Cancer Treatment Support with Bisoma Acupuncture

△ Bisoma acupuncture reduces many of the side effects, such as pain, inflammation, nausea and vomiting. imageⓒshutterstock_maoyunping

‘둘상체질침’으로 암 치료 후유증 완화

By David Lee, L.Ac.

Acupuncture is arguably the best treatment for chemotherapy support. Your patients may also have miraculously recovered. Soon, the public will accept acupuncture as the go-to-choice. Bisoma meets the criteria as the choice treatment. It is highly effective for at least 80% of them with immediate, consistent, and lasting relief. For the advantage of practitioner, it is user-friendly for its predictability, repeatability and measurability.

Cancer is on the rise. According to National Cancer Institute, 1.74 million new cases of cancer was diagnosed in the United States in 2018. The rate is 1 of 200! This means we acupuncturists are poised to take the role as the leader for mitigating side effects and enhancing recovery.

Bisoma acupuncture reduces many of the side effects, such as pain, inflammation, and nausea and vomiting. Furthermore, it is effective for the weakened immune system, red blood cells, bruising, hair loss, nausea, and fatigue, thrush in mouth, burning urination, and anxiety.

Bisoma’s benefit was backed up by two of my patients. Both came in for acupuncture because of the severe pain and discomfort with the initial chemotherapy session. They were considering aborting doctor’s recommended course of 6 chemotherapy at every 2 weeks. Their blood work was tracked before each chemotherapy session. The oxygen-carrying hemoglobin and red blood cells were counted because the chemotherapy widely killed fast-growing cells, including stem cells in the bone marrow that would develop into red blood cells.

With only twice a week acupuncture, the red blood cell numbers remained stable. Yes, the hemoglobin count had stabilized! Prior to receiving Bisoma, the hemoglobin was going down in both Patient A and B. The Patient B’s comprehensive blood lab revealed even more stability such as liver, kidney, and endocrine functions. Her physician was pleasantly surprised to see the numbers not wildly fluctuating. Without acupuncture, other patients did.

There is also a personal satisfaction in helping to improve the quality of many lives. Ache, pain, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, heaviness, and neuropathy were less. They had increased energy, clarity, and focus which gave them the hope that they will be okay. The next bout of chemotherapy was not as dreadful.  


Two Sets of Yin Horary Points

Traditional Horary

LR1, HT8, SP3, LU8, & KD10

Alternate Horary

LU11, KD2, LR3, HT4, & SP9


Bisoma is a selection of only Horary points. Selecting left or right side of the body to place acupuncture is arbitrary since Bisoma’s efficacy is same. Bilateral acupuncture is not recommended until each side is independently confirmed of the correct points. 

Patient A was given Yin points, which were Liver 1 대돈, Heart 8 소부, Spleen 3 태백, Lung 8 경거, and Kidney 10 음곡on left side of her body.

Patient A

Blood lab

White Blood Cell

Red Blood Cell






3rd chemo




4th chemo




5th chemo





Patient B did not experience relief with the traditional Horary points. The alternate Horary points Liver 3 태충 (Wood), Heart 4 영도 (Wood), Spleen 9 음릉천 (Earth), Lung 11 소상 (Metal), and Kidney 2 연곡 (Water) had immediately reduced the pains and discomfort. Her other blood data, such as ALT, AST, Creatinine, GFR, Calcium, Albumin, and Alkaline Phosphatase were within normal range.


Patient B

Blood lab

White Blood Cell

Red Blood Cell






2nd chemo




3rd chemo




4th chemo




5th chemo





We can add strength to the public’s positive perception by making robust studies. The quantifiable and objective blood data is valuable in implementing acupuncture as a public healthcare with confidence. The first step is for you to observe and record the outcome of Bisoma. Let’s take the leadership in establishing a good solution for those needing to be protected from the detriment of chemotherapy.