Knowing When Heating and Cooling Formula Used

△If a hypertension patient with overweight and has constant heat sensation, the liver cooling formula tends to regulate blood pressure effectively. imageⓒshutterstock_Alliance Images

Cooling Formulas Used To Treat Heat Caused Symptoms.

How To Apply Heating And Cooling Formula

Namwook Cho L.Ac.

Lung heating and lung cooling formula are used to warm or cool the lungs, respectively. Although these are not used as often as lung tonifying and lung sedation, it is often effective when applied to pain treatment and certain symptoms.

Even if you look at the case studies of Master Saam, The Secrets of Master Saam Acupuncture, which is considered a textbook of the technique, you will not find any records of using either Lung heating or cooling formula.

But knowing the cases for each formula used will work greater than you expected.

As I said last time, it is not easy to study Saam Acupuncture and actually use it. The advantage of Saam Acupuncture is that although the formula to be used for a specific disease is already determined, there are no detailed and clarified instructions on when to use which formula.

Many Asian medicine doctors in Korea also find it difficult to know when to use tonifying and sedating formulas when first encountering Saam Acupuncture. For this reason, several interpretation methods have been introduced in Korea.

One of the basic approaches to determining either a tonifying or sedation formula for a meridian is trial and error. Once you decide to treat a meridian, try the tonify formula. Then, see how the patient reacts. To confirm whether the formula is working or not, use the stomach palpitation technique.

Looking at the textbook of Saam Acupuncture, the Secret of Master Saam Acupuncture, it was analyzed that a greater number of cases used tonifying formulae of each organ. For this reason, if you are learning Saam Acupuncture for the first time, once you have decided which meridian to use for treatment, it would be convenient to try using the grade first.

But in the case of heating and cooling, formulae are simple to understand and apply.

Lung Heating Formula; Tonify HT8, LU10 and Sedate KI10, LU5.

The heating formula was basically made by tonifying the fire acupoints and then sedating the water acupoints to warm the target meridian. To heat the lung meridian, first, tonify the fire acupoint of the fire meridian, HT8, and then the fire acupoint of the lung meridian, LU10. Now you have to prevent the water not interfering with fire. To achieve, suppress the water acupoint of the water meridian KI10 and the water acupoint of the lung meridian, LU5 must be sedated.



  • Short of breath without thirst.
  • Pale white facial color.
  • Clear-colored nasal discharge.
  • Coughing with whitish phlegm.
  • A pain is located on the lung meridian, and the pain is reduced when it gets warmer.

It is easily understood that any respiratory symptom is caused by a malfunction of the lung meridian. Symptoms associated with cold symptoms, such as white facial color, clear-colored nasal discharge and whitish phlegm, must be warmed to be treated.


Lung Cooling Formula: Tonify LU5, KI10, Sedate SP3, LU9.

The cooling formula is composed of tonifying the water and sedating the earth. To make the lung cooling formula, the water acupoint of the water meridian, KI10 and water acupoint of the lung meridian, LU5, are tonified. To help the functions of the water, which cools down the temperature, the earth acupoints such as SP3 and LU9 should be sedated.

The lung cooling formula is usually used to control the symptoms caused by heat from yin deficiency.



  • Restless and heat sensation all over the body.
  • Thirst with mouth dryness.
  • Thirst and spitting yellow phlegm.
  • Inflammatory reaction in the airway.
  • Night sweating.
  • Heat sensation in the extremities.

In my experience, cooling formula effectively reduces pain caused by inflammation and some cases, regulates higher blood pressure in general.

Try a formula from cooling or heating formula if you see a patient with a symptom that I explained earlier. Remember that for practitioners like us, there is a big difference between just knowing and using what you know.