DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements-05 Spirit ∙ 神 신 (6) 

image(c)Dollarphotoclub_marilyn barbone

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

Cooked Elixir Pill 燒丹丸 소단환

  • ① It cures fright-induced epilepsy during pregnancy. Glauberite (太陰玄精石), Calomelas (輕粉) (1 don each), Calomelas Depuratum (粉霜), and Borax (鵬砂) (5 pun each). Grind these finely, put in 1 don of Panis in Primo Vere Praeparata (寒食麪), knead with water, make it into pills, and then make rice cakes with the pills. Wrap them with flour, bury in an ash Fire, roast them until they become yellow, get rid of the flour, and then grind them finely again. Knead the powder by adding water, and make it into pills the size of rice. Have the patient take 5 pills at a time with warm water if he or she is 1 year old and 10 pills if he or she is 2 until the bad substances come out with diarrhea.
  • ② A girl suffered from epilepsy, letting out sheep-like sounds and frothing whenever the weather was cloudy or rainy, or when she was frightened. It is because her mother got frightened during her pregnancy. The disease was severe and was hard to cure. She was first given a Cooked Elixir Pill, and then given a Four Substances Decoction to which Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連) was added, but added and gotten rid of according to her needs. Also, she was given light food in order to help the effect of the medicine. Half a year passed when she was finally cured.

Five Raw Drugs Pill 五生丸 오생환

It cures a cold body temperature and a fine and moderate pulse caused by yin epilepsy. Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星), Pinelliae Tuber (半夏), Aconiti Tuber (川烏), Aconiti Koreani Tuber (白附子), Glycine Semen Nigra (黑豆) (all raw, 1 nyang each). Grind these, knead with paste made with the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁), and make it into pills the size of the seed of the royal foxglove tree. Take 3 pills or 5 pills at a time with water decocted lightly with Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑).

Remove Wind and Dispel Phlegm Pill 追風祛痰丸 추풍거담환

It cures epilepsy caused by wind phlegm. Pinelliae Tuber (半夏) (take 6 nyang of which has been cleansed with boiled water and then ground, and divide into two parts, one of which is Pinelliae Tube Fermentata (半夏麴) made by putting into the juice of Gleditsiae Spina (皂角), and the other of which is Pinelliae Tube Fermentata (半夏麴) made by putting into the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁), Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星) (3 nyang) (chop and put half in water in which Alumen (白礬) has been soaked, for a day, and the other half in water in which Gleditsiae Spina (皂角) has been soaked, also for a day), Saposhnikoviae Radix (防風), Gastrodiae Rhizoma (天麻), Batryticatus Bombyx (白殭蠶) (parched), Aconiti Koreani Tuber (白附子) (buried in an ash Fire and roasted), Gleditsiae Spina (皂角) (parched) (1 nyang each), Scorpio (全蝎) (parched), Alumen (白礬) (roasted), and Aucklandiae Radix (木香) (5 don each). Grind these, knead with paste made with the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁), make into pills the size of the seed of the royal foxglove tree, and coat them with Cinnabaris (朱砂). Take 70~80 pills at a time with water decocted with Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑).

Clear Heart and Rid Phlegm Pill 淸心滾痰丸 청심곤담환

It cures epilepsy, manic psychosis, and all other strange diseases. It cures phlegm Fire overall. Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (大黃) (steamed with wine), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩) (4 nyang each), Chalcocitum (靑礞石) (burned with Niter (焰硝) until the fire turns gold), Rhinocertis Cornu (犀角), Gleditsiae Spina (皂角), Cinnabaris (朱砂) (levigated) (5 don each), Aquillariae Lignum (沈香) (2.5 don), and Moschus (麝香) (5 pun). Grind these, knead with water, make it into pills the size of the seed of the royal foxglove tree, and coat them with Cinnabaris (朱砂). Take 70 pills at a time with warm water.

