The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑫ Particulars-Part 1 <3> Palpitation (動悸)2

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By Jubong Kang, K.M.D.

Herbs: Fuling (茯苓), Longgu (龍骨), Muli (牡蠣)

Ex) Formulas: Lingguizhugan Decoction (苓桂朮甘湯), True Warrior Decoction (眞武湯)



When, in cold damage, after vomiting or precipitation, there is counter flow fullness below the heart, the qi surges upward to the chest, the person experiences a dizzy head upon standing, and the pulse is sunken and tight., if sweating is promoted, the channels will be stirred and there will be quivering and trembling then ‘Fuling Guizhi Baizhu Gancao Decoction’ governs. (Shang Han Lun, Line 67, p. 171, PPV)



Palpitations can be palpated in three abdominal regions: the first place is below the heart, second place is around the umbilicus, and lastly, the third one is below the umbilicus. In this book, specific kinds of palpitations are not be discussed.

The representative herbs mentioned in “Shang Han Lun” for ‘palpitation’ are ‘Fuling’, ‘Longgu’, ‘Muli’, ‘Maimendong’, and ‘Gandihuang’. Formulas of “Shang Han Lun” which contain these herbs are used to treat ‘palpitation’.

Three reasons in “Shang Han Lun” are given as the causes of. The first is due to excess of ‘water’, the second is due to deficiency of ‘water’, and the third is psychological tension.

‘Fuling’ is suitable to the first reason of ‘palpitation’, and the excess of ‘water’ means excess of ‘lymph liquid’ in vessels. If the blood thickness becomes thin because of excessive ‘lymph liquid’ in veins, then the heart rate increases to transport the dilute blood to the brain efficiently.

In this case, ‘Fuling’ promotes urinary function to eliminate excessive ‘water’. i.e. Then the heart rate drops to a normal level. ‘Fuling Guizhi Baizhu Gancao Decoction’ is one of those formulas.

The second reason for ‘palpitation’ is because of the condensed blood. The condensed blood causes the brain to become hyper stimulated because high concentrations of oxygen in the condensed blood supplies much more combustion heat and calories to the brain cells.

In this case, herbs such as ‘Shengdihuang’, ‘Gandihuang’, and ‘Maimendong’ are used to supply the body with fresh ‘water’ and abundant minerals. According to biochemical physiology, one of the ways our body supplies ‘water’ to the cells is through minerals.

‘Zhi Gancao Decoction’ in “Shang Han Lun”, a very important formula in practice, is one of those kinds of formulas. More detailed interpretation of this formula will be covered in Chapter 3.

In the third case of ‘palpitation’ due to psychological tension, then ‘Longgu’ or ‘Muli’ are available. Both herbs belong to the herbal category of ‘substance that anchor, settle, and calm the spirit.’

These types of herbs contain abundant minerals such as calcium and magnesium and others that clam the mind. Formulas such as ‘Guizhi plus Longgu Muli Decoction’, ‘Caihu plus Longgu Muli Decoction’, and ‘Caihu Guizhi Ganjiang Decoction’ belong to this category.