Inbody Can Provide All Valuable Information For Diet Programs
By Winston Lee L.Ac, Ph.D., KMD
It is common to calculate the body mass index (BMI). But the amount and ratio of muscle, fat and intracellular and extracellular water in our bodies have a greater impact.
If you know your body fat weight, you can figure out PBF (Percent Body Fat), which you can predict the risk of inflammation, high blood pressure, and diabetes, as well as the occurrence of cancer or prognosis of the chemotherapy and autoimmune diseases in advance through this figure.
A machine called Inbody makes it possible for me to know the weight and ratio of fat, water, and muscle in our bodies. In my clinic, the test with Inbody is routinely conducted and explained in detail if a patient is interested in detox or weight loss.
The Inbody test is very effective, letting you know the body composition in detail rather than simply looking at the weight. You can get a detailed picture of how they eat, work, drink, and exercise. In particular, it can be said that it is a key device for a detox diet program that requires a proper amount and ratio of muscle, fat, and water.
PBF, through an Inbody test, can detect serious cases of obesity due to the amount and ratio of fat. In this case, the muscle is less than average, and the case is still considered fatter. For these cases, we should change their eating habits to eat more protein instead of carbohydrates and encourage them to do strength training to build muscle for at least 10 to 20 minutes daily.
The Inbody test result tells you the balance of the upper and lower body, left and right limbs. For example, suppose you have a normal upper body but weak legs. In that case, you can assign a task to do 50 squats daily or instruct them to do more lower-body exercises when they hit the gym.
This device measures the person’s BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and refers to the number of calories a person uses while resting throughout the day without activity.
Even when my patient is in the detox diet program, I frequently perform the InBody test twice weekly. Through this test, you can determine whether the patients are changing their eating habits and exercising as the doctor ordered. At the beginning of the diet, which reduces calories more than usual, it seems that the weight loss is good, but through this Inbody test, you can see that the water in the muscles is lost. Through this test, you can dynamically see the trend of maintaining or increasing muscle and significantly reducing fat through various treatment methods as you progress through the program. In the middle and late stages of the detox diet program, there is little change in the apparent weight, but at this time, patients are very disappointed, and it is easy to think that they have failed. However, suppose you show the actual changes in body composition directly to the patient through these tests. In that case, it will continue to motivate the patient again and become a driving force to complete the detox diet program.