Page 5 - Acupuncture Times August 2020
P. 5

        Aug 1, 2020  Vol. 17  Hani Times                                                                            Acupuncture

                           Constitutional Acupuncture

                       Bisoma Acupuncture for Opioid Crisis

           1 out of 170 Americans misuses them. 115 Americans die from an overdose every day

                                                              buprenorphine, methadone,   One  set is constitutional  restfully slept for one
                                                              oxymorphone, hydrocodone,   for 70% of population  hour.  It  was  the  first
                                                              codeine, and morphine.     and the other set for  deep sleep in years. From
                                                              Heroin is an illegal form of   30%. Either  of these  then on, he had a definite
                                                              the drug.                  two sets are ingrained  weekly improvement in
                                                              Only with five Horary      in an individual from  intensity, frequency, and
                                                              points, Bisoma acupuncture   birth through lifetime. It  duration. Both his mind
                                                              is  a  rescue  for  many  in   takes only 1 to 4 visits to  and body felt clearer
                                                              opioid  bondage.  It  can   experience  a  significant  and stronger. After the
                                                              immediately and easily     relief. Acupuncture visits  13th visit, he was able
                                                              reduce the symptoms        at 2 or 3 times a week, the  to exercise for more
                                                              of drug withdrawal.        improvement is weekly  than one hour without
        △ The doctors were instructed to prescribe the lowest dose   Acupuncture quickly helps   with lessened intensity,  aggravation. By the 18th
        of Opioid for the shortest period, but its addictive nature is                   frequency, and duration.    visit, he reported having
        keeping many in hostage. imageⓒshutterstock_ Lightspring.  the  brain  to  re-establish
                                                              homeostasis.  The major    Let’s give a case study  close to zero pain. He
                                                              advantage of Bisoma        as an example.  A male,  began weightlifting,
                                   exponentially rises.  The
        By David Lee L.Ac.                                    acupuncture is its simplicity   age 23, was involved in  which did not cause pain
                                   doctors were instructed to
                                                              of having only two choices.   a severe car accident  but built up his muscles.
                                   prescribe the lowest effective
                                                              Regardless of the type     6 years ago. He had  To him, it was a sign
        Bisoma acupuncture can  dose for the shortest period
                                                              of drug dependency,        multiple broken bones,  that he can move on and
        address the opioid crisis,  needed, when treating acute
                                                              one of these two sets of   necessitating an extensive  be constructive for his
        which is plaguing patients  pain. But its addictive nature
                                                              Horary points works on an   corrective surgery. He  future.
        with chronic pain. Having no  is keeping many in hostage.
                                                              individual because these are   suffered pain in his lower  This patient had a total of
        good alternative, physicians  1 out of 170 Americans
                                                              constitutional points.     back, bilateral sciatica  27 acupuncture treatments
        are reluctantly prescribing  misuses them. 115 Americans
                                                                                                                     in 4 months. The first
        opioid pain reducers beyond  die from an overdose every
                                                                                                                     two months were twice a
        the recommended period of 3  day, and hundreds more     For 70% of population LI1, UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36
                                                                                                                     week visit and thereafter
        days to 3 weeks. When taken  go to the emergency room.
                                                                                                                     once a week. Fortunately,
        beyond this window of time,  Commonly prescribed opioids   For 30% of population GB44, SI2, ST43, LI5, and UB40  acupuncture was
        the potential for addiction  include oxycodone, fentanyl,
                                                                                                                     quickly and drastically
                                                                                         nerves, right arm,  and  helpful. Encouraged,
                                                                                         left leg. The pain was  the continuation of
                                                                                         constant at a minimum  acupuncture allowed for
                                                                                         level of 6/10. It was  elimination of physical
                                                                                         easily aggravated with  pain and mental addiction.
                                                                                         small amount of physical  Family and social support
                                                                                         exertion. Additional lack  is  crucial  in  providing
                                                                                         of sleep at 2 to 3 hours  mind and social support.
                                                                                         per night had rendered  Only Horary points are
                                                                                         him physically exhausted  sufficient. But addition of
                                                                                         and  mentally  out  of  sort.  other acupuncture points
                                                                                         His chronic pain made it  can be even more helpful.
                                                                                         difficult to discontinue  Such are ear points and
                                                                                         using opioid medications.  other Transporting Shu
                                                                                         Rather, he resorted to  points. The above patient
                                                                                         using heroin because his  being a Soyangin (a
                                                                                         pains were not controlled,  constitution with Lesser
                                                                                         and the doctor couldn’t  Yang and Greater Yang
                                                                                         continue prescribing  c o m b i n a t i o n ,   P i t t a -
                                                                                         opioids.  He  was  admitted  Vata  in  Ayurveda,  and
                                                                                         to a drug detoxification  Sanguine in Unani), the
                                                                                         center. Seeing that he was  central Wood element
                                                                                         still suffering gravely, his  points LI3 (Wood), SI3
                                                                                         mother brought him in to  (Wood), ST43 (Wood), and
                                                                                         my  clinic  for  a  possible  UB65 (Wood) were added
                                                                                         solution.                   to enhance the treatment
                                                                                         On the first visit, he was  efficacy.
                                                                                         given Bisoma acupuncture  Regardless of the type of
                                                                                         on the right-side with  opioid addiction, Bisoma
                                                                                         Yang Horary points  acupuncture has a high
                                                                                         in Metal-Order of LI1  potential for success
                                                                                         (Metal), UB66 (Water),  when in conjunction
                                                                                         GB41 (Wood), SI5 (Fire),  with support from family,
                                                                                         and ST36 (Earth). He  friends, and counselors.
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