Tag: #Acupuncture Times
Theory, Principles, and Application in Integrative Healthcare Settings
By Hey Soon Jeong, PD, L.Ac., Jun Yoon, Jeff Millison, M.Ac., L.Ac., Academic Dean of VUIM
From December...
19 States still do not include herbs in the scoop of...
3 States SD, OK, and AL still do not have the Acupuncture Practice Act.
By Namwook Cho,...
Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment (19) Correlational Acupuncture Points (CAP) and...
By Brandon SJ Oh L.Ac.
The similar shape has similar energy (同形同氣), Meridians share the same name have...
Post Shang Han Run Formulas ① Duhuo-jìshēng-Tang 獨活寄生湯 Wànbìng-Huíchūn 萬病回春
By Jubong Kang, K.M.D.
Duhuo 獨活
Chuanxiong 川芎
Fangfeng 防風
Renshen 人蔘
Danggui 當歸
Baifuling 白茯苓
Baishaoyao 白芍藥
Niuxi 牛膝
Sangjisheng 桑寄生
Dùzhòng 杜冲
Shudihuang 熟地黃
Qínjiāo 秦艽
Ròuguì 肉桂
How to Treat Out-toeing Gait
By Winston Lee L. Ac, Ph.D, KMD
It refers to the feet’ horizontal angle when a person walks...
Number of NCCAOM Oriental Medicine Certificate surged in 2019
Application through Route 8 was affecting last year’s OM certification increase
By Namwook Cho, L.Ac.
Contraindications in Nurturing Nature 養性禁忌 양성의 금기
『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements(동의보감-내경편』 Ⅰ. Body(신형 身形)
Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha...
Western Meets Eastern: “Precision Medicine” Adopts Ideas from the Eastern Medicine’
All People Are Different. So, Medicine Should Consider the Difference of Each Person and Disease to Overcome its Limitation.
A Job Market for Acupuncturists is Promising
The acupuncturist job market is expected to grow by 13.3% between 2016 and 2026.
By Namwook Cho L.Ac.