Clinical Application of Saam acupuncture (Four Points Acupuncture) (2)

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  • Sanghoon Lee, KMD, MPH, PhD, DiplAc, LAc Professor, Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, College of Korean Medicine Kyunghee university
  • Dongwoo Nam, KMD, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, College of Korean Medicine Kyunghee university
  • Jeongmin Ko, KMD, Dr.Jeongmin Ko’s Korean Medicine Clinic (Inc.) All that Korean Medicine
  • Hyojung Kwon, KMD, PhD (Inc.) All that Korean Medicine
  • Seung Min Kathy Lee, KMD, PhD, Research Fellow Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, College of Korean Medicine Kyung Hee University
  • Park Jun Hyeong, KMD, MS, Researcher, Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, College of Korean Medicine
    Kyung Hee University

Published in December 2017 by Korean Society of Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society

6) Small Intestine meridian

(1) Jung-gyeuk: Tonifying GB41, SI3 and sedating BL66, SI2 circulates Blood, removes congealed Blood, and generates Blood, thus improves coldness of the lower Triple Energizer. Coldness in the lower Triple Energizer can lead to heat symptoms too. Improvement of symptoms related to Blood by treating the Small Intestine meridian is due to this circulating effect. Use Liver jung-gyeuk when loss of Qi and Blood is serious.

(2) Yeol-gyeuk: Tonify SI5, GB38 and sedate BL66, SI2. This equation is applied for coldness and deficient energy of the lower Triple Energizer. Large Intestine seung-gyeuk, on the contrary, is used for excess coldness.

(3) Seung-gyeuk: Tonifying BL66 and SI2 has cooling effect while sedating ST36 and SI8 relieves blocked qi in the gut. ST39 is sometimes replaced for ST36.

(4) Han-gyeuk: Tonifying BL66 and SI2 performs cooling effect while sedating SI5 and ST41 plays powerful extinguishing fire role. This equation works remarkably well for heat symptoms of the Blood and is more frequently used than Small Intestine seung-gyeuk.

  • Small Intestine Meridian
  • Female / age 30
  • Office worker with severely stiff neck and shoulders, complaining of period pain.
Small Intestine Meridian is the foremost meridian sought after to treat menstrual problems. It
is also very effective in treating stiffness of the trapezius muscles. Small Intestine Meridian has
the function of activating Blood.

7) Bladder Meridian

Bladder Meridian is the Foot Greater yang meridian. It moves along the back. The root qi of bladder meridian is cold-water(寒水). Bladder is water. Metal engenders water. Earth restricts water. To tonify water, metal should be tonified. The metal point of Bladder meridian (BL 67) and metal point of metal meridian (LI1) are tonified. To tonify water, earth should be sedated. The earth point of bladder meridian (BL40) and earth point of earth meridian (ST36) are sedated.

*Meaning of Bladder Jung-gyeuk

  • circulation of exterior qi
  • removal of turbid qi within the body
  • moves the water

*Clinical application of Bladder Jung-gyeuk

  • headache
  • lower back pain
  • chronic cough
  • ENT problems
  • Bladder Meridian
  • Female / age 65
  • Patient with slightly high blood pressure taking pills for hyperlipidemia.
The patient came to the hospital after a stressful event complaining of headache on the back
of the head and neck. Bladder Jung-gyeuk was administered to control the uprising of Fire
and Heat. The Bladder Jung-gyeuk is often used for prevention of stroke due to cerebral

8) Kidney Meridian

Kidney Meridian is the Foot lesser yin meridian. Kidneys are organ where water and fire coexist. Kidney rules the water. Kidney is water. Metal engenders water and earth restricts water. To tonify water, metal should be tonified. The metal point of Kidney (KI78) and metal point of metal meridian (LU8) should be tonified. To tonify water, earth should be sedated. The earth point of kidney meridian (KI3) and earth point of earth meridian (SP3) are sedated.

*Meaning of Kidney Jung-gyeuk

  • strengthens Kidney-water (by metal engendering water)
  • tonifies Kidney
  • extinguish any deficient-fire

*Clinical application of Kidney Jung-gyeuk

  • tinnitus
  • urinary incontinence
  • impotence
  • dizziness
  • Kidney Meridian
  • Male / age 45
  • Patient with chronic back pain.
Kidney Jung-gyeuk is very widely used to treat back pain, for the cause of back pain is largely
due to deficient Kidney qi. This patient was treated for a long time mostly with Kidney Junggyeuk
and at times with other Saam acupuncture when special symptoms concurred. Back pain
was much more bearable when taking steady acupuncture treatments, but the pain returned
when the patient went without treatment for a prolonged time.

9) Pericardium Meridian

Pericardium meridian is the Hand reverting yin meridian. Pericardium is the fire.
In Pericardium Jung-gyeuk: Wood engenders fire. Water restricts fire. To tonify fire, wood point of wood meridian (LR1) and wood point of pericardium meridian (PC9) are tonified. To suppress water, water point of water meridian (KI10) and water point of pericardium meridian (PC3) are sedated.

*Meaning of Pericardium Jung-gyeuk

  • regulated stress-related disorder
  • helps for heart disorder (may replace heart Jung-gyeuk)

*Clinical application of pericardium Jung-gyeuk

  • psychologic problems
  • heart pain (stomachache)
  • forgetfulness
  • sleepiness
  • Pericardium Meridian
  • Female / age 57
  • “Hwa-byung” patient.
The patient had depressive symptoms known as “hwa-byung” in Korean medicine. She was
suddenly angry at times and occasionally was depressed. She had severe tenderness at the
sternum, which is the area of CV17 and the stomach corresponding point of the Pericardium
meridian. The patient was treated solely with Pericardium Jung-gyeuk for more than half
a year, after which she appeared much more stable, and felt so herself. Pericardium Junggyeuk
relieves the blockage of qi movement and gets rid of stagnation. It is used for mental
awakening, and can be applied to Parkinson’s disease patients.