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4        광고                                                                                            June 1, 2020  Vol. 15  Hani Times

                            Constitutional Acupuncture
                      Hot Flashes with Bisoma Acupuncture

                                                              free. For providers,        sweats by at least 80%.  improvement  occurs  in
                                                              Bisoma  acupunctu re        Step  4  -  The  frequency  about 20% of patients.
                                                              is measurable,              of treatments is tapered
                                                              predictable, reliable,      down to once a week.  Case 2. Female, age
                                                              and reproducible. From      The visits are further  51, administrator.
                                                              satisfaction, patients      reduced to every 2 to 3  Complaints: Hot flashes
                                                              receive acupuncture for     weeks for the duration of  several times a day
                                                              years and also refer to     menopause.                 and night. She also had
                                                              others. You can build       Patients with higher  difficulty falling asleep,
                                                              trust for a variety of      reactivity to acupuncture,  especially in temperature
                                                              internal and external       which is 30% of the pop-   over 66° Fahrenheit (19
                                                              health problems.            ulation, will experience  ° Celsius). High appetite.
        △.    Hot  flashes  are  common  for  menopausal  women  and   Here is how Bisoma   quicker relief,  even  after  Easily irritable. Anxiety
        seriously affect the quality of life. imageⓒshutterstock_Cara-  works. Step 1 - Stimulate   just one visit with the  and  depression for over
                                                              the traditional Horary      constitutionally correct  20 years.
                                                              points, which are           Horary points. Others  Treatment: Right-side
                                   treatment without  constitutional for 70% of           will take 2-3 visits  alternate Horary points.
        By David Lee L.Ac.
                                   concern for adverse side  the population. Step 2 –     before noticing relief. If  The patient had twice
                                   effects. Popularly used  Arbitrarily choose either     alternate Horary points  a week treatment for
        It is easy to instantly  hormone replacement  right or left side of the           apply, then it can take a  8 visits and then the
        reduce hot flashes with  t he ra p y  c an  i n cr e as e  body. Step 3 – If there   few more visits.        frequency  tapered  down.
        Bisoma acupuncture.  the risk of developing  is no significant relief,
        Hot  flashes  persist for  cancer. The beauty of  stimulate the alternate
        an average of 6 years  Bisoma acupuncture is its  Horary points on the
                                                                                                  Two Sets of Yin Horary Points:
        for menopausal women.  reliability in delivering  same side of the body.
        75% of them have  a significant relief for  Alternate  Horary  points
                                                                                             Traditional Horary  LR1, HT8, SP3, LU8, & KD10
        significant hot flashes  at least 90% of these  are constitutional for
        and  night  sweats.  30%  women.                      30% of the population.
                                                                                             Alternate Horary    LU11, KD2, LR3, HT4, & SP9
        h a v e   i n t e r r u p t e d   l i f e  For patients, not only  Step 3 - The initial
        due to severe symptoms.  acupuncture is a quick  treatments  are at  two
        The good news is that  and cost-effective  times a week for up to
        acupuncture is perhaps  natural treatment,  10  visits  to  reduce  the           Below are two clinical  The first two treatments
        the only method of  i t   i s  a l s o   co n c e r n-  hot flashes and night     cases that will help you  only  produced a slight
                                                                                          understand how Bisoma  noticeable relief. After
                                                                                          acupuncture works in  switching to alternate
                                                                                          real life.                 Horary points at the
                                                                                                                     t h i r d   t r e a t m e n t ,   t h e
                                                                                          Case 1. Female, age  patient was immediately
                                                                                          48, accounting clerk.      relaxed and slept
                                                                                          Complaint: Perimenopause,  better.  She also reduced
                                                                                          anxiety/depression,  warming foods such
                                                                                          premenstrual syndrome,  as  c hi cke n,  t ur mer ic ,
                                                                                          hot flashes, classical  cinnamon, and ginger
                                                                                          migraine with aura, cocaine  with an increase of cold
                                                                                          withdrawal, and tensed  foods such as cucumber,
                                                                                          muscles in the whole back  aloe, celery, and pork.
                                                                                          from shoulders down to  Weekly, all symptoms
                                                                                          low back.                  had a linear improvement
                                                                                          Treatment: Left-side  in intensity, frequency,
                                                                                          traditional Horary points.  and duration. By the 9th
                                                                                          The patient had a total  visit, she was comfortably
                                                                                          of 13 treatments, 4 times  sleeping in 71° Fahrenheit,
                                                                                          in the first 2 weeks  emotionally less
                                                                                          and gradually tapered  affected by stress at
                                                                                          down to every 3 weeks.  work, had high focus
                                                                                          The patient noticed a  and  clarity. Discussion:
                                                                                          significant  relief  of  back  Acupuncture reduced
                                                                                          tension after the first  the hot flashes. Being a
                                                                                          treatment. There was  hot type (Lesser Yang
                                                                                          a linear improvement  constitution), the hot
                                                                                          through the whole  foods did not provide
                                                                                          treatment process with  the nutrients her body
                                                                                          minimal  fluctuation. By  wanted so she felt
                                                                                          the 8th treatment, all  constantly hungry. Her
                                                                                          symptoms were at least  uncontrollable high
                                                                                          90% better. Discussion:  appetite was reduced
                                                                                          This  type  of dramatic  with cold foods.
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