DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements 31. Uterus 胞 포 (6) Simple Prescriptions, Acupuncture and Moxibustion

△ 『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements(동의보감-내경편』 Cover Page.

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)Buy vitamins and supplements.

23 Simple Prescriptions 單方 단방 There are 41 kinds in total.

∙ Terba Flava Usta 伏龍肝: ➀ It is the dirt under the cauldron at the kitchen furnace. It is a wonderful medicine that stops bleeding, and is mainly used for flooding and vaginal discharge in women. It can get rid of dampness because it is dry. ➁ In order to treat red vaginal discharge, grind 1 nyang each of Bombycis Excrementum (蠶沙) and Asini Corii Colla (阿膠) along with 0.5 nyang of Terba Flava Usta (伏龍肝) and mix 2 don with wine to take.

∙ Fulvis Fumi Carbonisatus 百草霜: ➀ It treats flooding. ➁ Mix 2 don of Fulvis Fumi Carbonisatus powder evenly with bile juice from a dog and divide into two doses. Take each dose mixed with Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸) wine.

∙ Natrii Sulfas and Mirabilitum 芒硝朴硝: They all treat the absence of menstruation or aggregation of blood. Grind into powder and take 1 don at a time on an empty stomach with vinegar-added water.

∙ Rehmanniae Radix Siccus 乾地黃: It treats flooding and spotting. It can be taken in decocted form or in tablets and both ways are good.

∙ Leonuri Herba 益母草: It treats red-whitish vaginal discharge. Collect when the flower blossoms and grind into powder. Take 2 don, mix with wine 3 times a day, and take on an empty stomach.

∙ Typhae Pollen 蒲黃: It stops blood flooding and red-whitish vaginal discharge. Mix 2 don of stir-fried Typhae Pollen (蒲黃) with warm water or take as pills.

∙ Angelica Gigantis Radix 當歸: ➀ It is mainly used for flooding and difficulties in menstruation. It can be taken either in decocted form or in powder and both ways are fine. ➁ In a case of blood aggregation, grind 4 don of Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸) and 3 don of Lacca Sinica Exsiccata (乾漆) into powder, and knead with honey to form pills. Take 15 pills at a time with wine.

∙ Scutellariae Radix 黃芩: ➀ It treats the absence of menstruation and blood flooding. ➁ For blood flooding, add 2 don of its powder to wine in which scale weights heated with fire had been immersed and ingest on an empty stomach.

∙ Paeoniae Radix 芍藥: It treats the absence of menstruation. It can be taken either in decocted, powder or tablet forms. All kinds of ingestion are fine.

∙ Angelicae Dahuricae Radix 白芷: ➀ It treats blood flooding and red-whitish vaginal discharge. It can be taken either in decocted or powder form. ➁ In the case of red-whitish vaginal discharge, prepare 1 nyang of Angelicae Dahuricae Radix (白芷), 2 Sepiae Os (烏賊魚骨), and a handful of newborn infant’s burnt hair. Grind up these herbs, mix 2 don with wine, and take on an empty stomach.

∙ Physalis Alkekengi Herba 酸漿草: It treats the condition of red-whitish vaginal discharge. Dry in the shade and after grinding into powder, take 2 don with wine on an empty stomach.

∙ Sanguisorbae Radix 地楡: ➀ It is mainly used for the twelve diseases of the lower energizers in women. The first is excessive redness, the second is excessive whiteness, the third is the absence of menstruation, the fourth is the erosion of vulva, the fifth is the hardened uterus, the sixth is the distortion of the uterine opening, the seventh is pain during sexual intercourse, the eighth is cold sensations and pain in the lower abdomen, the ninth is an obstruction of the uterine opening, the tenth is a cold uterus, the eleventh is having sexual intercourse with ghosts in dreams, and the twelfth is instability in the five viscera. It can also treat incessant flooding. It can be taken either in decocted or powder form, and both ways are fine. ➁ When a woman suffering from red-whitish vaginal discharge has lost weight to the point of being nothing but skin and bones, cut up 1 geun of Sanguisorbae Radix (地楡) and boil down in water until pasty. Take in doses of 2 hop twice a day on an empty stomach.

