DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements 33. Parasites 蟲 충 (2)

△ 『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements』 English Version. ⓒKIOM

08 Vomiting of Parasites Due to Ascaris Syncope 蛔厥吐蟲회궐로 충을 토하는 것

➀ Heart pain that is calm for a while, then becomes stuffy again and stops, throwing up ingested food, a suffocating sensation, and vomiting of ascaris are all symptoms of ascaris syncope.

➁ Ascaris syncope naturally accompanies the vomiting of ascaris. The patient is calm for a while and then feels stuffy again because the five viscera are full, and the ascaris climbs up to the lower chest. The phenomenon of stopping for a while and vomiting after eating food and feeling stuffy again is due to the ascaris smelling food which is why it is only natural to vomit ascaris. A Mume Pill is mainly used.

➂ When a patient with cold qi sweats again, the stomach becomes cold and will definitely vomit ascaris. First use Order the Center Decoction [see the chapter on Cold for the prescription] added with 3 Mume Fructus Praeparatum (烏梅) and then take a Mume Pill.

➃ Ascaris syncope is caused by stomach coldness. The Classic states that, “The ascaris is a long parasite. A cold stomach leads to the vomiting of ascaris so one should refrain from using cold medicines. Taking an Order the Center Decoction and Mume Pill with water that has been decocted with Zanthoxyli Pericarpium (川椒) (stir-fried) and Arecae Semen (檳榔) is most effective.

➄ The Classic states that, “A parasite that penetrates the heart can kill a person.” Specifically, it involves symptoms such as unbearable pain in the pit of the stomach and vomiting of bluish or yellowish green water, foam or ascaris. Mixed Grasses Powder or a Dissolve Parasites Pill should be used when the seizures have stopped for a while.

➅ Effective Alum Powder should be used when a child is about to faint from parasite pain.

➆ Heart pain due to ascaris syncope can be treated with Pacify Parasites Powder, Dissolve Parasites Powder, or Remove Parasite and Pick Accumulation Powder. If not treated, a parasite will procreate endlessly. ➇ When there are black parasites coming out from a child’s nose and mouth, it is untreatable.

  • Mume Pill 烏梅丸 오매환: It treats pain in the pit of the stomach caused by ascaris syncope. 15 Mume Fructus Praeparatum (烏梅), 7.5 don of Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連), and 3 don of Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸), Zanthoxyli Pericarpium (川椒), Asiasari Radix et Rhizoma (細辛), Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata (附子) (wrapped in damp paper and roasted), Cassiae Cortex Interior (桂心), Ginseng Radix (人參), and Phellodendri Cortex (黃柏) each. Grind these into powder and knead with Mume Fructus Praeparatum (烏梅) that has been soaked in vinegar. Pound the paste evenly and form pills as big as the seed of a royal foxglove tree. Take 10~20 pills with thin rice gruel.
  • Mixed Grasses Powder 蕪荑散 무이산: It treats biting-like heart pain caused by ascaris syncope. 5 don of Ulmi Pasta Semen (蕪荑) and Omphalia (雷丸) each, and 1 don of Lacca Sinica Exsiccata (乾漆) (stir-fried until there is no smoke). Grind these and take 2 don at a time mixed with warm water. Use 0.5 don for children.
  • Dissolve Parasites Pill 化蟲丸 화충환: It treats pain in the pit of the stomach caused by ascaris syncope. 5 don of Hydrocerussitum (胡粉) (stir-fried), Alumen (礬石) (half raw and half heated with fire), Arecae Semen (檳榔), and Meliae Radix (苦練根) each, and 3 don of Carpesii Fructus (鶴虱). Grind these and knead with flour paste to form pills as big as the seed of a royal foxglove tree. Prescribe 20 pills at a time for adults and 5 pills for children to take with watery thin rice gruel that has been mixed with 2~3 drops of sesame oil. The smaller parasites will melt into the water and the larger ones will come out naturally.
  • Dissolve Parasites Powder 化蟲散 화충산: It treats pain in the pit of the stomach and drooling of the mouth caused by ascaris syncope. 2 Omphalia (雷丸), 2 Arecae Semen (檳榔), 2 don of Carpesii Fructus (鶴虱), and 7 Quisqualis Fructus (使君子肉). Grind these, add 2.5 pun of Calomelas (輕粉), and take in two divided doses. Cut up 1 nyang of pork in the evening, soak it overnight in Gleditsiae Spina (皂角) juice and roast over a weak fire at dawn. Cover the meat with sesame oil, sprinkle it with this medicine in powder-form, and eat it on an empty stomach. The parasites will naturally come out by noon.
  • Effective Alum Powder 靈礬散 영반산: ① It treats heart pain in children caused by ascaris syncope. 2 don of Trogopterorum Faeces (五靈脂) and 5 pun of Alumen (礬石) (roasted). Grind these herbs and take 2 don decocted in water. Stop the administration once the patient has vomited the parasites.[B162] ② It treats parasite pain. Grind the herbs used in the aforementioned Dissolve Parasites Pill (化蟲丸) into fine powder and take 1 don at a time with thin rice gruel.
  • Remove Parasite and Pick Accumulation Powder 追蟲取積散 추충취적산: It treats the accumulation of parasites. Ulmi Pasta Semen (蕪荑), Omphalia (雷丸), black Cassiterite (錫灰), Quisqualis Fructus (使君子肉), Arecae Semen (檳榔), Pharbitidis Semen (黑丑) (grind into powder and use the first batch after sifting), Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (大黃), Carpesii Fructus (鶴虱), Aucklandiae Radix (木香) all in the same amount. Grind these herbs into powder and knead with honey to form pills the size of a hemp seed. Take 20~30 pills with tea. One can also take one spoonful mixed in either honey-water or sugared water.

