Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment Ⅳ

△ Now let’s make acupuncture treatment procedure based on theories that I explained earlier with Yuan and Luo points combination. PhotoⓒAdobeStock_manusapon.e

Acupuncture Technique Using Yuan-Luo Points

Adding Shu or Mu point with Yuan-Luo points that makes your treatment more powerful

By Brandon SJ Oh, L.Ac.

Based on theories that I earlier explained: start to use your first acupuncture needle on an acupuncture point where it belongs to Ying meridian on upper body and Yang meridian on lower body. The other is that use one acupuncture point per meridian is effective enough.

Now let’s make acupuncture treatment procedure based on theories that I explained earlier with Yuan and Luo points combination.

①    Using Yuan and Luo points

▷ Yuan points (Source points): One of acupuncture points that could be used for diagnosis along with Mu points and Back-Shu points. Each of the 12 regular meridians has a Yuan(source) point near the wrist or ankle joints of the four extremities through which the vital energy of the Zangfu organs passes and to some extent accumulates. Yuan points are where Qi of Triple burner gathers, and organs and it make possible for Yan points enhance natural healing power and treat symptoms.

▷ Luo points(Connecting points): Luo points are 15 acupuncture points which establishes a continuous system for the circulation of Qi and blood through the 12 regular meridians, as to warm and nourish the body including Ren15, Jiuwei, the Luo point of the Ren meridian, Changqiang (Du 1), the Luo point of the Du Meridian and Dabao(Sp 21), the Luo point of the major collateral of the spleen. Each of 15 collaterals have its own course and distribution. Each of them has its own pathological manifestation.

12 regular meridians are externally-internally related in pairs, are linked together by the Luo points in order. So, Luo points could be used for diagnostic purposes and also could be used for treatment specially for symptom due to communication problems in between external and internal meridian relationship and chronic symptoms. For example, Lu7 which is Luo point of Lung meridian treats coughing as well as toothache on Large intestine meridian.

▷ How to use Yuan and Luo points: Symptoms due to uneven distribution of Qi on either upper or lower body and that leads distinct fullness or emptiness are good example of using combinations of Yuan and Luo points. If you would like to use acupuncture point combination of Yuan and Luo points, Yuan points are considered as treating major symptom and Luo points are considered to treat symptoms related to major symptom or symptom(s) is/are derived from the major symptom.

Do not overlook chief complaint. There are more complaints related to chief complaint that the patient not mentioned or not recognized by the patient.

If a patient complains of frequent and slight coughing due to emptiness of Lung meridian, the symptom should be considered as upper body empty and lower body full of Taiyin meridian. In order to treat uneven emptiness and fullness, use Lu 9 which is Yuan point of Lung and Li 6 (Luo point of Large intestine) to transfer stimulated Qi by Lu 9 to Large intestine. Luo points help Qi movement on meridian which connected by exterior-interior relationship. In the case, Li 6 is helping Lung meridian which has exterior-interior relationship with Large intestine. Therefore, Li 6 is helping control Qi movement on Lung meridian and adds more energy for restoring normal function of Lung meridian.

In order to guide balanced Qi by using Yuan and Luo points of Lung and Large intestine to Zangfu, not it is required to use front-Mu point or back-Shu points.

The Back-shu (shu) are the points on the back where Qi of the respective Zangfu organs is infused. Each of the Zangfu organs has a Back-shu point, as does the Sanjiao, a total of twelve. Front-mu Points (mu) are the points on the chest and abdomen where Qi of the respective Zangfu organs is infused. Each of the zangfu organs and the Sanjiao has the Front-mu point, twelve in all.

By adding Shu or Mu point with Yuan and Luo points helps treating a symptom efficiently and effectively.