DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements 24. Small Intestine 小腸腑 소장-Symptoms of Small Intestine Disease


01 The Shape of the Small Intestine 小腸形象 소장의 형상

The length of the small intestine is 3 jang 2 cheok. Circumference is 2.5 chon, and diameter is a little less than 8.5 pun. The weight is 2 geun 14 nyang. The small intestine is piled up from the left of umbilicus. It has 16 folds. It can receive 2 mal 4 doe of food and 6 doe 3.5 hop of water.

02 小腸部位소장의 부위

① Behind the small intestine is located the spinal vertebra. The small intestine is piled up like leaves from the left of the umbilicus.

② The lower exit of the stomach is also the upper entry of the small intestine. This is called the pylorus. The lower exit of the small intestine is located 1 chon above the umbilicus. This is CV9.

③ CV4 is located 3 chon below the umbilicus. It is the alarm point of the small intestine. The transport point of the small intestine, BL-27, is located under the 18th vertebra. These are the areas of the small intestine.

03 Functions of the Small Intestine 小腸傳受 소장이 하는 일

Fermented food and water in the stomach are transported from the pylorus of the stomach to the entrance of the small intestine. Clearness and turbidity are separated at the exit of the small intestine and the water is transported to the inlet of the bladder and waste enters the inlet of the large intestine.

The Classic of Difficult Issues says, ” The iliocecal conjunction is where the small intestine and large intestine meet.” The iliocecal conjunction blocks the way and separates feces and urine. This is how the iliocecal conjunction got its name.

04 External Signs of the Small Intestine 小腸外候 소장의 외후

① The condition of the small intestine is manifested in the thickness of the lips and length of the philtrum.

② The heart corresponds to the vessels. Therefore, if the skin is thick, the vessel is also thick and so is the small intestine. If the skin is thin, the vessel is thin, and so is the small intestine. If the skin is moderate, the vessel is also moderate, and the small intestine
is thick and long. If the skin is thin and the vessel is vacuous and small, and the small intestine is thin and short. If there are many blood vessels in the yang meridian and collateral, then the small intestine is bound.

05 Symptoms of Small Intestine Disease 小腸病證 소장병증

① Lack of middle qi will cause the stomach to growl.

② When the small intestine is sick, the lower abdomen will be painful. Also, there will be pain from the lower back to the scrotum. Sometimes, there is the urgency of urine or stool excretion and heating on the anterior part of the ears.

③ When the pathogen is in the small intestine, qi counterflows to the heart and a pulling sensation could be felt from the small intestine to the testis, and the lower back area.

④ The disease of the small intestine is to have diarrhea.

⑤ When the qi of the small intestine is blocked, the lower abdomen will be painful. When the blood of the small intestine is blocked, there will be difficulty in urination. When heat is in the small intestine, there will be pain in the scrotum.

06 Treatment Methods for Small Intestine Disease 小腸病治法 소장병 치료법

The small intestine is the corresponding bowel of the heart. If a patient suffers from a small intestine disease, the doctor should circulate it by using Guide Out Red Powder or Poria Decoction.

  • Guide Out Red Powder 導赤散 도적산: It eases difficulties in urination from the small intestine heat. Put 1 don of
    Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃), Tetrapanacis Medulla (木通), Glycyrrhizae Radix
    (甘草), and 7 leaves of Bambusae Folium (靑竹葉) in water and boil.
  • Red Poria Decoction 赤茯苓湯 적복령탕: It eases difficulty in urination, a flushed face and profuse sweating from the small intestine heat. Cut 1 don of Tetrapanacis Medulla (木通), Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生地黃), Poria Sclerotium (赤茯苓), Arecae Semen (檳榔), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩), Paeoniae Radix (赤芍藥), and Liriopis Tuber (麥門冬) to make 1 package. Decoct with 5 pieces of ginger and drink.

07 Signs of Exhaustion of Small Intestine Qi 小腸絶候 소장기가 끊어지려는 징후

When small intestine qi is exhausted, the patient will die in six days. How do we know this? We know this by observing the hair standing like dried cannabis with the inability to bend or extend the body, and continuous sweating spontaneously coming out.

08 Simple Prescriptions 單方 단방

There are 9 kinds in total.

  • Alismatis Rhizoma 澤瀉: It frees the small intestine and helps urination. Boil this in water and drink.
  • Tetrapanacis Medulla 木通: It frees the small intestine and brings water down. Boil this in water and drink.
  • Dianthi Herba 瞿麥: It is best in freeing the heart meridian and the small intestine. Boil this with water and drink.
  • Forsythiae Fructus 連翹: It frees the small intestine. Boil this with water and drink.
  • Poria Sclerotium 茯神: It treats blockage of the small intestine. Boil this with water and drink or grind before taking.
  • Glycine Semen Nigra 黑豆: Boil this with water and drink. It will treat stranguria of the intestines. It relieves pain in the intestines. Stir-fry and soak in wine before taking.
  • Gardeniae Fructus 梔子: It treats heat in the small intestine. Decoct before taking.
  • Benincasae Fructus Aquae / The juice of the wax gourd 冬瓜汁: It facilitates circulation of the small intestine. Drinking this will be good for health.
  • Mallow Decoction 煮葵汁: It makes the small intestine smooth. Boil this or mix into salads and take.