Pathology and Physiology of Spleen Meridian

△Excessive dampness disrupts blood and qi circulation and causes various physical and mental symptoms. image©Dollarphotoclub_pathdoc

Control Adequate Amount Water Matters

By Samuel Cho L.Ac.

Discover the fascinating connection between the spleen meridian and overall well-being. According to Asian medicine, the spleen meridian, known as the foot Taiyin spleen, thrives in a balanced, moist environment. Maintaining the right level of moisture is believed to be essential for the spleen’s proper functioning. When the spleen’s balance is disrupted, various symptoms can arise, leading to discomfort and health issues.

Think of a healthy spleen as nurturing soil in a flowerpot with just enough water. In this state, plants flourish, drawing energy from the optimal moisture level. Similarly, our bodies rely on a balanced spleen for overall health. Imbalances in the spleen can manifest in pains, digestive issues, skin problems, and edema. By addressing spleen-related concerns, many of these health issues can be effectively managed. 

Spleen Tonifying Formula Treats Symptoms Caused by Dampness

Applicable to Weight loss, Pain Management, and Sleeping Issues

The pathology of the spleen is caused by the problem of ascending Qi on the meridians due to coldness. If the spleen becomes cold and the energy of the lower body cannot rise smoothly, the digestive tract area becomes full of moisture, and the patient feels as if the entire body is heavy with humidity.

In addition, excessive moisture accumulated in the body causes indigestion, edema, and joint pain. In summary, the spleen problem is a problem of moisture accumulating due to the inability of the energy to rise from the lower body to the abdomen due to coldness.

If you have a hangover the next day after drinking too much, you should treat the spleen since alcohol is considered to be a fire in the water. Excessive amount of alcohol enters the body and water accumulates beyond the spleen’s ability to process, the spleen’s function stops momentarily. In this case, the hangover formula treats the symptoms. It consists of tonifying LU9 and SP3 and sedating SP1 and LR1.

Also, if problems such as excessive thoughts, loss of appetite, and difficulty falling asleep at night appear, you can treat those symptoms by helping the spleen.

The principle of treating the spleen with Saam Acupuncture is to drive out the cold energy by replenishing heat by stimulating fire points of the heart, HT8 and fire points of the spleen SP2 and suppressing woods points of the liver, LR1 and wood point of the spleen, SP1. This is the Spleen Tonifying Formula.

Most patients in acupuncture clinics complain of symptoms related to muscle pain. Spleen tonifying or sedating formulas are also often used for treating neck, shoulder, and back pain. Generally, a spleen tonifying formula is mainly used if a patient tends to feel cold.


Applications, the spleen tonifying formula

  • My body hurts when the weather is cloudy.
  • My head feels heavy and sore, as if something heavy is on it.
  • I want to lie down because I easily feel tired.
  • My body feels too heavy when I wake up in the morning.
  • Bruises easily.
  • It is hard to fall asleep because I have a lot of thoughts in bed.
  • Eyelashes poke my eyes.
  • Frequent styes.
  • There is a lot of phlegm in my throat.
  • Loss of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea.
  • Edema
  • Uterine inflammation
  • Gastric ulcer
  • Symptoms of silent vomiting.
  • Back pain makes it difficult to sit for a long time.