Borneol Calm Spirit Pill 龍腦安神丸 용뇌안신환

  • ① It cures five kinds of epilepsy. It does not matter whether the disease is recent or chronic. Poria Sclerotium (白茯苓) (3 nyang), Ginseng Radix (人參), Lycii Radicis Cortex (地骨皮), Liriopis Tuber (麥門冬), Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) (2 nyang each), Mori Cortex (桑白皮), Rhinocertis Cornu (犀角) (cut and ground) (1 nyang each), Bovis Calculus (牛黃) (5 don), Borneolum (龍腦), Moschus (麝香) (3 don each), Cinnabaris (朱砂), Mirabilitum (馬牙硝) (2 don each), and 35 sheets of Aurum Foil (金箔). Grind these, knead with honey, make it into pills the size of a bullet, and plate them with gold. Take 1 pill at a time with warm water in winter and cool water in summer.
  • ② Hoelen cum Radix (茯神) was used in the Orthodox Transmission of Medicine (正傳).

Golden Screen Calm Heart Pill 金箔鎭心丸 금박진심환

It cures all kinds of diseases related to phlegm Fire, such as epilepsy, palpitations, and throbbing. Bovis Fel Preparata Arisaematis Rhizoma (牛膽南星) (1 nyang), Cinnabaris (朱砂) (levigated), Succinum (琥珀), Bambusae Concretio Silicea (天竺黃) (5 don each), Bovis Calculus (牛黃), Realgar (雄黃), Margaritum (眞珠) (2 don each), and Moschus (麝香) (0.5 don). Grind these, knead with honey, make 30 pills out of 1 nyang, and plate them with gold. Take 1 pill at a time with water decocted with Menthae Herba (薄荷).

Control Saliva Pill 控涎丸 공연환

It cures all kinds of symptoms that have been caused by the dissipation and gathering of obstinate phlegm which is in turn due to chronic epilepsy. Batryticatus Bombyx (白殭蠶) (put into the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁) for one night), Aconiti Tuber (川烏), raw Pinelliae Tuber (半夏) (5 don each), 7 Scorpio (全蝎), Pulvis Aci (鐵粉) (3 don), and Euphorbiae Kansui Radix (甘遂) (2.5 don). Grind these, knead with paste made with the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁), make it into pills the size of mung beans, and coat them with Cinnabaris (朱砂). Take 15 pills at a time with water decocted with Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑).

Euphorbiae Powder 甘遂散 감수산

It is extraordinarily effective in treating five kinds of epilepsy or disturbed blood caused by heart wind in women. Mix 1 don of Euphorbiae Kansui Radix (甘遂) powder with blood from the heart of a pig. Put it in a pig heart divided into two, join the divided parts together, and then tie it with thread. Wrap this wet with leather, bury it in a weak ash Fire, roast it, take it out, and then grind it finely. Put in 1 don of Cinnabaris (辰砂) (levigated) powder, mix well, and divide into 4 balls. Take 1 ball at a time and melt it in water decocted with the heart of a pig which had been buried in an ash Fire and then roasted. Stop taking the medicine if bad substances come out via feces, and take one more if it is not effective.

Shock Formula 驚氣元 경기원

  • ① It cures what has turned into epilepsy when one has been frightened and has lost one’s mind. During an attack, one faints and the rattling noise of phlegm can be heard. One becomes like a fool upon waking up. Perillae Semen (蘇子) (1 nyang), Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata (附子), Aucklandiae Radix (木香), Batryticatus Bombyx (白殭蠶) (parched), Agkistrodon (白花), Citrus Unshius Exocarpium (橘紅), Gastrodiae Rhizoma (天麻), Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星) (5 don each), Scorpio (全蝎) (2.5 don), Borneolum (龍腦), Moschus (麝香) (5 pun each), and Cinnabaris (朱砂) (levigated) (2.5 don) [half is used to coat the outer surface]. Grind these, knead with honey, make it into pills the size of Longan Arillus (龍眼肉), and coat them with Cinnabaris (朱砂). Take 1 pill at a time with water decocted with Menthae Herba (薄荷) or warm wine.
  • ② If Aconiti Lateralis Radix Preparata (附子) is removed and Pulvis Aci (鐵粉) added, it works even more mysteriously.

