CAB, Increase License Renewal Fee up to $775


Each Place of Practice Required to be Registered and Place A Registered Wall License by CAB

By Namwook Cho L. Ac.

The acupuncture license renewal fee will be increased up to $775 from January 1, 2021, and several new requirements will be applied to the wall license and pocket license.

California acupuncture board(CAB) recently sent letters to licensees explaining new laws: 1/1/21, wall license, and new fees.

According to the letter, new changes regarding wall license and fees affected by the new statutory amendment to Business and Professions Code sections 4961, 4970, and 4971 become effective with the enactment of AB 779 (Low, Statutes of 2019) and AB 3330 (Calderon, Statutes of 2020).

Wall License

If you have a place to practice acupuncture in the state of California, you have been required to report a place of practice to the CAB. This reminds the same, but you have to report every place of practice with forms prescribed by CAB and to be required to apply new wall license for each place. A new fee for applying for each license will be charged $50. A new wall license application should be made at the time of your next license renewal. Effective January 15, 2021, CAB will accept applications through your account at the website,

Each wall license will be assigned by the CAB, so you have to put the assigned wall license to a designated place of practice. If you plan to move your place to practice, you should report the fact and apply for a new wall license.

If you do not have a place to practice, you have to carry your pocket license all the time. According to (3) (a) 4961. Acupuncture: place of practice: wall license, If the licensee has no place of practice, the licensee shall notify the board of that fact on a form prescribed by the board. However, the licensee shall carry a pocket license during treatment outside of the licensee’s place of practice and make the pocket license available upon request.

Fees changed

To take the board exam, CALE a test taker or retaker will pay $250 and may be increased to $350, and the examination and reexamination fees shall be $800. An initial license fee shall be $500.

Acupuncture licensees will be asked to pay more than before to renew their license. The renewal fee will be charged $500 and could be increased by $775. The wall license fee and the wall license renewal fee are $50, respectively. If a wall license is lost or destroyed, to replace the wall license fee will be $50. The fee for replacing the pocket license will be $50.