Page 7 - Acupuncture Times August 2020
P. 7
Aug 1, 2020 Vol. 17 Hani Times Herbal Medicine
The Dynamics of Shang Han Lun ⑭
‘Sign Symptoms’ Exception of ‘Abdominal Diagnosis’
on the basis of “Medicine
Signature” of Yoshimasu
Todo, “Application
to Practice of Chines
Medicine” published by
“Kuang Dong Ren Min
Publishing Company”, and
is also based on extensive
practical experience.
△ Zhizi (梔子, left) and Guizhi (桂枝). 사진ⓒ shutterstock_Hong Vo, shutterstock_marilyn barbone.
(1) Guizhi (桂枝): pungent,
When a sickness is not Sentence modified by the addition of sweet, warm
By Jubong Kang K.M.D.
severe and is without When after ‘Guizhi ‘Shigao.’ • Symptoms: Headache,
fever, ‘sign symptom’ Decoction’ is taken and In ‘Shang Han Lun’, ‘Shigao’ fever, feet cold, stagnated
<1> Heart Vexation (煩燥) of ‘Zhizi’ is ‘heat a great sweat has issued, is closely connected with water in the stomach,
• Herbs: Zhizi (梔子) vexation’ in the absence thee is great vexation and the usage of ‘Fuzi’ and stomach pain, arm
• Formulas: Zhizichi of ‘stuffiness in the thirst, and the disease is ‘Mahuang’ to treat ‘heat’ numbness, joint pain,
Decoction (梔子豉湯) chest.’ If syndrome also unresolved and the pulse widely, and more details neuralgia, sweating.
presents with heavy is surging and large, on these theories and • Sign Symptoms:
Sentence ‘counterflow of gastritis’, ‘White Tiger Decoction herbs and formulas will be Headache, counterflow to
After sweating is then ‘stuffiness in the plus Renshen (‘Bai Hu addressed in the next book the chest fullness, scant
promoted, if precipitation chest’ appears with ‘heat plus Renshen Decoction’) of this series. Urination.
is used and there is heat vexation.’ governs. Ibid. Line 26, p. • Mechanism:
vexation and stuffiness If ‘heat vexation’ is revealed 156, PPV’ 2. Symptoms and ‘Sign Strengthen heart beating,
in the chest ‘Zhizichi in the chest, some other Symptoms’ of Herbs warm muscles and flesh
Decoction’ governs. Ibid symptoms are usually Commentary ‘Sign symptom’ of an herb
Line 77, p.148, PPV present, such as a reddish ‘sign symptom’ of ‘Shigao’ in “Shang Han Lun” has a (2) Baishaoyao (白芍藥):
color in a cheek and palms. is ‘great vexation and thirst’ potential ability to explain bitter, slightly cold
Commentary In practice, an Eastern in this sentence. In cases other symptoms of the • Symptoms: Abdominal
‘Sign symptom’ of ‘Zhizi’ Medicine doctor needs of high fever diseases, same herb. For example, hypertonicity, feet muscle
in ‘Zhizichi Decoction’ t o ob ser v e th e ch ee k ‘vexation and thirst’ are one of ‘sign symptoms’ hypertonicity, abdominal
is ‘heat vexation and and palms of a patient shown, while in general of ‘Guizhi Decoction’ pain, blood deficiency,
stuffiness in the chest.’ to confirm the ‘sign cases with no high fever – ‘scant urination’ can hypertension, vertigo,
‘ ’ H e a t v e x a t i o n a n d symptom’ of ‘Zhizi’ – signs, ‘thirst’ or ‘great interprets symptoms such sweating.
stuffiness in the chest’ ‘heat vexation.’ thirst’ appears without as ‘neuralgia’, and ‘arm • Sign Symptoms:
is connected to the ‘vexation.’ numbness’ as in the clause Abdominal hypertonicity,
syndromes of ‘excessive <2> Thirsty (煩渴) When a patient has a fever below. This way is able to muscle hypertonicity.
acid in the stomach’ and • Herbs: Shigao (石膏) and thirst, a suitable formula help students to understand • Mechanism: Relaxing
‘counterflow of gastric • Ex. Formulas: Bia Hu plus including ‘Shigao’ is used, dynamic between ‘water’ contracted muscles and
acid.’ ‘Zhizi’ is available to Renshen Decoction (白虎加 or the doctor can choose and ‘fire’ in ‘sign symptoms.’ ves sels, co ntrac ting
treat ‘esophagitis.’ 人蔘湯) other appropriate formulas The following is written sweating pore.
성원보답 한의원 경영의
필수 추천 제품 TOP3
특별 감사세일 필수 추천 제품 TOP3
8월 15일까지 (운임 Free)
PAIN AWAY STAM. C Colon Cleanser
HL101: Mega HL102 : HL403 :
통증해결사 골수보충/줄기세포 기능강화 연동운동 강화로 숙변/변비 해소
오십견/ 관절통/ 근육통 전신통/ 요통/ 신경통/ 관절통 2일 변비/숙변 프로그램
사용즉시 강력한 치료효과
소화기계 기능 강화
*효능: *효능: (1) 면역, 치매 중풍예방
오십견, 요통, 견비통, 관절통, (2) 골수보충, 연골,
근육통, 신경통 *효능:
골격 강화
* 특징: (3) 전신통, 요통, 관절 (1) 변비, 숙변, 장청소
(1) 근본적 치료 효과 (4) 노화방지, 젊음유지 (2) 다이어트 효과
(2) 면역, 항균에 강력한 작용 (5) 근육강화, 피부미용
(3) 사용이 아주 간편합니다. *특징: 2일프로그램
(2일안에 해결)
*기전: 통즉불통(通則不痛), * 특징: 단시일 내로
불통즉통(不通則痛) 내분비계, 효능을 바로 느끼십니다. *성분:
순화기계의 기혈의 순환기능 상승 * 성분: Blue Green, Cascara Sagrada,
Green Lipped Mussle, Peony, Kaoline,
*성분: Menthol, Alcochol, Dandelion,
Glucosamine, MSM, Colostrum, Fucoidan, etc....
Gaultheria Procumbens, etc... Dear Horns Extract, etc..
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