Simple Prescriptions 單方 단방 (2)

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『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements(동의보감-내경편』 Ⅰ. Body(신형 身形)

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

Terebinthinae Oleum 松脂
When taken for a long time, it makes the body feel lighter, keeps one young, and ensures a long life. The method of preparing pine resin is as follows: boil 7 geun of resin with 1 seom of lye of mulberry tree three times. Put this in cold water to harden and boil again. Repeat this procedure 10 times and it will turn white. Pound the processed resin and sift well, mix it with strong rice wine and honey and mix it to turn like yeot (Korean hard taffy). Grind it again and take 3 don each time with wine. Taking it with porridge is also possible. Taking it with warm water with the powder of stir-fried beans is even better.

Sophorae Fructus 槐實
① When taken for a long time, it makes the sight better, blackens the hair, and ensures a long life. The locust tree is the essence of the imaginary star. On the day of first Sa in lunar October, take the fruit and eat; this treats all kinds of diseases and ensures a long life.

② The pills of Sophorae Fructus, called Goedamhwan make the sight better, blacken the hair, make teeth healthy, and ensure a long life. On the day of first Sa in lunar October, take the fruit and put it in a pottery jar, and seal the opening with salty soil. Bury the jar 3 gil deep under a wall in the shade, and take it out on the eighth day of December. Remove the peels and there will be black seeds; put the seeds inside the gallbladder of a cow and hang it in a high place to dry in the shade. Get it on a clear day of the next year. Swallow 1 pill on an empty stomach with boiled water and increase 1 pill each day. Take one more pill until 15 pills are taken at a time; from 15 pills, decrease 1 pill each day instead, and when the amount reaches 1 pill, start again to do the same process.

Thujae Orientalis Folium 柏葉
① When taken for a long time, it treats all kinds of diseases and ensures a long life. Get the leaves, dry them, and pound into powder; make pills with honey to the size of azuki beans and take 81 pills each time with wine. When taken for one year, the lifespan is increased by ten years; when taken for two years, the lifespan is increased by twenty years. Avoid all kinds of meat and the five spicy foods.

② The tea of this herb can be made by collecting leaves facing east, steaming them with rice, washing them many times, and
drying in the shade. Boil the tea leaves and drink the tea everyday.

Lycii Fructus 枸杞
① When taken for a long time it makes the body feel lighter, keeps one young, saves one from feeling too hot or too cold, and ensures a long life. Lycii Fructus (枸杞子) must be used for the stem and peels; Lycii Radicis Cortex (地骨皮) must be used for the root and peels; Lycii Fructus (枸杞子) must be used for the red fruit. The leaves of Lycii Fructus (枸杞子) have similar effects, so all of the root, stem, leaves, and fruit can be used for medication. Young leaves can be used in a soup or made into salad. The peels and fruit may be grinded and made into pills with honey for everyday usage or it may be soaked in wine for use.

② The salve named Gold Core Decoction (金髓煎) is made by soaking red ripe Lycii Fructus (枸杞子) in wine for 2 months and sifting them to be pounded, and strained again in linen cloth. The sediment is removed and the strained juice is mixed with the wine used in the previous step and boiled down in a silver or stone dish. Take 2 tablespoonfuls each time with warm wine twice a day. When taken for a long time, it enables one to become a hermit.

Poria Sclerotium 茯苓
When taken for a long time, one does not feel hungry, life is lengthened, and one does not get old. Mix Poria Sclerotium (白茯苓) with white Chrysanthemi Flos or Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮). Make pills or powder with the mixture and take it anytime. Also, remove the peels and soak in wine for 15 days, sift it, and pound into powder. Take three don each time, mixed in water, three times a day. When taken for a long time, it ensures a long life, keeps one young, and makes the face look young.

Acanthopanacis Cortex 五加皮
When taken for a long time, it makes the body feel lighter and keeps one young. Decoct the root and the stem and make wine in the usual way. It mainly tonifies the body. It can be boiled and taken instead of tea. There are countlessly many men in the world who drank wine or the powder of Acanthopanacis Cortex and lived long.

Mori Fructus 桑椹
When taken for a long time, it blackens the hair and keeps one young. Collect the black ripe ones and dry under the sun. Pound into powder. Make pills with honey and take the medicine for a long time. Also, it is usually made into wine. The main effect is tonification.

Nelumbinis Semen 蓮實
When taken for a long time, it makes the body feel lighter, keeps one young, and makes one not hungry. Remove the peel and core and pound into powder, and take it with porridge or rice. The longer it is taken, the better the body gets. Also, pound into powder and take 2 don with wine or porridge. When taken for a long time, it ensures a long life.

Euryales Semen 芡實
① It is the fruit of the thorn lotus. When taken for a long time, one feels the body lighter, does not feel hunger, does not get old, and eventually becomes a hermit. It is said in the Immortals’ Formulas (仙方) that it is good when it is taken with Nelumbinis Semen (蓮肉). It has a great effect even when it is taken in powder form. It extends one’s lifespan.

② The porridge of Euryales Semen (芡實) is made of a mixture of 1 hop of nonglutinous rice and 2 hop of Euryales Semen (芡實) powder. When this is taken on an empty stomach, it adds essence-qi, and makes hearing and vision better. It also keeps one young.

Pinii Koraiensis Semen / pine nut 海松子
When taken for a long time, it makes the body feel lighter, ensures a long life, makes one not feel hungry, and keeps one young. It is best to take it as porridge all the time.

Sesami Semen 胡麻
① It refers to black sesame. When taken for a long time, it makes the body feel lighter, keeps one young, enables the person to endure hunger and thirst, and ensures a long life. Also known as Geoseung (巨勝: the best grain). The pill that is the mixture of 1 doe of honey and 1 doe of Sesami Semen is called Calm Spirit Pill (靜神丸). Also, use the Nine method, which is a process of steaming and drying for nine cycles, and stir-fry until it is fragrant and pound into powder. Mix the powder with honey and make pills in the size of a bullet. Take one pill at a time with wine. Do not take with poisonous fish or raw vegetables. It ensures a long life when taken for a long time.

② A woman in the Lu state ate black sesame raw and ate Atractylodis Rhizoma (蒼朮) as food, and stopped eating other food. She lived more than 80 years, was still very young and healthy, and walked 300 li a day.

③ Process Sesami
Semen, Glycines Macis Semen (大豆), Zizyphi Fructus using the Nine method, and take it; this will make life longer and one may do away with other foods.

Brassicae Rapae Semen 蔓菁子
When taken for a long time, one can live long with the help of grains. Process this using the Nine methods and pound into powder. Take 2 don of powder twice a day with water.

Hominis Lac 人乳汁
① It tonifies the five viscera, fattens and whitens the person, and brightens. Put this in a silver dish and boil for a short while, and take it in the early morning while hot. When drinking, hold the nostrils with the hand and push the lips to touch the teeth. Let the milk and saliva get mixed. After drinking once, breathe; let qi be inhaled through the nose to the brain and slowly swallow the milk. 35 times is one cycle. It is very good to take for a long time. ② A man named Zhangcang in the Han dynasty drank this milk all the time and lived past 100 years. He was corpulent and light in color like a bottle gourd.

Oryzae Ptisanari 百粥
When one takes this in early morning, the chest is cleared and stomach is tonified. Fluid and humor are created and one feels fresh during the whole day; the tonifying effect is great. Using the late variety of nonglutinous rice, boil well to make into porridge.