Acupuncture Point Injection(API) Allowed in Nevada

△ imageⓒKorean Pharmacopuncture Institute.

Acupuncturists in States like WA, CO, FL and more Legally Use Syringe

Prior to Practicing PIT, It Is Required to Pursue Each State’s Regulation

By Namwook Cho, L.Ac.

Injection of liquid form of herbal formula has been a continuing issue in California among acupuncturists.

Recently, State of Nevada passed a bill SB 355 by Senator David Parks and specified its regulation guide for practicing acupuncture point injection. Acupuncture point injection is also known as Point Injection (PI), Point Injection Therapy (PIT), or API.

Injection of extraction from herbal formula, saline solution, bee venom, and vitamins has been performed widely in Korea and China for variety of indications such as pain, nausea, vomiting, urine retention, fatigue, and mood disorders.

These agents administered in acupuncture points or Ashi points are thought to play a synergistic effect with acupuncture point stimulation through the meridians, and the method is believed to have a more sustained effect than conventional way of acupuncture needling technique.

However, in California acupuncture board, which has largest population of licensed acupuncturists in US has not permitted the treatment.

For this issue, the newspaper researched which states allows injection therapy and introducing each states laws and regulations regarding practicing injection therapy by acupuncturists. 

Currently, as the newspaper researched each state’s rules and regulations only 9 states allow for using syringe for acupuncturists to inject herbs, vitamins, or glucose. 9 states are Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, South Carolina, State of Washington, West Virginia, Maryland, Utah, and Nevada.

Interestingly, Nevada recently added to its regulation as it redefines acupuncturist’ scope of practice and allowed practicing injection therapy as well as laser acupuncture, dry needling, oriental medicine obstetrics and gynecology treatment, diagnostic imaging (radiology); laboratory tests; diathermy treatments; and ultrasound treatment by 634A.084.

Each states’ rules and regulations are varying but mostly there are similar for allowed materials, educational requirement for practice and conditions for purchasing of malpractice insurance policy.

In general, the substances are for limited to saline, sterile water, lidocaine, epinephrine, herbs, minerals, vitamins in liquid form, and homeopathic and nutritional substances, consistent with the practice of East Asian medicine. PIT doesn’t include injection of controlled substances.

Educational requirements are varied but subjects for practicing injection therapy are: Anatomy and Physiology, Acupuncture physical exam and differential diagnosis, Acupuncture point location – including underlying anatomy, Acupuncture needling technique, General injection safety, Acupuncture point injection therapy, Pharmacology; and Clean Needle Technique.

And some states require the oxygen and emergency epinephrine kit. And those shall be on site where injection therapy utilizing substances with potential allergic side effects are being rendered.