E Jiao Treats Various Bleeding-Related Gynecologic Symptoms

△E Jiao is used to treat vaginal bleeding, menorrhagia, delayed period, polymenorrhea and skin disorders by stimulating platelet aggregation. 사진ⓒAdobeStock_metamorworks

The Herb Is Also Used To Treat Skin Disorders

By Daniel Cho, L.Ac. (email: [email protected])

E Jiao: Symptom Indicator Score+, Frequency of Use+


-Main Symptoms: Overall bleeding: mostly vaginal bleeding, menorrhagia, delayed period, polymenorrhea and such. Sometimes used for other kinds of bleeding such as bloody stool, hemorrhoid, hematuria, nosebleed, retinal hemorrhage, and subcutaneous hemorrhage.

Possible Symptoms: Dry-type skin disorders, such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and others that accompany dryness of the skin.

-Tendency: Skin flakes or scaling and thickening of palms and soles due to dry skin.

-TIP: For various kinds of bleeding, we can also consider Huang Lian, Shui Zui, Ai Ye, Huang Tu, Chi Shi Zhi and such.


Pharmacological Hypothesis of E Jiao

E Jiao is categorized as an herb that stops bleeding. The main component, Collagen, stimulates platelet aggregation, thereby having hemostatic effects.

E Jiao also moisturizes dry skin.

E Jiao contains gluten, chondrin, collagen, lysine, arginine, histidine, and other ingredients that moisturize the skin.


Clinical Signs of E Jiao

In Shang Han Lun and Jin Kui Yao Lue, E Jiao is included in 10 formulas of Huang Lian E Jiao Tang, Bai Tou Weng Jia E Jiao Gan Cao Tang, Zhu Ling Tang, Xiong Gui Jiao Ai Tang, Wen Jing Tang, Huang Tu Tang, Zhi Gan Cao Tang, Da Huang Gan Sui Tang, Bie Jia Jian Wan, Shu Yu Wan. In Jin Kui Yao Lue, E Jiao is also included in Bai Ye Tang.

△Housewife’s eczema treated with Huang Lian E Jiao Tang. imageⓒRoh, Eui-joon


Main Symptoms

*Overall bleeding: mostly vaginal bleeding, menorrhagia, delayed period, polymenorrhea and such. Sometimes used for other kinds of bleeding such as bloody stool, hemorrhoid, hematuria, nosebleed, retinal hemorrhage, and subcutaneous hemorrhage.

→For various kinds of bleeding, we can also consider Huang Lian, Shui Zui, Ai Ye, Huang Tu, Chi Shi Zhi and such.

E Jiao is a hemostatic herb, with collagen as its main ingredient, which augments platelet aggregation, thereby working as a hemostatic agent to treat various kinds of bleeding. In clinical practice, E Jiao is widely used for gynecological bleeding and menstrual problems, including menorrhagia, delayed periods, or polymenorrhea. We can still consider E Jiao for patients who complain of menorrhagia without vaginal bleeding. E Jiao is also used for other kinds of bleeding, such as bloody stool, hemorrhoid, hematuria, nosebleed, retinal hemorrhage, and subcutaneous hemorrhage.

For various kinds of bleeding, we can also consider Huang Lian, Shui Zui, Ai Ye, Huang Tu, Chi Shi Zhi and such.


Possible Symptoms

Dry-type skin disorders: atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and such that accompany dry skin.

E Jiao supplies moisture to the skin, thereby treating dry skin. Therefore, E Jiao is used for dry-type skin disorders such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis that accompany dryness of the skin.



* Skin flakes or scaling and thickening of palms and soles due to dry skin

E Jiao patients tend to have dry skin, expressed as dry, scaling, or flaky skin. During the dry season, some will experience scaling of palms and soles, thickening of the palms and soles, and disappearing fingerprints due to dry skin.