Fractal Theory and Yin and Yang

△ Fractal diagram.

By Simon Kim, professor, South Baylo University

We need the fractal idea to understand and depict diversity of qi world. There is a Yang in the Yin, there is a Yin in the Yang, and all things are formed through the differentiation of the yin and yang. Fractal is a concept that maintains a self-similarity that resembles the elements of a parent object of all stages, and ultimately of the first whole object, not just the parent objects of a direct first phase to which a sub-object belongs. Fractal changes of yin and yang occur constantly in all these formed things.

In the following chapters, I will refer to this fractal theory in more detail: self-reference, self-reproduction, and self-negation of qi. It is difficult to think of a formula that is dialed from 1 percent of Yin to 100 percent Yang. 100 percent pure Yang or Yin does not exist in nature. Hwangdi Neijing says that Yin exists inside to hold Yang while Yang acts outside to process Yin. The relationship of  Yin qi and Yang qi looks like two poles of one qi world. I-Ching says that thanks to the virtue of organic synthesis of Yin and Yang, there exists a physical entity which produces the world of life and sprit.

Everybody knows what Yinyang means to some extent. As acupuncture practitioner, we have at least shared a common ground to play Yinyang Wuxing game for our daily practice. My writing presents not only traditional concepts of Yin and Yang, but also my own insights and realization from my experience and speculation. There is a matter and qi in nature. Nature expresses its vitality through jingqi, which can be explained by the organic synthesis of yin, yang, and wuxing.

If we don’t see things in nature by the scope of organic Yin-Yang system, we easily fall into the mechanical materialism by which the life force can’t be explained. In order to ensure the life force of human body, it is inevitable to assume the exsistence of qi and jingluo as the basic presupposition in the physiology of Eastern medicine.

There are a few people who have had a hard time understanding the following sentence written in Hwangdi Neijing. Especially, it is even more difficult to translate these sentences to translate into English. I am also experiencing the same difficulties.

五運陰陽者, 天地之道也. 萬物之綱紀, 變化之父母, 生殺之本始, 神明之府也. 治病必求於本.

My provisional translation is like this: The existence of Yin, Yang, and five movements is a generation process that functions dynamically in the universe. It is the lawful process of Heaven and Earth. Myriad things in nature follow the principle of Yinyang. It begets all the changes in nature. Birth and decease of life initiates and ends on this regulation of nature. Not only life, but spirit dwells in it. You have to speculate the very basic of Yinyang Wuxing for the pursuit of healing.

You can read this text in a totally different point of view. And you might translate this content in a much better perspective. I hope you can use your knowledge of Yinyang nature in everyday practice by applying the redefined concept of Yinyang; reciprocity and fractal idea.