DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements 10. Fluids and Humors 津液 진액 (5)

△ Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑)

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

21 Accumulated Qi Makes Humors 積氣生液기가 쌓이면 액이 생긴다

① A sage once said, “yin springs from yang, yang comes from yin, humor comes from qi and qi comes from humor.” He also said, “Qi springs from accumulated humor and humor comes from accumulated qi.”

② Zhuzi (朱子) said, “Water and Fire come out of change and unity of yin and yang. Although they flow and blaze up because they are qi, their substance is deficient and body is yet unformed. Wood and Metal then come around and their bodies certainly appear. Water and Fire are spontaneously born.”

③ Chengzi (程子) said, “The sixth element of the Eight Trigrams is Water. One yang starts from the middle part and it is the first formed.” Lu Zhaibao (魯齋鮑氏) said, “The body of everything is Water when they first come to being, so Water is the origin of all things.” Someone asked, “How can one prove that the Heaven One gives birth to Water?” He answered, “I can prove it with the body of a person. Drool comes out due to unrest of a desirous mind, tears are caused by unrest of a sorrowful mind, sweat is caused by a shameful mind and essence is caused by unrest of a desireous mind. Taegeuk (太極, the Great Absoulte) is when the mind is at calm rest. In the same way, Taegeuk mobilizes when the mind shifts, and thus yang is formed. If the mind shifts once, Water is born. This can prove that the Heaven One gives birth to Water.”

④ Water springs from yang and is completed in yin. As qi moves, yang forms. As qi gathers to be calm, it becomes Water. You know it by breathing out. As spirit is the master of qi. Qi follows when spirit moves. As qi Is the mother of Water, when qi gathers, Water is formed.

22 Tears 泣 눈물

① Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, “The kidney governs humor. Humor enters the liver to become tears.”

② Huangdi asked, “Which qi makes tears and snivel upon feeling sorrow?” Qibo answered, “The heart is the master of the five viscera and six bowels. Eyes are the place where the assembled meridians gather and humor of the upper region passes. The nose and the mouth are the door where qi goes in and out. Therefore, sorrow and anxiety shake the heart; the heart shakes the five viscera and six bowels; the shaken five viscera and six bowels affect the ancestor meridian; the ancestor meridian in
turn opens the passageway of humor; snivel and tears come out when the passage is open. Aek (液, humor) wets orifices by supplying essence. For that reason, tears come out when a pathway of humor in the upper part opens. If tears do not stop, it will dry humor. Dried humor means no transfer of essence which in turn causes blindness in the eyes. This is called Taljung (脫精, essence collapse).”

③ All fluid and humor in the five viscera and six bowels ascend and permeate the eyes. When qi gathers because of sorrow, it pulls the heart connector; the pulled heart connector lifts the lungs; the lifted lungs cause the overflow of humor. The heart
connector and the lung cannot remain lifted up all the time. Therefore, they go up and down to cause coughing and tears.

④ In the case of the senile, they have deficient bile so they may not have tears upon crying but may have tears upon laughing. It is because of the exuberance of Fire and debilitation of Water. Therefore, tears will come out despite the heat in the gallbladder.

23 Snivel 涕 콧물

① The Inner Classic (內經) says, “Tears and snivel come out from the brain which is yin. The brain permeates out to become snivel.”

② The Divine Pivot (靈樞) says, “The kidney governs humor. The humor enters the lungs to become snivel. Snivel is humor of the lungs.”

③ As heat is transferred from the gallbladder to the brain, the ridge of the nose gets cold and Biyeon (鼻淵, sinusitis) occurs. Biyeon (鼻淵, sinusitis) means turbid snivel keeps coming out continuously. [The details are in the nose chapter].

④ When there is heat in the lungs, turbid snivel that’s like yellow pus and as big as a bullet will come out. If it does not come out, it will damage the lungs and damaged lungs cause death. [The details are in the nose chapter].
⑤ Clear snivel comes out profusely when there is damage from wind.
⑥ Turbid snivel belongs to wind heat, while the clear one belongs to lung cold.

24 Drool 涎 침

① Yeon (涎, drool) means an unstopping flow around the edges of the mouth.

② Yeon (涎, drool) is humor of the stomach and comes out when there is heat in the spleen.

③ Huangdi said, “Which qi makes a person drool?” Qibo answered, “All food enters the stomach. A parasite moves due to heat in the stomach. Then, the stomach drops down to open CV23, which will cause drooling.

④ There was a person whose pulse was surging and drooled continuously, laughed easily and could not speak a word. After taking Scutellariae Radix (黃芩), Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連), Gardeniae Fructus (梔子), Phellodendri Cortex (黃柏), Atractylodis Rhizoma (蒼朮), Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮), Pinelliae Tuber (半夏), Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen (竹瀝), and Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) juice, the person stopped drooling and started laughing in five days.

⑤ For continuous drooling around the edges of the mouth caused by a deviated eye and mouth, take a Clear Heart and Guide Out Phlegm Pill, 50 pills with water steeped with a Unblock Heaven to Recover from Wind Decoction.