∙ Cnidii Rhizoma 芎: ➀ It treats flooding of blood. It can be taken either in decocted or powder form, and both ways are fine. ➁ In order to treat flooding of blood, cut up 1 nyang and decoct until 5 cups of wine becomes 1 cup and throw away the solid residue. Then add 1 cup of juice of Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃), decoct again for 2~3 boils, and take divided into 3 portions.

∙ Artemisiae Argyi Folium 艾葉: ➀ It is mainly used for blood flooding and vaginal discharge. Take decocted. ➁ In the case of blood flooding, decoct old mugwort (in the amount of an egg yolk), Asini Corii Colla (阿膠珠) 5 don and 1 don of Zingiberis Rhizoma (乾薑) (wrapped up in damp paper and stir-fried black) all together, and ingest the mixture.

∙ Cirsii Herba and Cephalonoplosi Herba 大薊小薊: ➀ It treats all kinds of blood flooding and red-whitish vaginal discharge. Pound the herbs and take the juice. ➁ In the case of blood flooding, decoct 5 nyang of the roots and 3 nyang of Imperatae Rhizoma (茅根) in wine.

∙ Moutan Cortex 牧丹皮: It mainly treats the absence of menstruation. It can either be taken in decocted or powder form, and both ways are fine.

∙ Sparganii Rhizoma 三稜: It restores the flow of menstruation and breaks up aggregated blood clots. It can be taken either in powder or tablet forms, and both ways are fine.

∙ Corydalis Tuber 玄胡索: It mainly treats irregular menstruation and dribbling or pouring of blood. It can be taken either in decoction, powder, or tablet form and all the methods are fine.

∙ Rhei Radix et Rhizoma 大黃: It mainly treats menstruation blockage leading to bloating of the stomach and old blood accumulation forming aggregations. It can be taken either in decoction or tablet form, and both ways are fine.

∙ Phellini Polyporus 桑木耳: ➀ It mainly treats irregular menstruation, blood flooding, vaginal discharge, and the total absence of menstruation. Either decoct in wine or after burning with fire, grind into powder and mix 2 don with wine. ➁ The same applies to locust tree mushrooms.

∙ Fagopyri Semen Pulvis 蕎麥麪: It treats red-whitish vaginal discharge. Take moderate amounts and form pills using the white of an egg. Once the patient takes 30~50 pills on an empty stomach with boiled water, she should soon recover.

∙ Ailanthi Radicis Cortex 樗根白皮: It can treat blood flooding and red-whitish vaginal discharge. Cut up a big handful of the herb, decoct with 1 doe of water, and take in 2 divided doses. It is also okay to grind into powder and knead with honey to form pills.

∙ Querci Cupula 橡實殼: ➀ It is mainly used for blood flooding and vaginal discharge. Add the ashes left from burning to thin rice gruel and ingest the mixture. ➁ Burn along with Xanthii Fructus, grind into powder, and add to a Four Substances Decoction (四物湯) with Angelicae Dahuricae Radix (白芷) and Zingiberis Rhizoma (乾薑) (wrapped up in damp paper and roasted).

∙ Trachycarpi Petiolus 棕櫚皮: It can treat blood flooding and vaginal discharge. Burn and grind to powder with Alumen (礬石), add to wine, and take in doses of 2 don. Also, one can grind up the same amount of smooth loofah as the ashes and take mixed in salty water.

∙ Ostreae Testa 牡蠣: It can treat blood flooding and red-whitish vaginal discharge. Mix the powder with vinegar to form pills, then heat up with fire and grind into fine powder. Add the mixture to a water-based mugwort and vinegar decoction, and boil down to form paste and make pills. Take 50 pills at a time with water-based mugwort and vinegar decoction.

∙ Amydae Carapax 鱉甲: It treats vaginal discharge in five colors and loss of weight. Roast until yellow, grind into powder, and take 1 don with wine. It is also good to cook soup made from terrapin meat and take it constantly.

∙ Bombycis Ovi Periostracum 蠶退紙: It is mainly used for blood flooding and vaginal discharge. Burn, grind into powder, and ingest mixed with thin rice gruel.

∙ Sepiae Os 烏賊魚骨: It treats blood dryness. It can also treat blood flooding by ensuring a free flow of menstruation. Grind into powder and take either in pills or powder form, and both ways are fine.

