Page 10 - AcupunctureTimes May 2019
P. 10

10       Herbal Medicine                                                                                 May 1, 2019  Vol. 2  Hani Times

           The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ①

                         General Remarks                                                        Where you can find your
                                                                                                    Acupuncture Times.

             Ⅰ. About ‘Sign Symptom’                                                                (한의타임즈 배포처)

                                                              Lun.                         If you would like to receive a   ㆍBaeksan  Trading  Inc.:
                                                              Most te rms of sign          newspaper, please contact   16760 Gridley Rd, Cerritos, CA
                                                              symptoms in Shang Han        us at any time.           90703
                                                              Lun are composed and         [email protected]    ㆍJayeon  Hanbang: 6881
                                                              relate d to abdominal                                  Stanton Ave. #C-1 Buena
                                                              diagnoses. Therefore,        ▲Korea Town, LA           Park, CA90621
                                                              sign symptoms or sign        ㆍAAAMA: 2560 W. Olympic   ㆍMiracle  Acupuncture:
                                                              symptoms treatment can be    Blvd. STE 201 LA, CA 90006  18013 Norwalj Blvd. #A,
                                                              called abdominal diagnosis   ㆍAculover: 2120 W 8th St   Artesia, CA 90701

        △ imageⓒAdobeStock_zhengzaishanchu.                   and vice versa.              #210, LA, CA 90057        ㆍSND Herb by Sam Hee:
                                                              The terms and logic behind   ㆍAKAMAC: 3242 W 8th St.   7212 Orangethorpe Ave #3A,
                                   Lun are described a specific  sign symptoms in Shang    #110 LA, CA 90005         Buena Park, CA 90621
        By Joobong Kang, KMD       conception called sign  Han Lun can be clear and        ㆍBest Deer Antlers Trading  ㆍSouth  Baylo  University
                                   symptom.                   concreate terms in this      Co.: 2852 W OLYMPIC BLVD   Anaheim: 1126 N Brookhurst
                                   For a herb that can treat  column. For example, it      LA, CA 90006              St., Anaheim, CA 92801
            Shang Han              various symptoms of  is like the column based           ㆍChina  Harbin  Deer
                                   a patient, one of the  on modern philosophy             Antlers Trading Co.: 186 S   ▲ Other Areas
          Lun and Sign             symptoms is the signal to  than explains the notion     Western Ave, LA, CA 90004  ㆍEmperor’s College: 1807

          Symptom(證)               use that specific herb to  of ‘Symbolic Logic’, which   ㆍDongguk  University  LA:   Wilshire Blvd #200 Santa
                                   treat the patient, one of  is like explaining a math    440 Shatto Pl, LA, CA 90020  Monica, CA 90403
                                   the symptoms is the signal  formula.                    ㆍHanmi  Herbs: 3134 W     ㆍFive  Branch  University
        As a beginner, it may be  to use that specific herb to  Shang Han Lun expresses    Olympic Blvd, LA, CA 90006   San Jose: 1885 Lundy Ave.,
        easier to learn Eastern  treat the patient’s sickness.  a close connection between   ㆍKAAMA: 1914 S. Western   Ste 108, San Jose, CA 95131
        Medicine through the  This particular symptom  sign symptoms, herbs,               Ave. LA, CA               ㆍFive  Branch  University
        column of Shang Han  for that herb is called sign  formula, and six channel        ㆍKM  Supplies : 1132      Santa Cruze: 200 7th Avenue,
        Lun(傷寒論).                  symptom of the herb. And  pattern identification        Crenshaw Blvd, LA, CA 90019  Santa Cruz, CA 95062
        Shang Han Lun opened the  generally, there are one to  through the provisions was   ㆍSouth Baylo LA:  2727 W   ㆍNine Star University: 441
        door to scientific practice  three sign symptoms in the  written by Zhong Jing.    6th St, LA, CA 90057      De Guigne Dr. #201, Sunny-
        in the field of Eastern  herb.                        Shang Han Lun is a book      ㆍU. S. Deer Antlers Expo.  vale, CA USA 94085
        Medicine in China at 3   A Formula made of mixture  written about practical        & Impo. Co.: 1206 S Western   ㆍPacific  College:  7445
        Century A.D. and was  of herbs also has sign  technics.                            Ave LA, CA 90006          Mission Valley Rd #105, San
        written mainly in terms of  symptoms of the formula  Learning sing symptoms        ㆍYo San University: 13315   Diego, CA 92108
        symptom relationship.      in hierarchical order. Like  of Shang Han Lun will      W Washington Blvd Suite   ㆍPostal Annex: 15333 Culver
        Shang Han Lun explains an  a herb’s sign symptoms, a  be give you insights into    #300, LA, CA 90066        Dr Ste 340, Irvine, CA 92604
        inter-relationship between  formula has two or three  identifying the various                                ㆍUniversity of East-West
        symptoms, formulas, herbs,  sign symptoms that based  symptoms to precisely and    ▲ Orange County           Medicine: 595 Lawrence
        and diagnoses.  Therefore,  on indication mentioned  accurately diagnosis the      ㆍAcudepot: 6440 Dale St,   Expressway, Sunnyvale, CA
        symptoms in Shang Han  in provisions of Shang Han  sign symptoms of a patient.     Buena Park, CA 90621      94085

