Page 12 - AcupunctureTimes May 2019
P. 12
12 Opinion May 1, 2019 Vol. 2 Hani Times
The Philosophical Foundation observed and testified in the all-inclusive organic strata
light of scientific method. of nature – life, dynamic,
of Eastern Organic Medicine In order to define the rhythmic, change. Matter
concept of Qi in the Eastern vs. Qi.
Medicine, we have to trace 7)The notion of qi cannot
the philosophical concept be explained without Yin-
theory of physics and of Qi in the classical texts Yang, Wu-Xing doctrine.
chemistry implies a such as Shujing, Changzi, Clusters of meaning. The
specific philosophical Hoenamzi, Hwangdi notion of qi is constituted
truth in the background Neijing and Neo-Confucian of a broad web of various
of thought; mechanistic cannons. 8) p ronu nciat ion of me aning s and log ics,
materialism. 7) Whitehead, bibliography and it cannot be subject
Science and modern world . Whether Ⅱ. Proper procedure of to a simple definition or
we aware or not, we are redefinition of qi concept understanding. (reference;
accustomed to the pre- 1)Common sense: qi as Suk Gabriel Choi and Jung-
supposition of language in an entity like material Yeup Kim, the idea of qi,
△ The Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein used a the physical materialism of substance p.2), and Harvard Ph. D.
duck-rabbit image in his posthumous Philosophical Inves- the 21st Century. You might 2)Philosophical perspec- Youngsik Kim 30 years ago.
tigations (1953) to illustrate what philosophers call aspect know that the cosmos is
perception. tive: materialism, pan- 8)Teleological nature
composed of Qi, not of psychism, nominalism, of Aristotle, Mechanical
effects in everyday practice matter if you have a belief realism nature of Newton, and
By Simon C. Kim, Professor even though we can recite in the Qi organism or vice 3)Qi world vs. matter world revival of life world of
of South Baylo University the Neijing’ doctrine; versa. in nature: world view of Life organism by Whitehead.
optimal balance of Qi treats Which one is the initial and jingqi (生命 精氣) Ⅲ. Yinyang, Ⅳ. Wuxing
Prologue: the concept of the malfunction of body substance or process in 4)Two different modes of Ⅴ. Myriad of things: fractal
Qi, Yin-Yang, Wuxing and and mind (調氣治神). cosmology? Did Qi exist thinking: Plato, Herakleitos structure.
body/spirit in the Eastern In the very opening of the before the Big Bang? The inTimaeus. Ⅵ. Human body: jingluo
Medicine series of column on the element of H which has 5)Qi organism: Shunzi #figure and five organs
W h a t i s Qi / Gi / Ki ? 1 ) philosophical foundation existed before Qi, Yin and 2, triangle , Wangyangming, Ⅶ. New physiology based
For someone, the Qi is a of Eastern Organic Medi- Yang since the beginnings Choi Hanki, the conceptual on qi organism
ridiculous notion. 2) Simon cine(EOM) 5) Whitehead, David of things. Compared to the framework of focus and Ⅷ. Holistic healing: pre-
Singh However, there are Griffin, John Cobb , I would like speculative concept of Qi, field. (S.Choi, J. Kim, p.3) ventive, complementary,
thousands of people who to make Eastern Medicine physical elements can be D6)efinition of qi concept: integrative medicine
readily accept the idea of intelligible to an English
Qi in the U.S.A. When it r eadin g wor ld. 6) Keek ok
comes to the problem of Lee, p.4 My intention is to
translation, the concept conceptualize the basic Han Philosophy and Eastern Medicine
of Qi cannot be translated ideas, notions, and concepts
into one single word in of the Eastern Medicine
English. The difficulty of by redefining Qi, Yin-
intercultural translation can Yang, and Wuxing in the taught economics at medicine, stresses upon
be illustrated by recourse light of modern scientific Universities for more the humanitarian aspects
to Ludwig Wittgenstein’ presupposition. After than 30 years. of the practitioner” Also
familiar figure of the Duck- reading this article, you Maybe it was my father’s the Donguibogam asks
Rabbit. 3) David Hall, Roger Ames could expect somewhat influence. Since I was practitioners to have
People from different positive results as follows. very young, my father sympathy and empathy to
cultures tend to see things 1. You can get a clear, taught traditional Korean understand their patient’s
from different points of succinct, and practical philosophy. This is agony.
view. It depends on their idea of Qi, Yin-Yang, and why I studied Korean Therefore, I decided to
perspective and even world Wuxing 6) Chinese style vocabulary . philosophy for more than establish South Baylo
view. #figure 1 D-R picture 2. Your new perspective of 10 years. University and Han
Do you believ e the EOM begets confidence on David Park, One traditional Korean philosophy Institute in
existence of Qi? If so, how preventive, complementary, Founder of South Baylo philosophy, also called order to educate not only
can you verify the reality and integrative medicine. University Han philosophy(Hanism), acupuncture and herbal
of Qi world? Since Joseph 3. You are going to is based on humani- medicine, but also to
Needham suggested that ov er come a diffident tarianism( 弘益人間 ) teach traditional Korean
Asian Medicine 4) vocabulary; attitude toward Western “How did you start an and governing nation philosophy.
OM, TCM, EAM should be Scientific Medicine. acupuncture school? wi th r ea so n ( 在 世 理 In the future, I hope
modernized in terms of 4. You could upgrade your You do not have any 化). Humanitarianism acupuncturists will have
‘scientific’ medicine, nobody career from acupuncturist re lationship w it h seeks the common good. more prominent roles as
properly has observed to the EOM doctor both in acupuncture or Eastern Governing nation with healthcare professionals
and verified the existence name and reality. medicine.” reason is not just limited and health consultants
of qi in light of ‘scientific’ I. How do we define the This is the question most to a virtue of a leader to educa te pr oper
method. Then, how we as a concept of qi: Etiology of people have asked me but it can be applied to diet, meditation, and
practitioner of the Eastern Qi. since I have founded anyone. preventive medicine.
Medicine can survive in the Most of us have knowledge South Baylo University- In one of the Traditional T o a ch i ev e m y goa l,
medical arena? Without about the Big Bang theory School of Acupuncture Korean Medicine(TKM) South Baylo University
the existence of Qi nature, in t he as t ronomical and Oriental Medicine bibles, Donguibogam(東 aims to teach more
acupuncturists can never physics and the periodic in 1977. I was majoring 醫寶鑑), the treasured diet, meditation and
achieve the holistic healing table in chemistry. The in Economics and I have mirror of e aste rn preventive medicine.