∙ Anguilla japonica Temminck et Schlegel 鰻: It treats vaginal discharge and other various diseases in women. It can be taken in soup form or roasted.

∙ Ratti Excrementum 牡鼠屎: It treats the absence of menstruation in unmarried women. Take the ashes left from burning and take 1 don of powder with wine and the effects will be marvelous. However, it is important that the patient be unaware of what she is taking.

∙ Tabanus : It mainly treats the absence of menstruation in unmarried women. It drives out aggregated blood, dissipates the accumulated blood, and breaks up blood blockage. Remove the wings and legs and stir-fry. It can either be taken with water mixed with vinegar or in the form of pills.

∙ Hirudo 水蛭: It treats the aforementioned condition. It is best for breaking up the aggregated blood. Make sure to cut it up and stir-fry with Calx 2~3 times. Take in the form of powder or pills.

∙ Trogopterorum Faeces 五靈脂: It allows free flow of menstruation and treats red-whitish vaginal discharge or incessant blood flooding. Use half of it raw and as for the other half, stir-fry, grind into powder. Take 1 don with wine or in the form of pills.

∙ Schizonepetae Spica 荊芥穗: It stops the flooding of the blood that does not stop. Burn with its medical properties intact and grind into powder. Take 2 don mixed with urine of a young boy.

∙ Althaeae Flos 蜀葵花: ➀ The red flowers are used for red vaginal discharge and white flowers are used for white vaginal discharge. Grind into powder and ingest 2 don with warm wine. ➁ The roots of unifoliate red rose mallows treat vaginal discharge and are very effective for getting rid of bloody pus.

∙ Oenanthis Javanicae Herba 水芹: It treats blood flooding and vaginal discharge. It can be taken in salted form, decoction or just raw, and all the ways are fine.

∙ Cervi Cornus Colla 鹿角膠: It is mainly used for blood flooding and red-whitish vaginal discharge. Stir-fry, grind into powder, and ingest 2 don with wine. Ingestion in the form of pills and decoction are also fine.

∙ Cervi Parvum Cornu 鹿茸: ➀ It treats blood flooding and red-whitish vaginal discharge. Roast, grind into powder, and take 1 don with wine or in the form of pills. ➁ It is also very good to take the ashes from burning Cervi Cornu (鹿角).

∙ Passeris Caro 雀肉: It treats blood flooding and vaginal discharge. It can be roasted or fried.

∙ Bovine Horn 牛角䚡: It stops blood flooding and red-whitish vaginal discharge. Take 2 don of burnt ashes with wine and in the form of pills.

∙ Canitis Capitis Os 黃狗頭骨: ➀ It is mainly used for blood flooding and red-whitish vaginal discharge. Burn, grind into powder, and take 1 don with wine or in the form of pills. ➁ Its penis and testicles are mainly used for the 12 diseases of the lower region in women. Burn, grind into powder, and take 1 don with wine or in the form of pills.

24 Acupuncture and Moxibustion 鍼灸法 침구법

  •  Eumdok (total of 8 acupuncture points located between knuckles of the toes), CV3, SP6, BL23, and CV6 are used for irregular menstruation.
  • CV3, SP6, BL23, LI4, KI14, and ST36 are used for amenorrhea.
  • SP10, KI10, SP6, LR2, LR3, and CV3 are used for incessant blood flooding.
  • CV3, BL23, CV6, SP6, LR13, and LR2 are used for red-whitish vaginal discharge.
  • It is best to perform moxibustion at GB26 in the case of red-whitish vaginal discharge. There once was a woman who performed moxibustion on this acupuncture point. The ghost that had been residing in her body said, “The moxibustion has attached to me and so I must leave.” The woman soon recovered.
  • Dr. Choi’s four flowers point (崔氏四華穴) has a very wonderful effect for treating vaginal discharge.
  • CV3, CV6, and BL40 are used for red vaginal discharge.
  • CV2, Cheng yin (承陰, one of the extra points), and CV3 are used for white vaginal discharge.
  • When menstruation has ceased for a while and then suddenly there is a great loss of blood, ST40, CV5, ST25, CV12, and CV6 can be used.