⑥ If one keeps vomiting clear water and has cold drool rising from the bottom, it is because of spleen heat. Add Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮), Paeoniae Radix Alba (白芍藥), Cimicifugae Rhizoma (升麻) (baked with soil), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩), Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連), Gardeniae Fructus (梔子), Massa Medicata Fermentata (神麯), Hordei Fructus Germinatus (麥芽), and Zingiberis Rhizoma (乾薑) (dried Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) in its skin) to a Syzygii Flos Relieve Stomach Decoction (二陳湯). [The prescription is seen in the chapter Phlegm]. Take it in pills or steep it.

  • Unblock Heaven to Recover from Wind Decoction 通天愈風湯 통천유풍탕: Use Platycodonis Radix (桔梗) 3 don, Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮) 1.5 don, Ginseng Radix (人參), Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星) (rolled in a damp paper and
    baked) and Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae (貝母) (baked) 1 don each, Clematidis Radix (威靈仙), Forsythiae Fructus (連翹), Saposhnikoviae Radix (防風), Schizonepetae Spica (荊芥穗) and Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) 5 pun each, and 15 grains of
    Trichosanthis Semen (瓜蔞仁). Chop these into 1 package, add 3 pieces of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) and steep in water. Mix 1 sip of Vitex negundo L. Var. Cannabifolia (Sieb. et Zucc.) Hand.-Mazz. in Liquamen (荊瀝) and some Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) juice, heat, and take it.
  • Clear Heart and Guide Out Phlegm Pill 淸心導痰丸 청심도담환: Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星) and Pinelliae Tuber (半夏) (processed in Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) juice together) 2 nyang each, Aconiti Koreani Tuber (白附子) and Trichosanthis Radix (天花粉) 1 nyang each, Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連) (baked) and Curcumae Radix (鬱金) 7.5 don each, Batryticatus Bombyx (白殭蠶) (baked), Gastrodiae Rhizoma (天麻) and Osterici Radix (羌活) 5 don each, and Aconiti
    Tuber (川烏) (processed in salt) 2 don. Grind these into powder, make into paste with starch cooked with Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) juice, and make it into pills as big as the seed of the royal foxglove tree. Then take it.

25 Spittle 唾 침

① Spittle is the humor of the kidneys. The Inner Classic (內經) says, “Spittle comes out from the kidneys.” Spittle forms from teeth.

② There is much spittle if there is cold in the kidneys; there will be little if there is heat in the kidneys.

③ Water inside the mouth is called Whaji (華池, reflexed saliva) or Ukchun (玉泉, a jade spring). The Scripture of the Yellow Court (黃庭經) says, “Make clear water in Ukchun (玉泉, a jade spring) and wet Younggeun (靈根, root of the tongue). One may live long if one trains the saliva carefully.” Younggeun (靈根, root of the tongue) refers to the tongue.

④ Frequent spitting after recovering from a severe disease is due to cold in the stomach. Use an Order the Center Pill to warm it.

⑤ If one keeps on spitting immediately after recovering from a severe disease, it is due to cold staying at the entrance of the stomach. Add Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus (益智仁) to an Order the Center Pill. [The prescription is seen in the chapter on Cold Damage].

⑥ Most people also spit in the case of worm diseases. [The prescription is in the worm chapter].

26 Methods for Returning Body Essence and Fluids 迴津法 진액을 돌이키는 법

A Wise man said, “Form a good habit not to spit on the ground.” The fluid and humor inside the mouth is Geumjang (金漿, golden drink) and Okrye (玉醴, jade sweet wine). If one does not spit all day and keep spittle in one’s mouth and keeps swallowing, one’s essence qi will remain inside to make the face and eyes shine. The body originates from fluid and humor. It turns into sweat in the skin, blood in the flesh, essence in the kidneys, spittle in the mouth, phlegm in the spleen, and tears in the eyes. Sweat, blood, tears, or essence cannot be regained when they come out; spittle is the only exception. When regained, it can continue the cycle of creation. Someone who spit often made the fluid and humor dry up. The person also grew gaunt and became healthy again only after meeting a hermit and learning how to regain spittle.

27 Common Medicinals 通治藥 통치약

For spontaneous sweating, night sweating, and other sweating disorders, Astragalus Decoction (黃芪湯), Oyster Shell Powder [The prescriptions are mentioned above.], Tonify the Center to Augment the qi Decoction (補中益氣湯) [the prescription is in the chapter on Internal Damage] and Double Harmony Decoction [The prescription is in the chapter on Deficiency Vexation] are used in general.

28 Simple Prescriptions 單方 단방

There are 25 kinds in total.