Embrace Gallbladder Pill 抱膽丸 포담환

  • ① It cures all kinds of epilepsies, wind manic psychosis, or diseases caused by fright or fear. First, put 2.5 nyang of Plumbum (黑鉛) in a small pot to melt it, and then add 2 nyang of Hydrargyrum (水銀) in order to make it bind like grains of sand. Then, add 1 nyang each of Cinnabaris (朱砂) and Olibanum (乳香) powder, grind it with a hammer made from a willow tree when it become hot, knead, and make it into pills the size of Euryales Semen (芡實). Take 1 at a time with water from a well on an empty stomach. Then the patient goes to sleep. One should never frighten or move the patient. When the patient wakes up from sleep, the person feels comfortable, and the disease can be cured completely if one more pill is taken.
  • ② In the past, the son of King Zhongyi (忠懿王) had a heart disease and took this medicine. There was a mad dog by chance, and when it was given this medicine, it came back to itself. When its stomach was cut open, the medicine was wrapped around its gallbladder. Therefore, the medicine was named so.

Nourish Yin and Stabilize Spirit Decoction 滋陰寧神湯 자음영신탕

It cures epilepsy, as well as dizziness, fainting, and spasms caused by an excessive gallbladder. Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸), Cnidii Rhizoma (川芎), Paeoniae Radix Alba (白芍藥), Rehmanniae Radix Preparata (熟地黃), Ginseng Radix (人參), Hoelen cum Radix (茯神), Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮), Polygalae Radix (遠志), Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星) (1 don each), Zizyphi Semen (酸棗仁) (parched), Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) (5 pun each), and Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連) (soaked with wine and parched) (4 pun). Chop these, make them 1 package, and decoct in water with 3 pieces of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑).

Clear Heart and Warm Gallbladder Decoction 淸心溫膽湯 청심온담탕

  • ① It cures all kinds of epilepsy. It relieves the liver, removes stagnant qi, lowers Fire, removes phlegm, and adds heart blood. Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮), Pinelliae Tuber (半夏), Poria Sclerotium (茯苓), Ponciri Fructus Immaturus (枳實), Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam (竹茹), Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮), Acori Gramineri Rhizoma (石菖蒲), Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連) (soaked in the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁) and parched), Cyperi Rhizoma (香附子), Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸), Paeoniae Radix Alba (白芍藥) (1 don each), Liriopis Tuber (麥門冬) (8 pun), Cnidii Rhizoma (川芎), Polygalae Radix (遠志), Ginseng Radix (人參) (6 pun each), and Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) (4 pun). Chop these, divided them into 2 packages, and decoct them in water with 3 pieces of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑).
  • ② It is referred to as a Clear the Heart and Restrain the Gallbladder Decoction (淸心抑膽湯) in the Recovery from the Myriad Diseases (回春).

Restore Spirit Elixir 歸神丹 귀신단

It cures absent-mindedness and forgetfulness due to insufficient heart qi. It also cures epilepsy, manic psychosis, palpitations caused by the spirit not holding its proper position and throbbing, as well as deficiencies in the heart caused by suffering from serious diseases. This medicine relieves the heart spirit and protects source qi, allowing one to live long. 2 nyang of large lump of Cinnabaris (朱砂) (put in the heart of a pig, tied with Junci Medulla (燈心), steamed with good wine during the amount of time in which rice can be made 2 times, taken out and ground separately), Zizyphi Semen (酸棗仁) (parched), Hoelen cum Radix (白茯神), Ginseng Radix (人參), large Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸) (2 nyang each), crimson Succinum (琥珀), Polygalae Radix (遠志) (big ones picked, put into the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁), and then dried), Fossilia Mastodi Dentis (龍齒) (1 nyang each), Aurum Foil (金箔) and Argentum Foil (銀箔) (20 sheets each). Grind these, put in wine, knead into a light paste, and make it into pills the size of the seed of the royal foxglove tree. Take 18~27 pills at a time with water decocted with Liriopis Tuber (麥門冬). Take with water decocted with Olibanum (乳香) and Ginseng Radix (人參) when epilepsy is serious. Take with water decocted with Zizyphi Semen (酸棗仁) when one has too many dreams or cannot sleep.

