DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements-Qi 氣 기 (8) Common Medicinals for Treating Qi 通治氣藥 기를 두루 치료하는 약


Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

28 Common Medicinals for Treating Qi 通治氣藥기를 두루 치료하는 약

Common prescriptions for qi diseases are Liquid Styrax Pill, Greatest Sage Recovery Elixir, Sympathy Elixir, Four Ingredients for Seven Emotions Decoction, Part Heart Qi Drink, Part and Eliminate from Top to Bottom and Guide Out Qi Decoction, Blackened Aquilaria Decoction, Qi Flow Pill, or Aucklandia Move Qi Drink. [Directions for the last 7 prescriptions appear above].

  • Liquid Styrax Pill 蘇合香元 소합향원
    It cures all kinds of qi diseases including middle qi, qi reflux, qi counterflow, qi stagnation, and qi pain. Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮), Aucklandiae Radix (木香), Aquillariae Lignum (沈香), Moschus (麝香), Syzygii Flos (丁香), Benzoinum
    (安息香), Santali Albi Lignum (白檀香), Cinnabaris (朱砂) [one that has been levigated; half is used for exterior coating], Rhinocertis Cornu (犀角), Terminaliae Cortex (訶子皮), Cyperi Rhizoma (香附子), Piperis Longi Fructus (蓽撥) (2 nyang each), Styrax Liquides (蘇合油). [Put in plaster made with Benzoinum (安息香)],Olibanum (乳香), Borneolum (龍腦) (1 nyang each). Grind these medicines finely, knead with honey that has been boiled down and paste made with Benzoinum
    (安息香), pound it endlessly, and make 40 pills per 1 nyang. Take 2~3 pills at a time with Aqua Pura (井華水), warm water, warm wine, or water decocted with Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑). It is called a Borneol and Styrax Formula if Borneolum (龍腦) is put in, and a Musk and Styrax Formula if Borneolum (龍腦) is not present.
    • Greatest Sage Recovery Elixir 至聖來復丹 지성내복단
    It treats all kinds of urgent symptoms that have occurred because of disorder in the up and down movement of qi. It is effective in a cold disease, heat disease, moderate disease, acute disease, middle qi, qi reflux, qi pain, and qi stagnation. Mirabilitum (硝石) and Sulfur (硫黃) (1 nyang each). (Grind them together finely, put the powder in a bowl, and parch warmly in weak fire. Stir with a stick made from willow, so yin and yang qi can enter. The reason the fire cannot be too strong is that the power of the medicine can be damaged. If this is once again ground finely, it is called ‘End of two qi
    (二氣末)’.), Glauberite (ground and levigated) (1 nyang), Trogopterorum Faeces (五靈脂) (Ground and levigated, precipitated in order to remove stones and sand, and then dried in the sunlight), Citri Unshius Pericarpium Immaturus (靑皮) and Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮) (in both of which the white part has been removed) (2 nyang each). Grind these medicines, mix well, and make it into pills the size of Pisi Semen (豌豆) with plaster kneaded with good vinegar. Take 30 or 50 pills at a time with rice gruel on an empty stomach.

29 Simple Prescriptions 單方단방

There are 24 kinds in total.

