DONGUIBOGAM; Internal Bodily Elements-09. Speech (3)

△ English version of 『Dongui Bogam』.

Written By Jun Heo(許浚, 1539~1615), Translated by Namil Kim, Wung Seok Cha et al., Published by Ministry of Health & Welfare (Korea)

11 Weeping 哭 통곡

① In the Inner Classic (內經) it is said, “The sound of the lungs is weeping.” Therefore, weeping is the natural sound of the lungs.

② In the Classic of Difficult Issues (難經) it is said, “External symptoms of the lungs are pale complexion, sneezing, being sad and anxious, being unhappy and wanting to cry.”

③ Women suffering from hysteria are also sad and want to weep.
[This is mentioned in detail in the chapter on Gynecology].

12 Moaning 呻 신음

① In the Inner Classic (內經) it is said, “The sound of the kidneys is moaning.”

② In the Rhymes for the Pulse (脈訣) it is said, “Moaning is fatigue accumulated inside the body that appears outside.”

③ When the kidneys get sick, the patient moans. Moaning is the sound of suffering.

13 Yawning 欠 하품

① In the Inner Classic (內經) it is said, “Yawning is the disease of the kidneys.”

② In the Classic of Difficult Issues (難經) it is said, “When the patient suffers from kidney disease, his/her complexion is black, and he/she is easily frightened and yawns frequently.”

③ Huangdi (黃帝) asked, “Which qi makes people yawn?” Qibo (岐伯) answered, “Defense qi runs in the yang aspect during the daytime and runs in the yin aspect during the night time. Yin controls night time so people sleep at night. Yang controls ascent and yin controls descent. Yin qi is accumulated in the lower part and yang qi has not faded yet; therefore, yang qi is attracted to the upper part and yin qi is attracted to the lower part. Yin and yang pull each other and make the patient yawn.” Moreover, “When the stomach meridian gets sick, the patient stretches oneself and yawns often.”

④ In the early stages of malaria, the patient stretches oneself and yawns often. Moreover, when the second yang [stomach胃] and first yin [pericardium] get sick, the patient belches and yawns often. In the Annotation it is said, “Qi is accumulated in the stomach and this is why the patient yawns.”

⑤ When qi is insufficient, the patient stretches oneself and yawns to draw qi in.

14 Sneezing 嚔 재채기

① Huangdi (黃帝) asked, “Which qi makes people sneeze?” Qibo (岐伯) answered, “When the qi of greater yang [some say yang qi] is harmonious and fills the heart, it comes out through the nose, so the patient sneezes.”

② In the Classic of Difficult Issues (難經) it is said, “External symptoms of the lungs are pale complexion and sneezing.”

③ Sneezing is the sound of qi that spurts out from the nose because the inside of the nose feels itchy. The nose is the orifice of the lungs, itching is the variation of Fire, so this is Fire that wins over Metal to causes disease.

④ If the interstices are not dense, sneezing does not stop.

⑤ Yawning is the deficiency of qi; sneezing is the circulation of qi.

15 Belching 噫 트림

Bleching (噫) and burping (噯氣) are the same. It is the action of spewing out satiated qi. [This is mentioned in detail in the chapter on Internal Damage].

16 Sighing 太息 한숨

① Huangdi (黃帝) asked, “Which qi makes people sigh?” Qibo (岐伯) answered, “When people are anxious, the heart connections are strained, and when the heart connections are strained, the trachea becomes narrow. When the trachea is narrow, circulation becomes difficult so people sigh to make respiration.”

② When the patient suffers from a gallbladder disease, the person will sigh often. Moreover, when the gallbladder meridian is diseased, the patient feels a bitter taste in the mouth and sighs often.

17 Being Unable to Speak from Great Fright 大驚不語 크게 놀라 말을 하지 못하는 것

When great fright enters the heart, septicemia and old phlegm block the orifices of the heart, and the patient becomes dumb and unable to speak. Use Galena Powder, Polygala Pill, or Poria Core Powder.

