DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements-13. Treatment Methods for Liver Disease (2)


Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

11 Signs of Exhaustion of Liver Qi 肝絶候 간기가 끊어지려는 징후

① When foot reverting yin qi is disconnected, the sinew collapses. Reverting yin is the liver meridian, and the liver corresponds to sinew. Sinew is accumulated in the genitals and reaches to the root of the tongue. Therefore, if the liver meridian is not nourished, sinew becomes tightened and when sinew is tightened, the tongue and scrotum will become
tightened. Therefore, the lips become bluish, the tongue rolls back and the scrotum is contracted. This means the death of sinew. It reaches a critical condition on the day of Gyeong (庚日) and dies on the day of Sin (辛日).
② When qi of a reverting yin meridian is exhausted, the throat becomes dry with frequent urination and chest discomfort. If it becomes worse, the tongue rolls back, the scrotum contracts, and the person will eventually die.

③ Rolled lips, flaccid limbs with spasms, and sweating are signs that liver qi is exhausted.

④ When liver qi is exhausted, the patient dies in 8 days. (some texts say it is 3 days). How do we know this? The patient’s face becomes bluish with the tendency to lie down and sleep, and the eyes are open but the patient cannot recognize people. The patient sweats a lot. These are how we know the exhaustion of qi.

12 Cultivation and Nurturing of the Liver 肝臟修養法 간장의 수양법

Sit towards the east on the first days of January, February, and March, and click the upper and lower teeth against eachother three times, breathe in the clear qi of the east (震宮) nine times, and hold the breath for the equivalent time of 90 breaths on the 1st of January, February, and March.

13 Guiding-pulling Exercises for the Liver 肝臟導引法 간장의 도인법

Sit straight and hold the hands together. Press the region underneath the stomach slowly. Slowly relax the left and right side of the body alternatively 3 – 5 times. Also, sit straight and lace the hands and bump the chest 3-5 times. This can remove accumulation and the poison of wind pathogen in patients with a liver disease.

14 Simple Prescriptions 單方 단방

There are 21 kinds in total.

  • Gentianae Radix 草龍膽: ① It strengthens liver and gallbladder qi. ② Boil in water. It treats dampness-heat of the liver.
  • Azuritum 空靑: It strengthens liver qi. Because it emulates Wood, its color is blue and it enters the liver. Grind finely and levigate in water. Put in the eyes or add into prescriptions.[B045]
  • Coptidis Rhizoma 黃連: It calms the liver and removes heat toxins. Grinded or decocted forms are good.
  • Asiasari Radix et Rhizoma 細辛: It helps the liver and gallbladder. Grinded or decocted forms are good.
  • Cassiae Semen 決明子: It removes liver-heat. It assists liver qi and treats a heat toxin of the liver. It can be taken in grinded form. Also, it can be seasoned with young leaves and branches.
  • Plantaginis Semen 車前子: It nurtures liver qi. Grind or stir-fry before boiling. Gather young leaves to boil into soup or season with vegetables before taking.
  • Thlaspi Semen 薺子: This is Thlaspi Semen. It is commonly used for the obstruction of liver qi. It improves eye sight. It is taken in grinded form. Young roots taken with rice in gruel form lead blood into the liver.
  • Rubi Fructus 覆盆: It tonifies the liver and improves eye sight. Grinded or raw forms are good.
  • Celosiae Semen 靑箱子: It calms the liver. It is used for a heat toxin in the liver. Grind before taking.
  • Zizyphi Semen 酸棗仁: It helps liver qi. Grinded or boiled forms are good.
  • Corni Fructus 山茱萸: It warms the liver. Grinded or boiled forms are good.
  • Adenophorae Radix 沙參: It nurtures liver qi. Boil or season with vegetables and take regularly.
  • Xanthii Fructus 蒼耳子: It is used for liver heat. It improves eye sight. Boiled or decocted forms are good.
  • Paeoniae Radix 芍藥: It tonifies the liver. It relaxes the stomach. It means relaxing the stomach when the liver is damaged. Grinded or boiled forms are good.
  • Sophorae Radix 苦參: It nurtures qi of the liver and gallbladder. Boil before taking.
  • Citri Unshius Pericarpium Immaturus 靑皮: It frees liver qi. Use this when liver qi does not circulate well. Grinded or
    boiled forms are good.
  • Chaenomelis Fructus 木瓜: It enters the liver to help muscles and blood. Boil before taking.
  • Tritici Semen 小麥: It nurtures liver qi. Boil this and make into gruel before taking.
  • Allii Fistulosi Bulbus 葱白: It removes the pathogen in the liver. Take in the boiled or juiced form.
  • Allium tuberosum Rottl. ex Spreng 韭: It replenishes liver qi. Salt this and take all the time.
  • Pruni Salicinae Semen 李: It must be taken in the case of a liver disease.