        (→ Continued on the page 1)
        T he coauthor s of this  median nerve near PC6    prototype median nerve
        paper explain that certain  decreases   blood pressure.   stimulator combined with
        hypertensive patients  All 11 people were diag-       a wrist blood pressure
        appear to be resistant to  nosed with hypertension  monitor for simultaneous
        multiple antihypertensive  and have not taken any  blood pressure measure-
        medicines due to side effects  hypertensive medicine  ment and median nerve                    한의타임즈 제작진
        such as fatigue, dizziness  before. Experiments were  stimulation. Results of
        an d r educed exer cise  performed with varying fre-  the study proved that              -총괄 및 한국어판 편집장: 진희정
        tolerance. Furthermore,  quencies of transcutaneous  ac u p u nct u re   ne e d le       -영어판 편집장: 조남욱
        “Approximately   50%   of  median nerve stimulation  insertion on PC6 with an            -디자이너: 양은정    -OC 배포: 박형호
                                                                                                 -한국어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 신태전 원장,
        newly diagnosed hyper-     (TMNS) on hypertension  electrical stimulation an                           오세준 원장, 홍대선 원장
        tensive patients discontinue  bilaterally or unilaterally.  interelectrode distance of   -영어 연재: 강주봉 원장, 김봉달 설립자,
        their antihypertensive  TMNS was applied bila-        4cm, and a frequency of 10                       오세준 원장, 이우경 원장
        medi-cations 6 months  terally for 30 minutes at  Hz was most effective for
        after the initial prescription,  frequencies of 3, 10, 30 or  reducing systolic pressure.
        and up to 25% of patients  300 Hz to study the effect  The research team treated             Acupuncture Times
        stop taking the medicine.”  of TMNS on hy-pertension  hypertension patients with      -General & Korean Edition, Editor of Chief:
        Alternatively, the resear-  and determine the optimal  the same method for 1            Heejeong Jin
        chers look towards acu-    stimulation frequency.  month, once a week. On the         -English Edition, Editor of Chief: Namwook Cho
                                                                                              -Design: Eunjung Yang
        puncture for treatment of  Median nerve stimulation  4th session, they measured       -O.C. Publisher: Hyungho Park
        hypertension. The study  was unilaterally applied at  blood pressure and con-         -Column(Korean): Brandon SJ Oh, Daesun Hong,
        was conducted in 11 people  interelectrode distances of  firmed that the average                                    Jubong Kang, Taejeon Shin
        to investigate whether  2, 4, and 6 cm.               15 mmHg in systolic was         -Column(English): Bong Dal Kim, Brandon SJ Oh,
                                                                                                                            Jubong Kang, Winston Lee
        electric stimul-ation of  The research team used a  reduced for 14 weeks.
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