Page 12 - Acupuncture Times June 2019.pdf
P. 12
12 2SLQLRQ June 7PM Hani Times
first acupuncture school believe TCM represents only country practicing professors have Western
established in 1970’s. It all Asian medicine even acupuncture and herbal medicine background and
seemed impossible to Korea and Japan also have medicine. chiropractic degree at SBU.
find right professors for been developing distinctive Everything has been Major trend in 21st century
English classes. Also, there medical system respec- changed. Acupuncture medical field is integrative
were a few Asian Medicine tively. I and community schools have more options medicine. In order to treat
textbooks written in leaders from Japanese and for choosing textbooks patient more efficiently,
English. 9LHWQDPHVH ¿OHG FRPSODLQWV and the schools have acupuncturists should
together to government more chance for hiring work with other healthcare
I decided to study Asian asking to replace TCM to professors for their Korean, professionals. I have dream.
Medicine and taught Oriental medicine. Chinese, and English One day, acupuncturists
students. Even, I only had Finally, state government classes. Also, there was take major role in
experiences for lecturing announced that it was more increasing number of South leading other healthcare
¦ * XBOUFE UP USBOTMBUF UIF Economics at colleges, and proper to call Oriental Baylo University alumni professional groups in
JDJOF XIJDI XBT XSJUUFO CZ I was not an acupuncturist. Medicine instead of TCM professors. And there were the US to provide better
$IP )VOZPVOH JO PSEFS UP But it seemed that there because China was not also increasing number of medical service.
JOUSPEVDF BDVQVODUVSF UIFP was no option. “Popular
Asian Medicine” was
one of Korean Medicine
books used for class 2UJDQLF V\QWKHVLV RI <LQ <DQJ
textbook. The author, Cho,
well explained the Asian
#Z %BWJE 1BSL 'PVOEFS PG as Qi, Yin and Yang, and symmetrical and interactive
Medicine in Western #Z 4JNPO ,JN 1SPGFTTPS Wuxing. since the presence of Yang is
medical point of view. 4PVUI #BZMP 6OJWFSTJUZ According to the philosophy revealed only by waiting for
I wanted to translate all of Qi and Yin and Yang opponent Yin and vice versa.
In 1977, I spent months for contents of “Popular Asian are the logic to explain the The notion of reciprocity is
naming of the school for Medicine” in English I believe that you, the nature of Qi world. Then, completely different from
readers of Acupuncture what is the NATURE in the the relative concept (ཌྷ
acupuncture. I wanted to by professors in Korean
times, are holding your own philosophy of Qi and the Ớ). The reciprocity is not
have a name that contains Medicine schools. I visited
view of Yin and Yang theory. Eastern medicine? It is an same as opposite concept
and expresses spirits of Kyunghee College of Korean My interpretation of Yin organic nature including life (ّỚ) as well. Is day and
Asian Medicine and Korean Medicine, which the first and Yang is a very limited force, emotional activity, night a relative concept or
values; continual pursuing established in Korea to portion of the theory of Yin and spiritual realm. Only a reciprocity concept? How
and devotion to achieve educate acupuncturists and and Yang in the context of through this organic view about man and woman?
outstanding academic Korean Medicine, to offer a the Eastern medicine. The of nature, we can secure We can figure out that
notion of Yin and Yang is the natural world where most concepts in ordinary
achievements. project to translation of the
one of the most pervasive the acupuncture points and language depend on
Finally, a Chinese phrase book. Unfortunately, the
ideas that can be found in meridians exist in the human reciprocity, not on opponent
came into my mind, න∱ project failed. the various areas of the East body. It is explained that the or relative concepts.
ྮ၂ਫ਼. Korean reads Asian intellectual tradition. multiplication of original Qi
the Chinese characters like 5 years later of my project However, as is the case with is activated by Yin and Yang of original Qi does not mean
‘Sa Woo Soo Bay Il Lo’. It failed, many valuable Asian the conceptual translation in the classical text. From Yin and Yang dichotomy
of Qi, the concept of Yin and myriad things to the human
sounds like South Baylo in medical textbooks which (dichotomy: a division or
Yang cannot be translated body, there is nothing that
English and its meaning were firstly published contrast between two things
into any philosophical or cannot be seen as Yin and
of combined Chinese in Chinese then were ordinary term in the west. Yang structure. that are represented as
characters could represent translated in English The meaning of Yin and There are two premises in being opposed or entirely
what I wanted to express by Shanghai University Yang defies a word to word cognitive structure and logic expresses the reciprocity
best for express spirits of of Traditional Chinese translation in a comparative of explanation in Yin and logic kindly. The Yin and
Asian Medicine and Korean Medicine, were started to philosophical context. Yang. One is the reciprocity Yang reciprocity is a way of
The notion of Qi cannot be which means that one thing
values. be imported in US. thinking that carries time
explained without Yin and is given or done or owed
All acupuncture schools Yang. The concept of Yin to each other (րỚ). The and mobility in the process
“Among the organs in the in the U.S. started to use and Yang is complementary. other is an infinite fractal of Qi realization. I would
body, one always keeping the books from China. I referred Joseph Needham structure. Let me explain the call this organic synthesis
of Yin Qi and Yang Qi as the
on working is Yin organs. Since then, people started mentioning about the reciprocity of Yin and Yang reciprocity of Qi organism.
By contrast, Yang organs calling Asian medicine VFLHQWL¿F PDNLQJ RI VR FDOOHG ¿UVW Yin and Yang are not
work as they need to.” as Traditional Chinese Chinese medicine in the Like a positron and electron GH¿QLWH LQ WKHP EXW DUH
SUHYLRXV FKDSWHU 5HGH¿QLQJ in a physical element,
The phrases are from Medicine (TCM). Even, determined in the context
the concept of Yin and everything is composed of an
the first part of Cho, State of California officially Yang is elusive in terms of organic Yin and Yang. Now, RI 4L GL̆HUHQWLDWLRQ DQG
Hyunyoung’s(1902~1988) used the term TCM for modern science. The notion my writing on the computer reciprocity relation. This
point that Yin and Yang
“Popular Asian Medicine”. indication Asian medicine of Yin and Yang has been is consists of positive and
, OHFWXUHG P\ ¿UVW DFXSXQF for long. That is history of criticized as a mystified and negative bits of computer contextual in all of Qi
ture students 40 years ago introduction of a term, TCM nonscientific terminology. algorithm. A body system realization can be explained
That is a reason why most is a typical one of organic
and I used the book for the in the US. by fractal theory. 5P CF
scholars deny basic ideas of synthesis of Yin and Yang. DPOUJOVFE OFYU FEJUJPO
class textbook.
the Eastern medicine such Yin and Yang relationship is
South Baylo was one of the Still, many Americans