  • Gypsum Fibrosum 石膏: Induces mild sweating to remove toxins. Grind it finely, steep it in water, and take it.
  • Puerariae Radix 葛根: Induces sweating mildly, disperses the exterior, and opens the interstices. Steep it in water and take it.
  • Ephedrae Herba 麻黃: One without stems has the dispersion effect to induce sweating while its root and stem tonify the exterior to stop sweating. Steep it in water and take it.
  • Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus and Zingiberis Rhizoma 生薑及乾薑: All have exterior-effusing effect to open the interstices to induce sweating. Steep it in water and take it.
  • Spirodelae Herba 浮萍: It is best in inducing sweat. The details are in the Clear Wind Elixir in the chapter on Wind.
  • Schizonepetae Spica 荊芥: Its exterior-effusing effect induces sweating. Steep it in water and take it.
  • Menthae Herba 薄荷: Sends toxic sweat out, relieves fatigue, and cools the head and eyes. Steep it in water and take it.
  • Allii Fistulosi Bulbus 葱白: Use one with roots intact. Its exterior-releasing effect induces sweating and scatters wind. Steep it in water and take it.
  • Perillae Folium 紫蘇葉: ① Scatters the exterior qi to induce sweating.② Steep it with Citri Unshius Pericarpium Immaturus (靑皮) for not sweating for a long time. One may sweat as soon as taking it.
  • Lonicerae Caulis 忍冬藤: Scatters old accumulation and old-stagnated qi, and induces sweating. Steeping is better.
  • Asiasari Radix et Rhizoma 細辛: Scatters wind to induce sweating. Steep it in water and take it. As it may block qi, it should not be grinded.
  • Armeniacae Semen 杏仁: Induces mild sweating. Steep it in water and take it.
  • Glycine Semen Preparatum 豆豉: ① Induces sweating. ② Soak 1 doe of baked Glycine Semen Preparatum (豆豉) in 3 doe of wine for 3 days, warm it up, and take it. Or cool it down and take it. If the disease is not cured, make it again and take it.
  • Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba 白朮: ① Stops sweating. ② It is effective in treating night sweating. Steep Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮) (grinded into small masses in proper amounts) with Tritici Immatri Semen (浮小麥) 1 doe and water 1 mal until water is dried up, slice it and then, dry it over a fire. Remove Tritici Immatri Semen (浮小麥), grind only Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮) finely, mix each 2 don with water steeped with Tritici Immatri Semen (浮小麥) apart and take it.
  • Cinnamomi Ramulus 桂枝: Stops sweating. Use Cinnamomi Ramulus (桂枝) for the exterior deficiency during the autumn and winter. Steep and take it.
    ∙ Zizyphi Semen 酸棗仁: Stops sweating. Used for night sweating. Grind Zizyphi Semen (酸棗仁) (baked), Ginseng Radix (人參), and Poria Sclerotium (白茯苓) finely, mix each 2 don with a thin gruel of rice and take it.
  • Mori Folium 桑葉: The most effective in stopping night sweating. Pick the second leaf of a green malberry with dew, dry it in the shade, warm it over a fire, grind it into powder, mix it with a thin gruel of rice, and take it.
  • Ostreae Concha 牡蠣粉: Stops sweating. Stops night sweating when taken with Eucommiae Cortex (杜冲). Also, grind it into powder with Ephedrae Radix (麻黃根), and rub it on the skin. It may stop night sweating.
  • Tritici Immatri Semen 浮小麥: ① Tonifies the exterior deficiency to stop spontaneous sweating. ② Steep it in water to make for drinking and take it all the time. ③ Eating much food made of wheat flour may be good for spontaneous sweating.
  • Saposhnikoviae Radix 防風: Stops sweating and night sweating. Steep it in water. Leaves are better.
  • Astragali Radix 黃芪: ① Tonifies the exterior deficiency to stop spontaneous sweating. Add some Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) (baked) to Astragali Radix (黃芪) (soaked in honeyed water and roasted), steep it in water, and take it all the time. ② Use Astragali Radix (黃芪) in the spring and summer for spontaneous sweating.
  • Ephedrae Radix 麻黃根: Stops spontaneous sweating night sweating. Steep it in water and take it. Or mix it with Ostreae Concha (牡蠣粉) and apply over the body. Then, one stops sweating.
  • Zanthoxyli Pericarpium 椒目: The most effective in stopping night sweating. Bake it a little and grind it into very fine powder. Mix 0.5 don with 1 hop of water steeped with the upper lip of a pig and take it when going to bed. It is always
  • Mume Fructus Praeparatum 烏梅: Stops frequent spitting. Make it into tea and drink it.
  • Poria Sclerotium 白茯苓: Stops spontaneous and night sweating. Grind it into powder, mix each 2 don with water steeped with Mume Fructus Praeparatum (烏梅) and old Artemisia (艾), and take it.

29 Acupuncture and Moxibustion 鍼灸法침구법

① Purgate HT6 for continuous sweating during the night.

② Use BL4 when there is no sweating.

③ Use KI19, LR10, PC5, LR6 and CC6.

④ Use GV14 and BL13 for night sweating in consumptive diseases.

⑤ If there is no sweating despite Cold Damage, purgate both LI4 and KI7. It will be cured for sure.