08-1 Treatments of Heating up the Stomach to Soothe the Parasites 溫胃安蟲 위를 따뜻하게 하여 충을 안정시키는 법

A woman felt nauseous and vomited parasites. Various attempts of treatment weren’t successful and every time she used a parasite-killing medicine, she vomited even more. Sun Zhao (孫兆) examined her and said, “When the six pulses are all fine, it is not a parasite pulse. The five viscera have become cold and the parasites are unstable which is why she is vomiting even more.” He ground 1 nyang of Sulfur (硫黃) and Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata (附子) (wrapped in damp paper and roasted) each and kneaded with rice paste to form pills the size of a hemp seed. After taking 30 pills with thin rice gruel, the woman finally stopped vomiting and never had the disease again.

08-2 Heart Pain from the Alcoholic Parasite 酒蟲心痛 주충으로 인한 심통

Yang Zhongche (楊仲臣) had heart pain. He enjoyed drinking liquor. He would drink 2~3 glasses, run out and stamp his feet 30~50 times until the liquor wore off. Then he would come back and drink the same amount again. He had to repeat this process 5~7 times for him to get drunk once.

The next day, he vomited bluish yellow water, smelled fishy for a few days, and was finally stabilized after 6~7 days. Dairen (戴人) said, “This is an alcoholic parasite, which should be vomited” and made the patient vomit the parasite. It was red-yellow colored and 6~7 chon (寸) long. It had eyes, nose and mouth, and was shaped like a snake. The patient was cured immediately.

09 Chonbaekchung (Inch-long White Parasites) 寸白蟲 촌백충

Chonbaekchung is white in color and flat in shape. It resides inside the intestine-stomach and sometimes comes down by itself. It weakens a person’s muscle strength and uses up the essential qi. Green Jade Golden Powder should be used.

  • Green Jade Golden Powder 碧金散 벽금산: It treats Chonbaekchung. 1 nyang of Meliae Radix (苦練根), 5 don of Carpesii Fructus (鶴虱), Arecae Semen (檳榔), Quisqualis Fructus (使君子肉), and Indigo Pulverata Levis (靑黛) each, and 2.5 don of Moschus (麝香). Grind these herbs and prescribe 2 don at a time for adults and 0.5 don for children. Take on an empty stomach mixed with pork-boiled soup.
  • A Prescription 一方 또 다른 처방: ➀ It treats Chonbaekchung. Grind black Cassiterite (錫灰), Ulmi Pasta Semen (蕪荑), Arecae Semen (檳榔) into powder, and mix 2 don at a time with thin gruel rice. Ingesting the mixture on an empty stomach is very effective. ➁ I had gastric problems all the time and was suspected of parasites. So I decided to take this prescription by myself and a pocketful of Chonbaekchung came out the next day. There were two long parasites as long as 2.5 ja (尺) and one was cut up in pieces.
  • Another Prescription 又方 또 다른 처방: It makes the Chonbaekchung come out. Skip dinner and take a handful of Granati Radix seu Cortex (石榴根皮) that is facing east at dawn and add 1 don of thickly decocted Arecae Semen (檳榔) powder. Then chew a lump of roasted pork and swallow only the juice and spit out the meat. After that, take the medicine all at once and the parasites will all come out by noon.

10 Eungseonchung (Sound-responding Parasites) 應聲蟲 응성충

➀ Whenever someone talked, there was something inside the throat that responded with a sound. It was called Eungseonchung. There once was a person who was suffering from this illness. A doctor made the patient read Chinese medical herbs and the patient answered all the herbs except Omphalia (雷丸). So the patient ingested a few Omphalia (雷丸) and was cured.

➁ There was something in the stomach that was making sounds and repeating words. This was named Eungseongchung. A cup of the juice of Isatis tinctoria L. divided into 3 doses will cure it.

11 Hohokchung (Throat-anus-genital Parasites) 狐惑蟲 호혹충

It is explained in the chapter on Cold.

12 Wasting-thirst Parasites 消渴有蟲 소갈의 충

It is explained in the chapter on Wasting-Thirst.

13 Hemorrhoid Parasites 痔瘻有蟲 치루의 충

It is explained in the chapter on Anus.

14 Parasites of Various Sores 諸瘡有蟲 제창의 충

It is explained in the chapter on Common Wounds.

15 Parasites of Toothache 齒痛有蟲 치통의 충

It is explained in the chapter on Teeth.

16 Phthisis Parasites 勞瘵蟲 노채충

➀ Phthisis is also known as the corpse-transferring disease. It is called corpse-transferring (傳尸) or epidemic-transferring (傳疰) because it is transferred to a relative after a person has died. This disease transfers from top to bottom and resembles that of the previous person which is why it is called epidemic. There are different kinds that either transfer from a home to the clothes or to the food. It transfers to the next person endlessly after someone has died and it can even massacre a whole family.

➁ The shape of a phthisis parasite is similar to that of a tumblebug, horsehair made out of red threads, a toad, a hedgehog, a rat, or squashed noodles. It sometimes has legs and no head or a head but no legs. It also sometimes changes into essence and blood and returns to the genuine yang. It is for these various reasons that it is difficult to distinguish it. If it passes three people, it takes the form of a person or that of a ghost.

➂ Phthisis is caused when a young person whose blood-qi hasn’t been stabilized yet is damaged by alcohol and sex, which leads to the accumulation of heat toxin and the formation of bad parasites. They eat away the essence and blood in a person’s bowels and viscera and sometimes change into various weird things. It is very common for the people who are helping the patients to receive the bad qi and be infected after a long period of nursing. This is why someone with weak qi or someone who has starved should never enter a home where a phthisis patient lives. The illness can attack through a crack of deficiency and be transferred from clothes or dishes during a visit or condolence call.










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