Convulsion Pill 五癎丸 오간환

It cures recent or chronic epilepsy. Pinelliae Tuber (半夏) (cleansed with wine, dried with fire and then dried without it) (2 nyang), Batryticatus Bombyx (白殭蠶) (parched) (1.5 nyang), Arisaematis Rhizoma (南星) (wrapped in wet paper and roasted), Zaocys (烏蛇肉), Alumen (白礬) (1 nyang each), Aconiti Koreani Tuber (白附子) (5 don), Moschus (麝香) (ground separately) (3 don), Cinnabaris (朱砂) (levigated) (2.5 don), Scorpio (全蝎) (parched) (2 don), Realgar (雄黃) (ground separately) (1.5 don), a half of Scolopendrae Corpus (蜈蚣) (with its head and legs removed and roasted in a fire), and Gleditsiae Spina (皂角) (4nyang) (smashed with a hammer, put in a half doe of water, its juice squeezed out, boiled down with Alumen (白礬), dried, and then ground). Grind these, knead with paste made with the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁), and make it into pills the size of the seed of the royal foxglove tree. Take 30 pills at a time with water decocted with Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑).

Six Treasures Elixir 六珍丹 육진단

It cures crying and screaming caused by five kinds of epilepsies and feeling dizzy, fainting, frothing at the mouth, and having a spasm because of wind epilepsy. Hydrargyrum (水銀) (1.5 nyang) (parched with 1 nyang of Plumbum (黑鉛) and ground appropriately), Realgar (雄黃), Orpiment (雌黃), Margaritum (眞珠) (1 nyang each), and Cinnabaris (丹砂) (levigated) (5 don). Grind these finely, knead with honey, pound 20~30 thousand times in a mortar, and make it into pills the size of the seed of the royal foxglove tree. Take 5 pills at a time with water decocted with Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) and Zizyphi Fructus (大棗).

Qian’s Five Colours Pill 錢氏五色丸 전씨오색환

It cures all kinds of epilepsy. Realgar (雄黃) (parched), Margaritum (眞珠) (ground separately) (1 nyang each), Cera Flava (蠟) (3 nyang), Hydrargyrum (水銀) (parched with Cera Flava (蠟) and then lumped together like grains of sand) (2.5 don), and Cinnabaris (朱砂) (levigated) (5 don). Grind these finely, knead with flour paste, and make it into pills the size of hempseeds. Take 3~4 pills at a time with water decocted with Menthae Herba (薄荷).

Nurture Soul Elixir 育魂丹 육혼단

It cures all kinds of epilepsies, throbbing, fright, and fear. Dioscoreae Rhizoma (山藥) (1 nyang), Pinelliae Tuber (半夏), Bovis Fel Preparata Arisaematis Rhizoma (牛膽南星), Hoelen cum Radix (白茯神), Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba (白朮), Coptidis Rhizoma (黃連) (parched), Polygalae Radix (遠志), Zizyphi Semen (酸棗仁) (parched) and Thujae Semen (柏子仁) (6 don each), Bambusae Caulis in Taeniam (竹茹), Gastrodiae Rhizoma (天麻), Aconiti Koreani Tuber (白附子) (buried in an ash Fire and roasted) and Cnidii Rhizoma (川芎) (5 don each), Rhinocertis Cornu (犀角), Antelopis Cornu (羚羊角), Alumen (白礬) (3.5 don each), Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (陳皮) (3.25 don), Scorpio (全蝎) (3.2 don), Cinnabaris (辰砂) (2.2 don), Bovis Calculus (牛黃) (1.2 don), Moschus (麝香) (1 don), and 24 sheets of Aurum Foil (金箔). Grind these, knead with paste made by mixing Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen (竹瀝) and Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草), and make it into pills the size of the head of a chicken. Take 1 pill at a time on an empty stomach with water decocted lightly with Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑).

