Pathology and Physiology of Stomach Meridian


The Thing to Watch Out for Most Is the Existence of Heat

By Namwook Cho L.Ac.

Building on our study of Saam Acupuncture, which regulates the lungs and large intestine meridians, we now focus on the equally significant stomach meridian.

As your understanding of the stomach meridian deepens, you will be able to make informed decisions about tonifying or sedating formulae. This knowledge will empower you to effectively address your patients’ current symptoms and contribute to their overall health.

Since the stomach belongs to the Yangming meridian, like the large intestine, it is closely related to heat in pathological situations. This is because the Yangming meridian is full of qi and blood. In addition, heat generated in the stomach easily transfers to the large intestine and causes various symptoms.

Let’s explore the stomach meridian’s physiology and pathology, which are crucial for maintaining the body’s balance. I will discuss indications or cases for applying a stomach tonifying or sedating formula. The stomach tonifying formula is composed of tonifying SI5 and ST41 and sedating GB41 and ST43. The stomach sedating formula is composed of tonifying GB41 and ST43 and sedating LI1 and ST45. The sedating and cooling formula is made with tonifying GB41 and ST 43 and sedating LI5 and ST41.


Looking at the meaning of the foot-Yangming stomach meridian, the stomach has the properties of earth, and Yangming has the properties of dry metal. If we combine these, the moist soil container has very dry energy. This dry energy generates heat and tries to dry it, which is the original nature and physiology of the stomach meridian. If this heat overflows, it immediately becomes pathological, and various heat-related symptoms appear. In addition, because it can quickly generate too much heat, people with much heat in their stomachs have much heat in their bodies and are impatient.

Application in General

Let’s connect the stomach symptoms related to heat. Gastritis, gastric ulcer, and acid reflux are all symptoms caused by too much heat in the stomach. When the heat in the stomach is controlled, the symptoms improve immediately.

Heat is also closely related to inflammation. The Asian medical understanding of inflammation explains that it turns red, boils form, heat occurs, and pain occurs. For example, a patient visits an acupuncture clinic because of a heat sensation and pain throughout his or her muscles due to excessive exercise. The most important thing to consider when diagnosing is that if symptoms suggest inflammation is found, a prescription combining Stomach sedation or Stomach sedation and cooling can relieve pain quickly.

Indications for Stomach Tonifying

  • Eye redness (lateral sides).
  • Eyes are covered with a thin white film.
  • Continuous discharge due to otitis media.
  • Continuous dislocation of the chin.
  • Chest fullness.
  • Nausea without vomiting.

Any problem around the outer eyes and jaw could be understood if you remember the stomach meridian’s pathway, which starts below the orbital cavity and runs over the face and up to the forehead. It then passes down the throat, thorax, and abdomen and continues down the anterior thigh and leg to end at the root of the second toenail (lateral side).

Treating nausea without vomiting is a little complicated. Because of its symptoms, a different Saam formula should be used. For example, if a patient makes noises like vomiting immediately but does not vomit any stomach contents, the stomach tonifying formula should be applied stomach tonifying formula. If a patient vomits without making noises, the case must be treated with the spleen tonifying formula. If a patient makes noises while vomiting, the heart tonifying formula must be used, respectively.

Indications for Stomach Sedating

  • Dandruff on the skull and dryness.
  • Neck range of motion limited with extension.
  • Fullness feeling on CV12.
  • Sharp pain in the knee with arthritis.