  • Ginseng Radix 人參
    It tonifies qi deficiency of the five viscera. It also cures weak qi, shortage of qi, and qi deficiency. There is an amazing effect if it is decocted, ground, or boiled down, and made into paste, and then taken in a large amount.
  • Aucklandiae Radix 木香
    ① It cures all kinds of qi disease in the epigastric region. ② One must use Aucklandiae Radix (木香) to facilitate the flow of qi when there is a qi disease inside the stomach. ③ Zhenheng said, “Aucklandiae Radix (木香) facilitates the flow of qi in the middle and lower energizers. Arecae Semen (檳榔) must be used as the courier medicine.” He also said, “Aucklandiae Radix (木香) has a pungent taste, so it must be used when qi does not spread out because it has been stagnated. If the yin Fire dashes upward, use Phellodendri Cortex (黃柏), Anemarrhenae Rhizoma (知母), and a little bit of Aucklandiae Radix (木香) in order to help.” ④ Materia Medica for Decoctions (湯液) says, “It controls various qi and dissipates stagnant qi, curing the inability of qi to move around in the stomach.” Grinding and decocting are both good.
  • Curcumae Longae Rhizoma 片子薑黃
    It cures qi the best. It cures stabbing pain caused by cold qi. Grinding and decocting are both good.
  • Astragali Radix 黃芪
    ① Materia Medica for Decoctions (湯液) says, “It strengthens defense qi, warms up the muscles, enriches the skin, and fattens the flesh. It also tonifies qi of the upper, the middle, the lower energizers, and the inside and the outside.”
    ② Dongyuan said, “One who is fat and white and whose qi is deficient should eat this a lot, and one who is black and whose qi is excessive should not eat this.” Decoction is recommended.
  • Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus 生薑
    Zhenheng said, “Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) dissipates qi.” ② Materia Medica for Decoctions (湯液) says, “This medicine facilitates the flow of yang and dissipates qi.” Decoction is recommended.
  • Cyperi Rhizoma 香附子
    ① It pulls qi down greatly.[B045] ② Zhenheng said, “Cyperi Rhizoma (香附子) is used for qi diseases in the qi aspect. If Aucklandiae Radix (木香) is used as the assistant medicine, it dissipates stagnant qi and draws out lung qi. If Aquillariae Lignum (沈香) is used as the assistant medicine, it facilitates the up and down movement of qi.” He also said, “Aquillariae Lignum (沈香) helps Cyperi Rhizoma (香附子) in facilitating the flow of various qi, and it has extremely amazing effects. When one gets a disease, qi is blocked and so one cannot eat. In this situation, Cyperi Rhizoma (香附子) enters the qi level and becomes the sovereign medicine.” Powder preparation, decoction, or pill preparation all are recommended.
  • Amomi Fructus Rotundus 白豆蔲
    ① It pulls qi down. ② Zhenheng said, “It tonifies the genuine qi of the upper energizer. Its fragrant qi and flavor raises stomach qi.” Powder preparation is recommended.
  • Pharbitidis Semen 牽牛子
    ① Black ones belong to Water and white ones belong to Metal. It is a medicine that discharges qi. ② It dissolves all blockages of qi.③ Powder preparation or pill preparation is recommended.
  • Aquillariae Lignum 沈香
    It moves genuine qi up and down. It also nurtures various qi, letting them reach the head and the soles of the feet. It is used as the courier medicine. ② When assisted by Linderae Radix (烏藥), it dissipates stagnant qi. ③ The Introduction to Medicine says, “It protects and harmonizes defense qi. When adding into a decoction, grind, and squeeze the juice out of it. When adding to pills or powder, and grind very finely.”
  • Aruantii Fructus Immaturus 枳殼
    ① It pulls qi down. ② The Orthodox Transmission of Medicine (正傳) says, “If a healthily born person feels stabbing pain because of qi, use Aruantii Fructus Immaturus (枳殼) and Linderae Radix (烏藥). If there is stabbing pain because qi has not been spread out, use Aucklandiae Radix (木香).” ③ In order to cure the stabbing pain caused by cold qi, grind 2 nyang of Aruantii Fructus Immaturus (枳殼), 1 nyang of Cyperi Rhizoma (香附子) and 1 nyang of Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草), and eat it by 2 don with water decocted with Allii Fistulosi Bulbus (葱白).
  • Linderae Radix 烏藥
    It cures all kinds of qi disease. Grind with Aquillariae Lignum (沈香) and put it in boiled water before drinking. It is very good in curing cold qi in the chest and the stomach.
  • Arecae Semen 檳榔
    ① It sends down all kinds of qi. ② Materia Medica for Decoctions (湯液) says, “It breaks blockages with its bitter taste and dissipates pathogenic qi with its pungent taste. It is mostly used for breaking and sending down stagnant qi. It also draws out qi that exists high up in the chest.” Powder preparation is recommended.
  • Magnoliae Cortex 厚朴
    It is used in all kinds of qi disease in the five viscera. It also removes cold qi. Decoction is recommended.
  • Terminaliae Cortex 訶子皮
    It lowers qi. It cures all kinds of qi disease. One whose qi is deficient should eat slowly and little bit at a time. This is because even though Terminaliae Cortex (訶子皮) stops diarrhea, it can also draw qi out. Powder preparation and decoction are both recommended.
  • Borneolum 龍腦
    It sends evil qi down. Because it has a light property, it is usually floating, enabling qi to pass through the orifices. It is put into other medicines.
  • Moschus 麝香
    ① It drives evil qi away. ② Moschus (麝香) leads the medicine and paves the way. ③ It passes through joints and orifices. It reaches the skin outside and enters the bone marrow inside. Its power of spreading out everywhere is much stronger than that of Borneolum (龍腦). Powder preparation or pill preparation is recommended.
  • Citrus Unshius Pericarpium 陳皮
    ① It pulls qi down. It also cures qi counterflow. ② Materia Medica for Decoctions (湯液) says, “It pulls down the stagnant qi in the chest, and it can also add qi. In order to remove stagnant qi, put in 3 pun of Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (橘皮) and 1 pun of Citri Unshius Pericarpium Immaturus (靑皮), and decoct.”
  • Citri Unshius Pericarpium Immaturus 靑皮
    It is used to cure qi stagnation. It breaks accumulation, bind, and dysphagia. Powder preparation and decoction are both recommended.
  • Raphani Radix 蘿葍
    It pulls qi down greatly. The reason Raphani Radix (蘿蔔) can lower qi the fastest among trees and plants is that it has a pungent taste. Although Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) also has a pungent taste, it only dissipates. Raphani Radix (蘿蔔) has both pungent and sweet tastes, so it softly dissipates and lowers qi fast. Raphani Semen (蘿蔔子) lowers qi even better. Powder preparation, decoction, or roasted preparation are all recommended.
  • Allii Fistulosi Bulbus 葱白
    It helps yang qi to pass through. It helps the upper yang and the lower yang connect to each other. Remove the green part and decoct only the white part with the roots still on.
  • Perillae Folium 紫蘇葉
    It pulls qi down. It goes well with Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (橘皮). It is used a lot in prescriptions that cure qi diseases. It also dissipates exterior qi. Decoct strongly.
  • Hominis Lac 人乳
    Its power of adding qi is the best among all medicine. Taking it for a long time is the best.
  • Bovis Caro 牛肉
    It tonifies deficiencies, adds qi, and nurtures qi and blood. The stomach of a cow is better. Steam it well before eating.
  • Canitis Caro 黃狗肉
    It adds qi and tonifies yang qi. Season it and boil it before eating.


