Coronavirus COVID-19 Using Bisoma Acupuncture and Sasang Herbs


By David Lee, L.Ac.

Bisoma Acupuncture accelerates the recovery of flu, including coronavirus COVID-19. From common cold to flu, acupuncture has been useful in promoting a quicker recovery from fever, cough, and difficult breathing. Even with the new viral strains every season, acupuncture and herbs have been instrumental in keeping up with the changes although the formulas have not changed. Because COVID-19 is a variation of flu, it can be treated with the same methods.

Bisoma acupuncture is a reliable way to quickly administer a treatment without having to go through the hassle of differential diagnosis because there are only two acupuncture point combinations. For an individual, one of these acupuncture formulas is optimal. Simply, the practitioner chooses one of two options from Yang Horary acupuncture points. In addition, choose only either right or left side of the body to place acupuncture needles. Do not give bilateral acupuncture because many people do not have a mirror image of the same points on both sides of the body. Besides, one-sided treatment is as effective as a bilateral treatment.

Here’s the acupuncture protocol for coronavirus COVID-19:

Yang Horary points on one-side of body only

70% of population


LI1, UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36

30% of population


GB44, SI2, ST43, LI5, and UB40


Acupuncture can be provided three times a day because one cannot over receive acupuncture. Because COVID-19 is a life-threatening disease, it is imperative to reduce the over-activity of the immune system at the expense of the lungs and to promote healing by providing frequent treatments throughout the day. As a practitioner, follow the guideline of protecting yourself first by wearing mask, sanitizing hands frequently, and avoiding close contact.

Korean Sasang herbal medicine are also valuable in minimizing problems while accelerating recovery. Although these Asian herbs were exclusively used with Asian medical diagnosis, Indian Ayurveda and Greco-Roman Unani can use its own constitutional diagnosis.








Lesser Yin



Phlegmatic, Cool-Damp

Melancholic, Cool-Dry

Chuan Xiong Gui Zhi Tang 천궁계지탕


Greater Yin




Qing Fei Si Gan Tang + plus

청폐사간탕 + 가미


Lesser Yang



Sanguine, Warm-Dry,


Jing Fang Bai Du San



The following herbal formula is one dosage amount for an adult. For a severe condition, up to 4 dosages a day can be taken. Chuan Xiong Gui Zhi Tang for Soeumin: Gui Zhi 9 grams, Bai Shao Yao 6, Chuan Xiong 3, Cang Zhu 3, Chen Pi 3, Zhi Gan Cao 3, Sheng Jiang 3 pieces, and Da Zao 2 pieces. Qing Fe Si Gan Tang for Taeeumin: Ge Gen 12 grams, Huang Qin 6, Gao Ben 6, Lai Fu Zi 3, Jie Geng 3, Sheng Ma 3, Bai Zhi 3, Zhi Da Huang 3 plus Xing Ren 3 grams, Kuan Dong Hua 3, and Bai Guo 6 pieces. Jing Fang Bai Du San for Soyangin: Qiang Huo 3 grams, Du Huo 3, Chai Hu 3, Qian Hu 3, Jing Jie 3, Fang Feng 3, Chi Fu Ling 3, Sheng Di Huang 3, Di Gu Pi 3, and Che Qian Zi 3.

With the above acupuncture and herbal formulas, an acupuncturist has the right tools to be a highly effective practitioner, even addressing COVID-19 with confidence. Along with the clinicians of the past and current, constitutional medicine is serving my clinic well. Because constitutional medicine is straight-forward to learn and implement, it is an evolutionary and a revolutionary solution as an integrative medicine even for the modern diseases of today.