantity of a Chuanxiong and Angelica Decoction. [The prescription is mentioned in the chapter on Gynecology].”

② If the patient has severe hematemesis and epistaxis and bleeding does not stop, the doctor must prevent dizziness. Sprinkle vinegar on ashes of Imperatae Rhizoma (白茅根) and make the patient sniff it in order to stop it. You can also sprinkle cold water on the patient’s face to make him/her surprised, and the bleeding will stop.

③ Use a Rehmannia, Scutellaria, and Coptis Decoction to treat the patient who feels dizzy and unconscious from excessive loss of blood. You can also use a Complete Decoction to Promote Blood Circulation. [The prescription is mentioned in the chapter on Uterus].

④ Blood dizziness is when the patient bleeds severely and feels dizzy. The patient’s pulse is faint and rough. Use a Chuanxiong and Angelica Decoction immediately to save the patient, then use an Augmented Four Substances Decoction.

⑤ If the patient feels chaotic and becomes unconscious due to excessive hematemesis and epistaxis, squeeze 3~5 geun of Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃), and drink this juice continuously. If there isn’t enough time to prepare the juice, chew a raw Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃), drink its juice, and fill the nostrils with its residue. This method has a marvelous effect. One can also grind a Chinese ink stick of fine quality, drink it strong, and drip some drops into the nostrils.

  • Rehmannia, Scutellaria, and Coptis Decoction 生地芩連湯 생지금련탕: It treats bleeding due to flooding and spotting in women and excessive bleeding in men that dries the body. The patient fumbles clothes and the bed, swings in the empty space, closes the eyes and becomes unconscious. The patient also moves the hands and legs violently and loses consciousness. The nose gets dry and breathing becomes short. This medicine treats these kinds of symptoms. 1.5 don of Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃), Cnidii Rhizoma (川芎), Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸) each, 7 pun of Paeoniae Radix
    (赤芍藥), Gardeniae Fructus (梔子), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩) and Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連) each, and 2 don of Saposhnikoviae Radix (防風). Mince these drugs and decoct in water. Drink the decoction slowly. These symptoms are urgent and have to be treated by this medicine.
  • Augmented Four Substances Decoction 加味四物湯 가미사물탕: It cures dizziness and fainting due to a blood deficiency. Do not apply moxibustion or make the patient frightened, cry, scream, or move. If the patient moves, the blood deficiency becomes more severe and the patient can die. 7 pun of Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸), Cnidii Rhizoma (川芎), Paeoniae Radix Alba (白芍藥), Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃), Rehmanniae Radix Preparata (熟地黃), Astragali Radix (黃芪), Ginseng Radix (人蔘), Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮), Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮), Poria Sclerotium (白茯苓), Schizonepetae Spica (荊芥), and Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) each. Mince these drugs and decoct with 2 Zizyphi Fructus (大棗) and 1 Mume Fructus Praeparatum (烏梅).