Dongui Bogam Ⅰ. Body(신형 身形) ①
The Beginning of For m and Qi 形氣之始 형체와 기운의 시작
Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated...
Symptoms, You Must Pay Attention
Lee L. Ac., Ph.D., KMD
Doctors are not omnipotent. We must admit this fact. All the surgeries cannot be...
How to Treat Spinal Disorders with Korean Medicine
Winston Lee L. Ac., Ph.D., KMD
Introducing Jaseng’s the basic protocol for integrating eastern and western medicine.
Will Medicare Cover Acupuncture For Chronic Low Back Pain?
By Namwook Cho, L.A.c.
“Acupuncture (and massage...) should be included in Medicare. My families, and many senior citizens I know,...
Characteristics of Traditional Korean Medicine (TKM)
By Winston Lee L.Ac., Ph.D., KMD
Brief Introduction of TKM
Traditional Korean medicine (TKM) has long history and history of TKM...