Second Earthly Branch Precious Pill 丑寶丸 축보환

It cures all kinds of difficult diseases such as epilepsy, throbbing, and chronic convulsions. It removes wind, lowers Fire, removes phlegm, controls qi, opens up the heart, stabilizes the will, relieves the spirit, and subdues spasms. Rhei Radix et Rhizoma (大黃) (mixed with wine, steamed nine times and exposed to the sun nine times), Scutellariae Radix (黃芩) (parched) (2 nyang each), Bovis Fel Preparata Arisaematis Rhizoma (牛膽南星) and Acori Gramineri Rhizoma (石菖蒲) (1 nyang each), Batryticatus Bombyx (白殭蠶) (soaked in the juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁) and parched) (7 nyang), Cinnabaris (辰砂) (used to coat) (6 don), Chalcocitum (靑礞石) (heated), Gastrodiae Rhizoma (天麻) (soaked in Juice of Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑汁) and parched) and Cicadidae Periostracum (蟬退) (5 don each), Aquillariae Lignum (沈香) and Rhinocertis Cornu (犀角) (1.5 don each), Succinum (琥珀) and Realgar (雄黃) (1 don each), Bovis Calculus (牛黃) (5 pun), and the blood of 2 pig hearts. Grind these, knead with paste made with Bambusae Caulis in Liquamen (竹瀝), make it into pills the size of mung beans, and coat them with Cinnabaris (朱砂). Take 60 pills at a time with water decocted with Menthae Herba (薄荷).

Owl Skull Pill 鴟頭丸 치두환

It cures a malignant disease like epilepsy. 1 head of a kite (burned so the efficacy remains), Minium (黃丹), and Gleditsiae Spina (皂角) (with condensed milk spread on it and then roasted) (5 don each). Grind these, knead with glutinous rice paste, and make it into pills the size of mung beans. Take 20~30 pills at a time with rice gruel.

Live Tiger Elixir 活虎丹 활호단

It cures deficiencies of qi and blood caused by old epilepsy. Catch a gecko, cut off the toenails from its four legs, and grind them finely with its blood. Put in little bits of Cinnabaris (朱砂), Borneolum (龍腦), and Moschus (麝香), and grind finely. First, encourage the descent of phlegm and saliva with Chalcocitum Powder, and then put the forementioned medicine in water decocted with Menthae Herba (薄荷). This medicine tonifies the heart and spirit. The disease is cured when the heart becomes whole.

Bat Powder 蝙蝠散 편복산

It cures epilepsy. Obtain a large bat during its hibernation, fill its stomach with 3 don of Cinnabaris (朱砂), put it on a new roofing tile, and burn it with fire until it becomes dry. When it cools down, grind it, and divide it into 4 packages when taking the medicine. For children, the medicine should be divided 5 times. Take it on an empty stomach with boiling water.

Alum and Yellow Lead Pill 礬丹丸 반단환

  • ① It cures five kinds of epilepsy (癲疾) and some other kinds of epilepsy (癎疾). Minium (黃丹) and Alumen (白礬) (1 nyang each). Drill a hole into a brick, put in Minium (黃丹) first, put in Alumen (白礬) next, heat the brick with 5 geun of charcoal, and take the ingredients out when the fire goes out. Grind these finely, knead with blood from the heart of a pig, and make it into pills the size of mung beans. Take 10~20 pills at a time with water decocted with Citrus Unshius Pericarpium (橘皮).
  • ②[It is also called a Phellodendron Elixir.]

Stop Convulsions Elixir 斷癎丹 단간단

It cures reoccurring or sporadic epilepsy and spasms. Astragali Radix (黃芪), Uncariae Ramulus et Uncus (釣鉤藤), Asiasari Radix et Rhizoma (細辛) and Glycyrrhizae Radix (甘草) (5 don each), 1 Serpentis Periostracum (蛇退) (burned so the efficacy remains), 4 Cicadidae Periostracum (蟬退) (whole), and Bovis Calculus (牛黃) (2.5 pun). Grind these, knead with the flesh of Zizyphi Fructus (大棗), make it into pills the size of the seed of the royal foxglove tree. However, make it into the size of mung beans for children. Take 20 pills at a time with water decocted with Ginseng Radix (人參).