Page 12 - Acupuncture Times August 2020
P. 12

12       Opinion                                                                                        Aug 1, 2020  Vol. 17  Hani Times

        Despite difficulties due to COVID-19, we should carry out our original intentions.

        I want to spread the idea of the Han Spirit through the education of acupuncturists.

                                                              his/her company with ideas of  their degree, and now there have  due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                              'Humanitarianism' and 'Governing  been practicing acupuncture  All courses have been delivered
                                                              nation with reason.'        for Americans in the states of  through online courses. No one can
                                                                                          America.                   predict when the pandemic will
                                                              I cannot forget my first students                      be over and will be the quarantine
                                                              who were nine of them and from  There were sunny days and  lifted. I will do the same thing as
                                                              Korea, Japan, and Iran, and the  rainy days for school. But the  I have been doing for the last 43
                                                              moment I saw their enthusiasm  school is still educating students  years during a tough time. I will
                                                              through their eyes in the first class.  in Anaheim and Los Angeles  do my best to spread goodwill
                                                                                          campus. I believe the driving  and righteousness based on
                                                              The Year 2020 is the 43rd year  force of the success of the school  traditional Korean philosophy
                                                              of the school. I founded a small  is based on traditional Korean  to my students and alumnus.
                                                              school in the beginning with a  philosophy and the Han Spirit.  Then we will see each other and
                                                              vision. Forty-three years later, from                  shake hands without caring for
                                                              1977, thousands of acupuncturists  Like everyone in the U.S., the  keeping social distance or wearing
                                                              have been educated and earned  school encounters challenges  masks someday.

         △ As we live in a tough time with COVID-19, I want to ask   Whitehead's Nexus (連繫體) and Wuxing (五行):
         my readers to carry out our original intentions and preserving
         health. imageⓒshutterstock_igor moskalenko                     the logic of relations in Wuxing nexus

                                   and Holon theory was introduced   Plato thought that the cosmology established
                                   to explain Korean culture.
                                                                           by physical material was arbitrary.
                                   I decided to dedicate my life to
                                   introduce the value of traditional
                                   Korean philosophy for American.   By Simon Kim, Professor,
                                   But as one who had an economics   South Baylo University
                                   major, I was not so sure how to
        By David Park, Founder of   achieve my goal. I finally decided   Greek philosophers sought to
        South Baylo University     to establish an acupuncture school   build a cosmology based on the
                                   and educate traditional Korean   ultimate material by searching
                                   philosophy to students and    for the ARCHE, such as water,
        I studied economics and  provide authentic acupuncture   fire, air, and earth. Parmenides, a
                                                                 pre-Socratic Greek philosopher,
        graduated from Yonsei  treatment to Americans.
                                                                 proposed the atomic theory, which
        University in 1955 and earned
                                                                 supposes that everything in the
        my master's and doctoral degree  Back then, acupuncture theory was   universe is either atoms or void.
        in economics in the U.S. I have  not familiar with Americans. But   However, Plato thought that the
        lectured economics classes at  I thought there was a chance to   cosmology established by physical
        California State Polytechnic  make acupuncture more popular   material was arbitrary. So, he tried   myriad things (萬物) in terms   terms of the logic of relations.
        University for 31 years.   because the acupuncture theory   to explain the prototype of the   of the concept of Nexus in   It can be said that the relationship
                                                                 universal nature by introducing   Whitehead's organic philosophy.   between the AE/ AO and the real
                                   is future-oriented philosophy that
                                                                 geometric shapes.         Organic philosophy is, above all,   world is a chain and a connection of
        I have lived in the U.S. for such  shares track with New Science.
                                                                 Plato thought that natural   a philosophy of relationships   NEXUS. In East Asian philosophy,
        a long time. Still, I wanted to                          elements such as water, fire,   that values interrelatedness   this is substituted by the Wuxing
        learn more about my identity and  As I planned to establish an   soil, and air were made from   and interconnectedness. In   (Five Elements/ Structure). All the
        traditional Korean philosophy,  acupuncture school in the early   differences in metaphysical   a way, the reality of modern   airplane parts displayed on a wide
        and my desire to study those  1970s, the 37th President of the   shapes, not differences in their   physics is determined by the   stadium is not a flying airplane.
                                                                 properties. He considered the five   relationship between proton (  Each part must be assembled in an
        subjects kept on growing as I  U.S., Richard Nixon visited China,
                                                                 cubes as models of such cosmic   陽性子) and electron (陰電子).   appropriate structure to perform
        studied more about traditional  and he brought and introduced
                                                                 fundamentals. Platonic solid is,   The relation of Yinyang and   its proper function adequately.
        Korean philosophy such as the  acupuncture. Richard Nixon has   any of the five geometric solids   the interrelations of Wuxing   The Wuxing nexus can be said
        Han spirit, 'Humanitarianism,'  been a catalyst that brought   whose faces are all identical,   show the same pattern.  as an assembly method.
        and 'Governing nation with  acupuncture to the U.S. directly   regular polygons meeting at the   The terminology of 'Nexus' coined   Wuxing's relational logic expresses
        the reason' I was fascinated  from China.                same three-dimensional angles.   by Whitehead originally refers   the generality of existence,
        by unique ideas of traditional                           Also known as the five regular   to an integrated interconnection,   making it the most sophisticated
                                                                 polyhedra, they consist of the   not just a simple connection.   and closest to capture all things
        Korean philosophy.         I was encouraged to establish
                                                                 tetrahedron (or pyramid), cube,   Nexus is called a combination of   in nature. This is unmatched
                                   South Baylo University in Los
                                                                 octahedron, dodecahedron, and   AE/ AO to form a complex and   by Plato's geometric thinking.
        I tried to explain and prove that  Angeles, California, in 1977. In   icosahedron.  macroscopic being. The Nexus is   While Plato was unable to explain
        the Korean philosophy is not  the beginning, the school had two   In the previous series, I contended   experienced as real things daily,   dynamic natural phenomena and
        separated from the paradigm of  programs, such as acupuncture   that the Whiteheadian concept   but the AO/AE is an object of   the eruption of all things with
        New Science, which was introduced  and business courses. The purpose   of AE/ AO is equal to Yinqi/   experience that is confirmed only   geometric models alone, the
                                                                 Yangqi (陰氣/陽氣) and it     through metaphysical speculation.   Wuxing theory, which is in line
        in the 1960s. Traditional Korean  of acupuncture school is to
                                                                 functions by the reciprocity   The importance of the category   with the phase of Nexus, was
        philosophy is far more advanced  educate acupuncture theories
                                                                 logic of Yinyang. Now, let's   of Nexus lies partly in its great   able to successfully explain all
        than New Science. It seemed that  based on the Han Spirit. And I   explain how the movement   generality, a generality that can   the natural phenomena, including
        New Science, such as Quantum  wanted to educate future business   of yin qi and yang qi creates   be adequately represented in   life, mind, and spirit.
        theory, Chaos theory, Fuzzy theory,  administrators who could manage
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