Acupuncture Treatment Was Effective to Lowering Blood Pressure Scientifically Proved

Acupuncturist prepares to tap needle into patients hand

Research Team Used GB20, LI11, ST36, SP6

By Namwook Cho L.Ac.

Acupuncture treatment was confirmed to lowering blood pressure of postmenopausal women with prehypertension and stage 1 hypertension.

The research was performed by inserting acupuncture needles on GB20, LI11, ST36, SP6 to 122 postmenopausal women aged less than 65 years, diagnosed with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension which is determined systolic blood pressure 120~159 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure 80~99 mmHg, for ten sessions of acupuncture treatments in 4 weeks frequency. Thus, 4 10 sessions of acupuncture treatments were rendered, then follow-up treatment effects of objects.

Females have more hypertension than men after menopause because of hormonal change, and chances to suffer from side effects of antihypertensive drugs are 1.5 times higher than men.

The research, “Effects of Acupuncture on Lowering Blood Pressure in Postmenopausal Women with Prehypertension or Stage 1 Hypertension: A propensity Score-Matched Analysis” by Sun-Mi Choi, a leader of other seven co-authors. The paper was published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine recently.

After all planned treatments were finished, the objects who finished all acupuncture treatment sessions, systolic pressure reduced by 10.34mmHg and diastolic pressure reduced by 9.92 mmHg. During the same period, the control group’s blood pressure was reduced by 2.92 mmHg in systolic and reduced 2.16 mmHg in diastolic, respectively.

The research team also found that treatment effect with acupuncture treatment to reduce blood pressure depended on BMI level. The object with BMI over 25 changed less in blood pressure than the other participant with less than BMI 25.

The research team leader, Sun-Mi Choi Department of Research, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, explained that “by lowing blood pressure 10 mmHg in systolic can reduce the chance of fatal disease such as coronary artery disease.”


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