Acupuncture Treatment is More Effective on Early Stage of Obesity

△ Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in the early stage of obesity. imageⓒshutterstock_Leonardo da

By Namwook Cho, L.Ac.

A Korean research team performed in meta-analysis of 27 research papers regarding treatment effects of obesity by acupuncture treatment. The research, Effect of acupuncture and intervention types on weight loss: a systematic review and meta-analysis, was published on ‘Obesity reviews’ September Issue in 2018 and the research was written by S. Y. Kim, Department of Bifunctional Medicine, Graduate School, Kyung Hee University, Seoul Korea, with two other authors.

Kim explained that “the study aimed to evaluate the effect of acupuncture and intervention type on weight loss”. He continued, “we found acupuncture treatment with lifestyle modification was more effective than lifestyle modification alone.” Lifestyle modification refers to calorie restriction and physical activity.

Also, the research paper found limitation of acupuncture treatment. According to the research paper, acupuncture treatment was effective only in subjects with overweight (less than 25 in body mass index, BMI), not in subjects with obesity with more than 30 in BMI.


In order to measure effects of acupuncture on obesity, the team divided two groups: low-BMI and high BMI groups. The team applied acupuncture treatment and Sham acupuncture treatment for low- and high-BMI groups. The treatment effect of groups of low- and high-BMI groups and groups were treated by real acupuncture needle and Sham acupuncture was not distinctively different. The group was treated by real acupuncture needle which were on actual acupuncture points and the other group was treated with Sham acupuncture needle which are not on actual acupuncture points.


Kim explained that “it does not mean that acupuncture treatment did not worked. Because even Sham acupuncture was working somehow. It shows that even an acupuncture needle which is not on actual acupuncture point, it helps and enhances circulation on certain degrees but not as much as effective as needles on real acupuncture points.”


The team concluded that reason is for not working acupuncture treatment of high-BIM group was thickness the skin of the objects reduces stimulation on acupuncture points and that lead to reduce stimulation of the brain which controls autonomic nerve system and peripheral nerve system.


The team also recommended that in order to get maximum obesity treatment effect, acupuncture treatment should be started from early stage of obesity. And lifestyle modification, auricular acupuncture, phamacopuncture which is injection of distilled herbal medicine on acupuncture points through a syringe, and suture thread embedding acupuncture techniques along with conventional acupuncture treatment.