Tag: #The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun
Symptoms and ‘Sign Symptoms’ of Herbs Ⅲ
The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun (16)
(13) Banxia (半夏): pungent, warm, toxic
Symptoms: abdominal rumbling, nausea, vomit, phlegm, cough,...
Symptoms and ‘Sign Symptoms’ of Herbs Ⅱ
The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑮
By Jubong Kang, K.M.D.
(3) Gancao (甘草): sweet,...
The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑭ ‘Sign Symptoms’ Exception...
By Jubong Kang, K.M.D.
<1> Heart Vexation (煩燥)
Herbs: Zhizi (梔子)
Formulas: Zhizichi Decoction (梔子豉湯)
After sweating is promoted, if precipitation...
The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑬ Particulars-Part 3 Pressure...
By Jubong Kang, K.M.D.
Herbs: Dangui(當歸), Shaoyao(芍藥), Mudanpi(牧丹皮) Ex. Formulas: Danggui Shaoyao Powder (當歸芍藥散), Guizhi Fuling Pill (桂枝茯苓丸)
Fullness in the Chest and Rib-side (胸脇苦滿)
The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑫ Particulars-Part 1
By Jubong Kang, K.M.D.
The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑫ Particulars-Part 1 Palpitation...
By Jubong Kang, K.M.D.
Herbs: Fuling (茯苓), Longgu (龍骨), Muli (牡蠣)
Ex) Formulas: Lingguizhugan Decoction (苓桂朮甘湯), True Warrior Decoction...
Commentary on Banxia Xie Xin Decoction and Hypertonicity of the Abdominal...
The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑪ Particulars-Part 1
By Jubong Kang, K.M.D.