DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements-06. Blood (10)

△ 『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements』 English Version. ⓒKIOM

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

29 Simple Prescriptions 單方단방

There are 22 kinds in total.

  • Fulvis Fumi Carbonisatus 百草霜: Drugs collected from the bottom of an iron pot in a remote countryside are of good quality. Scrape it out and grind into powder. Blood stops when it meets anything black; therefore, this drug can cure several kinds of loss of blood. You can infuse this drug into the orifices, mix the drug with cold water and drink, or make pills. It is efffective.
  • Aqua Pura 井華水: It is used to treat bleeding through the nine orifices or when epistaxis does not stop. Sprinkle suddenly on the face of the patient without the patient’s knowledge.
  • Rehmanniae Radix Crudus 生地黃: It treats all kinds of loss of blood like hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, and hematuria. Squeeze the juice and take 1 half doe 3 times a day or mix with the juice of Menthae Herba (薄荷) and Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) juice. They are all effective.
  • Plantaginis Herba Folium et Radix 車前草葉及根: It stops epistaxis, hematochezia, and hematuria. Squeeze the juice and drink 5 hop.
  • Typhae Pollen 蒲黃: It stops all kinds of hemorrhages. Use the raw drug to break static blood and use the stir-baked drug to replenish blood. Add 2~3 don to cold water and drink.
  • Cnidii Rhizoma 芎藭: It helps blood to flow. It treats all kinds of loss of blood like hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, and hematuria. Decoct or grind into powder. Both forms are effective.
  • Angelica Gigantis Radix 當歸: It treats all kinds of blood diseases. It harmonizes the blood, helps its flow, and nourishes the blood. If you add Cnidii Rhizoma (川芎) to Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸), it becomes a Chuanxiong and Angelica Decoction, and this is the best blood medicine.
  • Rubiae Radix 茜根: It treats all kinds of blood diseases like hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, hematuria, and flooding and spotting. Pound and grind into powder. Mix 2 don of this powder and decoct. Cool the decoction and drink. 
  • Imperatae Rhizoma 白茅根: This drug can stop bleeding; thus, it treats all kinds of blood diseases like hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, and hematuria. Decoct in water. Its flower has the same effect.
  • Artemisiae Argyi Folium 艾葉: It treats all kinds of loss of blood like hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, and hematuria. Pound and squeeze the juice. Dried leaves are used for a decoction.
  • Sanguisorbae Radix 地楡: It stops epistaxis and hematemesis. It is especially good for hematochezia caused by binding in yin. Decoct in water.
  • Cirsii Herba, Cephalonoplosi Herba 大小薊: It treats all kinds of blood diseases. It breaks apart static blood and stops
    bleeding. Pound the raw drug and squeeze the juice. Drink one little cup or add some honey and drink.
  • Curcumae Radix 鬱金: It stops hematemesis and epistaxis and breaks bad blood. Grind into powder and mix with a child’s urine, Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) juice and good alcohol. It also cures blood phlegm. Grind into powder and add to garlic chives juice or a child’s urine and blood phlegm will disapper naturally.
  • Bletillae Rhizoma 白芨: ① It treats epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis, and the spitting of blood. Add 3 don of powder to cold water and drink it. The patient will get better marvelously. You can also mix it to rice gruel. ② When Bletillae Rhizoma (白芨) meets the orifices where blood comes out, it blocks the orifices, so that is why the bleeding stops. In the former days, a condemned criminal was whipped all over the body and bled through the mouth and nose. He continued to take Bletillae Rhizoma (白芨) powder and the bleeding stopped. He was put to death by dismemberment. His corpse was dissected, and we could see Bletillae Rhizoma (白芨) powder blocked the orifices where blood comes out in the lungs.
  • Sophorae Flos 槐花: It cools blood and stops hemoptysis, the spitting of blood, and vaginal bleeding. Stir-bake and grind into powder. Mix 2 don of powder in hot alcohol. It also treats gum and tongue bleeding. Grind the drug into powder and spread it. You can also stir-bake the drug and decoct it. 
  • Thujae Orientalis Folium 側柏葉: It treats all kinds of loss of blood syndrome like hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, and hematuria. It stops bleeding and nourishes yin. Grind into powder and mix it into rice gruel. You can decoct it or squeeze it and drink its juice.
  • Pini Atramentum 松烟墨: It stops all kinds of loss of blood. Grind it in Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃) juice or well water and drink it.
  • Juice of raw Nelumbinis Rhizoma 生藕汁: It dissolves static blood and stops all kinds of bleeding. Squeeze juice from
    it and drink the juice. You can also mix it with Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃) juice, hot alcohol, or a child’s urine.
  • Juice of Allium tuberosum Rottl. ex Spreng 韭汁: It stops hematemesis, epistaxis, hemoptysis, and the spitting of blood and removes masses of static blood in the chest. Squeeze the juice and drink 3~4 cups of cold juice. The patient at first feels agitation, then gets better naturally.
  • Carbonisatus Crinis 亂髮灰: It stops all kinds of loss of blood, thus it cures hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, hematuria, and bleeding through the nine orifices. Grind into powder, add 2 don of the powder to water mixed with vinegar or well water and drink. You can also make pills.
  • All kinds of blood 諸血: ① It replenishes deficient blood. If the patient looks pale, one should drink fresh blood. Use cow, horse, sheep, pig, dog, chicken, roe, or deer blood. Any fresh blood of these animals is effective. ② When the patient
    suffers from hematemesis caused by consumptive diseases, give him the blood of a black dog. The effect is marvelous.
  • Juice of Raphani Radix 蘿葍汁: It cures epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis, the spitting of blood, and bloody phlegm. Add a small amount of salt to the juice of Raphani Radix or good wine and drink. The bleeding will stop. Qi goes down so the blood stops.

30 Acupuncture and Moxibustion 鍼灸法 침구법

  • ① In the case of epistaxis, hematemesis, and vaginal bleeding, stimulate SP1, PC7, HT7, and KI3.
  • ② In the case of epistaxis, perform moxibustion on GV22 and GV23.
  • ③ In the case of epistaxis, perform moxibustion on GV14 and GV15 and it will stop immediately.
  • ④ If epistaxis does not stop, prick a three-edged needle on ST30 and let the blood out. It will get better immediately.
  • ⑤ In the case of epistaxis, stimulate GV23, GV16, GV15, LI4, ST44, ST36 and KI6.[B057] ⑥ In the case of hematemesis, stimulate GV16, GV14, CV17, CV13, CV12, CV6, CV4 and ST36.
  • ⑦ In the case of hematemesis, perform moxibustion on PC7.
  • ⑧ In the case of blood vomiting, stimulate CV13, PC7, PC4, and HT7.
  • ⑨ If the guan pulse is hollow and if bleeding through the stool reaches to several doe, it is because BL17 is damaged. Perform moxibustion on BL17.
  • ⑩ If the patient suffers from hematemesis caused by consumptive diseases, burn 300 moxa cones on CV12. If the patient suffers from hematemesis and spitting of blood, burn moxa as many as one’s age on BL13. Bleeding through the mouth and nose that does not stop is called profuse nosebleeding. Burn 50 moxa cones on GV23.
  • ⑪ If vaginal bleeding does not stop, burn 7 moxa cones on the vertebra which is at the same level with the navel.