Bisoma Acupuncture, Case Study; Leg Pain, Foot Pain, and Restless Leg Syndrome

△Acupuncture empowers healing by focusing on the whole person, alleviating leg and foot pain while supporting the body’s natural ability to address multiple issues simultaneously. imageⓒshutterstock_S_Photo

By David Lee, L.Ac.

Acupuncture is successful in resolving pain, inflammation, and dysfunction. It is not problem-focused; rather, it is person-focused, empowering the body to heal. That is why it can simultaneously heal multiple problems.  

Acupuncture points are major nodes in a network. They function as key nodes within a vast interconnected network, where information converges and is redistributed. They resemble a central station, such as a union station, where trains and buses arrive, exchange passengers, and depart to distant destinations. These intersections, where high levels of activity and communication occur, hold the greatest influence. By targeting these nodes in the human body, acupuncture addresses specific concerns directly while simultaneously influencing related areas, facilitating a comprehensive healing process.

Below are two successful patient cases that illustrate the holistic benefits of acupuncture.

Case 1 Leg and Foot Pain

Luz G., female, age 44
The patient has been experiencing tendino-muscular pain for 6 months, radiating from the left lateral hip down to the foot. The pain was constant and worsened by the end of the workday. The exact cause of the pain was not identified.

Acupuncture Points: The treatment focused on the left-side Yang Horary Points in Metal-Order, targeting LI1 (Metal), UB66 (Water), GB41 (Wood), SI5 (Fire), and ST36 (Earth).

First Treatment: The patient reported immediate pain relief of approximately 50%.
Second Treatment (5 days later): Pain relief increased to 90%. The patient was able to discontinue a 6-month-long regimen of anti-inflammatory medication, which had been causing stomach pain.
Third Treatment: The patient noted residual left foot pain, especially when wearing hard insoles.
Sixth Treatment: The patient expressed satisfaction with her progress, noting she could wear high heels without aggravating her lower back or foot pain.

Discussion: When the pains are mainly strain or sprain, and the patient is highly reactive to acupuncture, then the recovery can be fast and dramatic.

Case 7 Low Back Pain, Sciatica, & Restless Leg Syndrome

Saeed S., male, age 56, professional civil engineer

The patient presented with chronic low back pain and persistent nerve pain radiating down the entire left leg. Despite undergoing three epidural injections and surgery, there was no significant relief.

Acupuncture Treatment: A total of 58 acupuncture sessions were conducted, focusing on the left-side Yang Horary Points in the Metal Order: LI1 (Metal), UB66 (Water), GB41(Wood), SI5 (Fire), and ST36 (Earth). These treatments provided immediate and gradual improvements in symptom intensity, frequency, and duration. By the conclusion of the sessions, most or all of the patient’s pain was resolved.
Nine years later, the patient revisited the clinic with severe restless leg syndrome in the left leg, which disrupted his sleep. However, his previous issues of lower back pain and sciatica had not returned.
Four sessions targeting both the right and left sides using Metal Order points offered some relief, but the intensity of symptoms remained severe. Switching to right-side Yang Horary Points in the Wood Order of GB44 (Wood), SI2 (Fire), ST43 (Earth), LI5 (Metal), and UB40 (Water) while continuing the left-side Metal Order treatment yielded immediate improvements. Repeating this approach over six subsequent sessions significantly reduced the restless leg syndrome symptoms. The patient continues with maintenance treatments and reports that most symptoms remain resolved.
Discussion: The beauty of acupuncture lies in its safety, but incorrect point selection does not exacerbate symptoms. However, identifying the optimal points is essential for achieving the best therapeutic outcomes. Each case serves as an opportunity to refine our understanding and application of acupuncture techniques.






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