It Treats Colds, Flu, Cough, Pneumonia and Bronchitis
By Ju Bong Kang, KMD
Acts and Diagnosis
This prescription is one of the prescriptions for treating Taiyang-Disease. It improves the symptoms of neck and back stiffness caused by pathogenic evils due to exogenous wind-cold and the accompanying symptoms due to exogenous wind-cold. Neck and back stiffness becomes the signal-symptom of this prescription. So the formula treats stiffness of the neck and back, headache, cough, rhinitis, empyema, muscular pain, arthralgia, eruption, erysipelas, and diseases of modern medicine name such as bronchitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, tetanus, typhoid, dysentery, rubella, conjunctivitis, tympanitis, etc.
Gegen-Tang is the addition of Gegen and Mahuang to Guizhi-Tang to perform a stronger sweating function. So Guizhi disperses wind-cold evil bound to the channel’s ying-wei; Gegen dissipates evil-qi, which has deeply invaded the muscle; Mahuang releases wind-cold, which is fixed more to the wei-level of the channel. Therefore, this prescription allowed all heavy or light pathogenic evils that invaded the body’s channels, veins, muscles, and joints to be dispelled with sweat and urine.
Gegen disperses wind-cold, relieves neck and back stiffness, and promotes blood flow by dilating coronary and cerebral arteries while reducing resistance. It also has a beta-sympathetic blocking function and lowers blood pressure, which may contribute to alleviating stiffness. Gegen expels evils from the muscles, disperses heat, promotes body fluid production, induces skin eruption, lifts yang, and stops diarrhea. It treats headaches, neck and back stiffness, limb muscle pain, thirst, diarrhea, fever from external pathogens, and measles with unsmooth eruption. As the highest-dose ingredient in this prescription, it serves as the monarch drug.
Mahwang, Guizhi, and Shaoyao are minister drugs. Mahwang expels wind-cold, relieving pain, cough, and edema. Its ephedrine relaxes bronchial muscles, increases blood flow, and raises blood pressure by affecting vascular contraction and dilation.
Guizhi enhances sweating and diuresis, aiding wind-cold recovery. Shaoyao moderates sweating, preserves fluids, and relaxes muscles. Shengjiang aids digestion, Dazao balances qi, and Gancao prevents fluid loss and harmonizes the formula.
Gegen-Tang is indicated for neck and back stiffness caused by muscle tension. If nausea, vomiting, or borborygmus occurs, add Banxia; for diarrhea, add Baizhu and Fuling. These modify the formula to Gegenjia-Banxia-Tang, Gegenjia-Baizhufuling-Tang, or Gegenjia-Banxia-Baizhufuling-Tang. For weak, sunken pulse without fever, use Gegenjia-Fuzi-Tang; for thirst, add Shigao.
Contents in the Source Text
In Taiyang Disease, if the neck and back are stiff, the body doesn’t sweat, and an aversion to wind appears, Gegen-Tang treats it. “Shang Han Lun”
When Taiyang and Yangming become complicated, diarrhea always comes out, and then Gegen-Tang treats it. In the case of vomiting without diarrhea, Gegen-Jia-Banxia-Tang treats. “Gui Lin Gu Ben”
As a patient with Taiyang Disease with no sweat, urine output decreases, qi rises adversely in the chest, the mouth is closed and speaking is incapable; this is what a convulsion trying to attack. Gegen-Tang treats it. “Jin Gui Yao Lue”
Gegen-Tang treats colds, flu, cough, pneumonia, bronchitis, and measles with neck stiffness, chills, and fever. If a high fever, thirst, or sore throat occurs, add Shigao. For arthritis or rheumatism without fever but with neck or shoulder pain, add Fuzi. It also aids diarrhea, enteritis, and dysentery with neck or shoulder stiffness; adding Baizhu, Fuling, Huangbai, or Huanglian as needed; if the pulse is weak, add Fuzi. For chronic rhinitis or sinusitis, add Fuzi (1/4–1/2 of Mahuang’s dose); for sinusitis, add Shigao; for persistent nasal congestion, combine with Banxia-Houpo-Tang.
Mahuang-Tang is used for floating, taut pulses with fever, headache, asthma, and body pain from wind-cold when neck stiffness is absent.
Shensu-Yin applies when Gegen-Tang symptoms occur, such as nausea, bloating, and a fast, sunken pulse, and in cases of indigestion, old age, or pregnancy.
Chaige-Jieji-Tang, combining Gegen-Tang and Xiaochaihu-Tang, treats alternating fevers, chest fullness, and neurotic symptoms like insomnia and agitation.
Jiuwei-Qianghuo-Tang shares indications with Gegen-Tang, but the choice depends on clinical preference. Shang Han Lun users favor Gegen-Tang or Chaige-Jieji-Tang.