Hanmi Herb Will Open Its Fullerton Branch in Coming Fall


Hanmi Herb, based in Los Angeles, CA is planning to open its Fullerton branch store in the fall of this year. The branch will be located on 411 S Brookhurst Rd Fullerton, CA 92833.

Hanmi Herb will also begin its summer sales event during August 1st to August 31st. During the sales event price for Korean herbs will be reduced by 15%: Qiang Huo (Omni herb) from $23.00 to $19.00, Dang Gui (without its root) from $30.00 to $25.00, Zi Su Ye from $12.00 to $10.00, Qin Pi (Omni herb) from $10.00 to $8.00, Huang Qi from $20.00 to $17.00, respectively

Prices for Chinese herbs will be sold with reduced price during the event. Price for Chinese Bai zhu from $15.00 to $13.00 and Zi Qiao from $15.00 to $13.00 and large Huang Qi from $16.00 to $14.00. (T. 323-766-1122)