30 Six Kinds of Exhalations 六字氣訣여섯가지 호흡법

① When tonifing one’s own liver qi, one should make the sound ‘Heo (噓)’; when tonifing heart qi, one should make the sound ‘Ga (呵)’; when tonifying spleen qi, one should make the sound ‘Ho (呼)’; when tonifing lung qi, one should make the sound ‘Hui (呬)’; when tonifing kidney qi, one should make the sound ‘Chwi (吹)’; when tonifying triple energizer qi, one should make the sound ‘Hui (嘻)’. If one exhales the qi with his or her mouth and inhales with nose, he or she will live longer without diseases.

② When one makes the sound ‘Heo (噓)’, he or she should glare; when one makes the sound ‘Hui (呬)’, he or she should raise the hands up; when one makes the sound ‘Ga(呵)’, he or she should put the hands on the head with knuckled hands; when
one makes the sound ‘Chwi (吹)’, he or she should hold the lap. When one makes the sound ‘Ho (呼)’ because of spleen disease, he or she must rub the mouth. When one has heat in the triple energizer, one must make the sound ‘huihui (嘻嘻)’ while lying down. ③ In spring, one can make the sound ‘Heo (噓)’ to tonify liver qi; in summer, one can make the sound ‘Ga (呵)’ to tonify heart qi; in fall, one can make the sound ‘Hui (呬)’ to tonify lung qi; in winter one can make the sound ‘Chwi (吹)’ to tonify kidney qi; in all seasons, one can make the sound ‘Ho (呼)’ to tonify spleen qi; at any time, one can make the sound ‘Hui (嘻)’ to tonify triple energizer qi, but never make the sound loud enough to be heard.[P33] ④ When suffering from liver diseases, say ‘Ho (呼)’ loudly 30 times and then quietly 10 times; when suffering from heart diseases, say ‘Ga (呵)’ loudly 30 times and then quietly 10 times; when suffering from spleen diseases, say ‘Ho (呼)’ loudly 30 times and then quietly 10 times; when suffering from lung diseases, say ‘Hui (呬)’ loudly 30 times and then quietly 10 times; when suffering from kidney diseases, say ‘Chwi (吹)’ loudly 50 times and then quietly 10 times. Every voicing should be done after doing guiding-pulling exercises in both the left and right.

31 Acupuncture and Moxibustion 鍼灸法 침구법

① CV6 is used in all qi diseases. LU5, SP5, SP3, and SP6 are used to cure qi counterflow. LU9 and HT7 are used for belches. PC7 and LU5 are used to cure shortness of qi. PC5, HT7, PC7, HT9, ST36, LI8, LR2, KI2, BL67, BL18, and CV6 are used for a shortage of qi.

② Moxibustion is applied to LR3 in order to cure qi reflux. When qi is bound, resulting in indigestion, apply moxibustion on CV12. When there is pain below the navel because of cold qi, apply 100 moxibustion to CV4. Apply as many moxibustions as the age of the patient on GV14 and below the 5th vertebra, 100 times on BL13 and 14 times on CV8 to cure a shortness of

③ Use TE10, GV14, BL13, BL18, LU10, and LU5 to cure a shortness of breath.

④ If qi has become disorderly in the heart, use HT7 and PC7. If qi has become disorderly in the lungs, use LU10 and KI3.
If qi has become disorderly in the intestines and the stomach, use SP3, ST43, and ST36. If qi has become disorderly in the head, use BL10, BL11, BL66, and BL65. If qi has become disorderly in the arms and the legs, use LI2, LI3, ST44, ST43, TE2, TE3, GB43, and GB41.