  • Galena Powder 密陀僧散 밀타승산: It cures cases where fright qi enters the heart and makes the patient dumb and unable to speak. Pound Lithargyrum (密佗僧) into fine powder, mix the powder to 1 don of cold water, and drink. Some say ‘mix it to warm alcohol’. Patients having fever should take it with a Moschus (麝香) decoction. In the old times, when people were frightened of tigers or snakes and became dumb, they were cured by this medicine.
  • Polygala Pill 遠志丸 원지환: It cures dumbness due to fright. 5 don of Polygalae Radix (遠志) (soaked in Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) juice then dried), Arisaematis Rhizoma (牛膽南星), Ginseng Radix (人蔘), Aconiti Koreani Tuber (白附子), Poria Sclerotium (白茯神) and Zizyphi Semen (酸棗仁) (stir-baked) each, 3don of Cinnabaris (朱砂) (water-grinded), 1don of Moschus (麝香), and 5 gold foil. Grind these drugs in powder, knead with honey, and make pills as big as the seed of the royal foxglove tree, coat the pills with Cinnabaris (朱砂). Take 30 pills with a Menthae Herba (薄荷) infusion twice a day.
  • Poria Core Powder 茯神散 복신산: It cures the symptoms mentioned above. 2 don each of Poria Sclerotium (茯神), Rehmanniae Radix Crudus (生乾地黃), Paeoniae Radix Alba (白芍藥), Cnidii Rhizoma (川芎), Angelica Gigantis Radix (當歸), Platycodonis Radix (桔梗), Poria Sclerotium (白茯苓) and Polygalae Radix (遠志) (soaked in Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus (生薑) juice then dried). Grind these drugs in powder and decoct it with 2 cup of water, 1 don of Junci Medulla (燈心), 2 Zizyphi Fructus (大棗) until seven-tenths remain. A 74-year-old woman suffered from fright disease because of a barbarian revolt, and she was cured by these two medicines.

18 Being Unable to Speak in Wind-stroke 中風不語 중풍으로 말을 하지 못하는 것

This is mentioned in detail in the chapter on Wind.

19 Sluggish Speech Pertains to Wind 語澁皆屬風 말이 어눌한 것은 모두 풍에 속한다

Refer to the chapter on Wind.

20 Women Unable to Speak Before or After Childbirth 婦人産前不語産後不語 부인이 산전이나 산후에 말하지 못하는 것

They are all mentioned in the chapter on Gynecology.

21 Retarded Speaking in Children 小兒語遲 소아의 말이 더딘 것

This is mentioned in detail in the chapter on Pediatrics.

22 Methods of Speaking 言語法 말하는 법

① You should speak less to raise inner qi.

② Too much speaking induces coughing or loss of voice.

③ When speaking or reading, you should imagine that the voice is coming out from the sea of qi (CV6) [name of the acupuncture point situated under the navel]. Every day after sunset, do not speak or read but just calmly sit and wait for the
morning.[B090] ④ Do not speak during meals at the table. If you speak and eat at the same time, your chest and back will be always painful. That’s why ancient people did not speak at the table and did not speak lying down.
⑤ Do not speak loudly lying down because it damages energy. Moreover, when you are lying down to sleep, do not speak a lot or laugh. The reason why you should not speak lying down is because the five viscera are like a bell. Therefore, if you do not hang them, the voice does not come out.
⑥ Do not speak when walking. If you want to speak, you must stop and then speak. If you speak and walk at the same time, you will lose qi.
⑦ Refer to Dongyuan’s Discipline of Self-examination (省言箴) [This is mentioned in detail in the chapter on Body.]

23 Incurable Cases 不治證 불치증

① When the patient gropes his/her collar and makes delirious speech, he or she cannot be cured.

② When yin and yang are all collapsed to cause one to pull one’s collar and shakes the hands in the air, the person will die.

③ When the patient speaks carelessly or when one is unable to speak, the patient cannot be cured. Heat disease or manic psychosis do not fall under this category.

24 Acupuncture and Moxibustion 鍼灸法 침구법

① When a patient becomes dumb and cannot speak, perform acupuncture on LI4, KI1, GB35, BL66, LI17, LR14, and TE6.

② When the spleen meridian contracts a disease, the root of the tongue becomes stiff and the patient cannot speak. The place where the heart meridian splits is called Tongri (HT5). If it is deficient, the patient cannot speak. Needle on HT5.

③ When the tongue is drooped and the patient cannot speak, use GV15. When the part under the tongue is swollen and the patient has difficulty speaking, perform acupuncture on CV23.