Page 5 - 한의타임즈 2020년 6월호 전자신문
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        June 1, 2020  Vol. 15  Hani Times                                                                           Acupuncture

             Underlying Theories of Acupuncture Treatment (14)

        An Acupuncture Technique for Enhancing Treatment Effect

        Readjusting Yin and Yang Acupuncture Technique for Enhancing Treatment Effect(陰陽調和取穴)

                                                              Acupuncture points are      explained earlier could also   Yin Impetus Acupuncture
                                                              appl ied to  the upp er     be applied for using Four   points. This is only allowed
                                                              body, and Yin Balancing     Gates. Before inserting LI4,   for  a  symptom  due to
                                                              Acupuncture points are      take LU5, which is on the   converted pathogens.
                                                              used for the lower body     meridian in interior-exterior   ▷  For  more  severe
                                                              in case of early-stage of   relation. Before taking LV3   symptoms, using Yang
                                                              disease or symptom. For the   (태충),  inject  a  needle  on   Balancing Acupuncture
                                                              upper body, Yin Balancing   GB34 (양릉천) which is in     points on the upper
                                                              Acupuncture points and      interior-exterior relation   body and Ying Balancing
                                                              Yang Impetus Acupuncture    with the liver meridian, and   Acupuncture point for the
                                                              Points are paired. To treat   the GB34 is Yang Balancing   lower body. After using Yin
                                                              symptoms on the lower body,   Acupuncture point.       Impetus Acupuncture Points
                                                              Yang Balancing Acupuncture   ③ By practicing acupuncture   on the upper body, choose
         △  The  technique  treats  symptoms  from  pathogen  of                          needles  with  the  ways  I   Yang Balancing Acupuncture
         coexistence of fullness and emptiness. imageⓒshutterstock_  Points  and Yin Impetus
         maoyunping                                           Acupuncture points are      talked earlier – using the   points, which are in interior-
                                                              grouped.                    Balancing Acupuncture      exterior relation with the
                                   treatment.                 Followings are examples     points first, it prevents   Yin Impetus Acupuncture
        By Brandon SJ Oh L.Ac.     The push-and-pull reaction  of  applying  Balancing    advert reaction through    Points. On the lower body,
                                   could be generated by using  Acupuncture Points and    the acupuncture treatment   initially insert acupuncture
                                   Balancing Acupuncture  Impetus Acupuncture Points:     session, and it will make your   needles on Yang Impetus
        As we practice One Yin  points  (調和穴部)  on  the  ①  If  a  patient  complains     treatment more effective.  Acupuncture Points then
        and One Yang Acupuncture  upper and lower body.  of gastroadynamic, LU5           ▷ It is possible to use Yang   Yin Balancing Acupuncture
        Technique, we sometimes  Also, applying Impetus  (척택)  and  ST36  (족삼리)           Balancing Acupuncture      points.
        encounter the moment to  Acupuncture points (推動穴      should be inserted first to   Points for the upper     ▷  For  the  most  severe
        determine which part is  部) on upper and lower body  adjust humors and pulses     body and Yang Balancing    and chronic symptoms,
        empty and which is full. In  resolve Qi stagnation.   then insert the needle on   Acupuncture points on the   using Yin Balancing
        most cases, that is because  ▷ As one practice acupuncture  LI4  (합곡)  and  SP4  (공손)   lower body. To do this way,   Acupuncture points for
        of fullness and emptiness  based on Readjusting Yin and  which are in a relation of   first, choose Yin Impetus   the upper and lower
        coexist on the upper and  Yang Acupuncture Technique,  interior-exterior with LU5   Acupuncture point of the   body. Use  Yin  Balancing
        lower body.                the practitioner will encounter  and ST36. After inserting all   upper body, then Yang   Acupuncture point for
        For the cases, I would like to  four different sets of Balancing  needles designate an axis of   Balancing  acupuncture   the upper body then add
        recommend applying One Yin  Ac upunc tur e P oin ts.  Qi circulation by inserting   point, which is belonged to   Yang Impetus Acupuncture
        and One Yang Acupuncture  Choose a group from four  a  needle  on  CV12  (중완)     interior-exterior relation   points. Then, use Yang
        Technique to the upper  different sets of Balancing  for enhancing  treatment     with the meridian of the   Impetus acupuncture
        and lower body altogether  Acupuncture  Points by  effect. Adding the earth       Yin Impetus Acupuncture    points first. Ying Balancing
        to  resolve  coexistence of  a degree of prognosis of a  Taichi points, even make the   point. For the lower body,   Acupuncture points should
        fullness and emptiness by  symptom or humors and  treatment more effective and    first, take Yang Balancing   be followed after inserting
        generating a push and pull  pulses (氣脈).              powerful.                   Acupuncture point and then   Yang Impetus Acupuncture
        reaction of acupuncture  ▷  Yin  Balancing  ②  The  rules  that  I  have          inject acupuncture needles   Points for the lower body.

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                         PAIN AWAY                                    STAM. C                              Colon Cleanser
             HL101: Mega                                       HL102 :                              HL403 :

                         통증해결사                                   줄기세포 기능 강화                          장의 연동운동 강화로 변비해소

                  미라클 효과, 통증에서 기쁨으로                         자가면역체계 강화/힐링시스템 강화                               2일 변비/숙변 프로그램

                            사용즉시 강력한 치료효과                                                                                   소화기계 기능 강화
                            *효능:                                               *효능: (1) 면역, 치매 중풍예방                         *효능:
                            오십견, 요통, 견비통, 관절통,                                           (2) 골수보충, 연골,                      (1) 변비, 숙변, 장청소
                            근육통, 신경통                                                          골격 강화                          (2) 다이어트 효과
                                                                                         (3) 전신통, 요통, 관절
                            * 특징:                                                        (4) 노화방지, 젊음유지                     *특징: 2일프로그램
                            (1) 근본적 치료 효과                                                (5) 근육강화, 피부미용                     (2일안에 해결)
                            (2) 면역, 항균에 강력한 작용
                            (3) 사용이 아주 간편합니다.                                  * 특징: 단시일 내로                                 *성분:
                                                                                 효능을 바로 느끼십니다.                              Cascara Sagrada,
                            *기전: 통즉불통(通則不痛),                                                                                Peony, Kaoline,
                                      불통즉통(不通則痛) 내분비계,                         * 성분: Blue Green,                            Dandelion,
                                      순화기계의 기혈의 순환기능 상승                          Green Lipped Mussle,                       etc....
                                                                                 Colostrum, Fucoidan,
                            *성분: Menthol, Alcochol,                              Dear Horns Extract, etc..
                                      Glucosamine, MSM,
                                      Gaultheria Procumbens, etc...

                                               Tel. 213-487-1670                  Fax. 213-487-1674

                                                [email protected]           3130 Wilshire Blvd. #500, Los Angeles, CA 90010
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