DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements-09. Speech (2)

△ 『Dongui Bogam-Internal Bodily Elements』 English Version. ⓒKIOM

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

06 Muttering 鄭聲 정성

① Muttering (鄭) means repetition. It means to repeat words and have an indistinct voice like the evil lyrics of the Zheng (鄭) and Wei (衛) Dynasty. [It is mentioned in detail in the chapter on Cold].

② Muttering means that speech is discontinuous, which is due to exhausted essential qi.

③ Muttering means that the voice is trembling and powerless and the speech is discontinuous and indistinct. It happens after suffering from severe diseases.

07 A Feeble Voice 言微 말 소리가 약한 것

① In the Inner Classic (內經) it is said, “Speaking in a faint voice and repeating the same words all day long is because qi has escaped.”

② In the Divine Pivot (靈樞) it is said, “CV17 is the sea of qi. When qi is insufficient in CV6, the patient does not have energy so he/she cannot speak a lot.”

③ Zhang Yilao (易老) said, “When genuine qi is weak, the pulse is faint, and the patient does not want to speak. A Ginseng and Astragalus Decoction or Augment Qi Pill [he prescriptions are all mentioned in the chapter on Qi] should be prescribed.”

08 Shouting 呼 소리침

① In the Basic Questions (素問) it is said, “The sound of the liver is shouting.”

② If the patient’s nails are blue and the patient continues to swear, it is because gallbladder qi has collapsed. In this case, to shout and swear is the sound of anger. It differs from manic psychosis.

③ If the patient’s nails are blue and the patient swears loudly, it is because the qi of sinew has collapsed. The patient will die within nine days.

09 Laughing 笑 웃음

① In the Divine Pivot (靈樞) it is said, “When heart qi is deficient, the patient becomes sad. When it is excessive, patient cannot stop laughing.”

② In the Inner Classic (內經) it is said, “The heart keeps the spirit inside. If the spirit is excessive, the patient cannot stop laughing; if it is insufficient, the patient becomes sad.”

③ In the Classic of Difficult Issues (難經) it is said, “External symptoms of the heart are a red complexion, dry mouth, and

④ In the Inner Classic (內經) it is said, “The sound of the heart is laughing.” Also, “Being happy and laughing all belong to heart-Fire.”

⑤ Huangfu Shian (皇甫士安) said, “When the heart is excessive, the patient laughs. To laugh means to be happy.”

⑥ Liu Hejian (河間) said, “Happiness is the will of heart Fire. Being very happy and laughing is like the sound of burning things into the fire. This is the image of laughing. Therefore, laughing as a disease means that heart Fire is exuberant.”

09-1 Treatments 治法 치료법

A woman suffered from unstoppable laughing. Half a year had passed, but no treatments showed effect. Zhang Congzheng (張從正) said, “This disease is easy to cure.” He put 2 nyang of light gray salt mass in a fire and heated it up. Then he cooled it and ground it into fine powder. He scooped 1 bowl of water from the river, added salt and decocted it. He made the woman drink it three times, then he traced up her throat with hair pin and made her vomit 4~5 doe of heat-phlegm. After that he gave her a Coptis Detoxification Decoction, and the woman stopped laughing a few days later. In the Inner Classic (內經) it is said, “If the spirit is excessive, the patient cannot stop laughing.” The spirit is heart-Fire. When wind blows, the fire blazes up; this is the image of laughing. Among the five phases, laughing is only related to Fire. In former days, I cured an old man who
could not stop laughing and driveled. I gave him a Coptis Detoxification Decoction [the prescription is mentioned in the chapter on Cold] with Pinelliae Tuber (半夏), Phyllostachys Folium (竹葉), Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen (竹瀝), and Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) juice added, then he stopped laughing.

10 Singing 歌 노래

① In the Inner Classic (內經) it is said, “The sound of the spleen is singing.”
② In the Divine Pivot (靈樞) it is said, “When the disease of the stomach meridian is severe, the patient climbs up to high places and sings.”

③ If the patient suffers from manic depressive psychosis or mental derangement, he/she sings or weeps.

④ The spleen likes music. This is the nature of the spleen.