Page 14 - 한의타임즈 2020년 6월호 전자신문
P. 14

14      News                                                                                           June 1, 2020  Vol. 15  Hani Times

         Zinc, Vitamin C, and herbs are really working?

                                                                                                                          By Namwook Cho L.Ac.

        (→ Continued from page 1)
        As the COVID-19 pandemic has  supplements, and products  COVID-19 symptoms got severe.  from infection from COVID-19  hospitalized with COVID-19
        prolonged, many companies are  unlikely to help with COVID-19,  A recent medical report from  but it has been known for  suggested a possible connection
        trying to promote their products  and supplements and products  China reported that among a  helping reducing symptoms or  between levels of vitamin D in
        for preventing the virus infection.  unlikely to help with COVID-19  group of 175 patients hospitalized  preventing from common cold.  the blood and severe COVID-19
        And as an acupuncture practitioner,  and could be dangerous.  with COVID-19, 69 (39%) had  But according to the Consumerlab.  symptoms.
        the patient tends to consult  But you have to keep in mind  hypokalemia, and another 39  com, “higher intakes of vitamin C  Vitamin D could be absorbed by
        with the acupuncturists for  that the best way to prevent  (22%) had severe hypokalemia.  may potentially help people who  proper sun exposure – at least
        supplements that help to avoid  COVID-19 infection is to avoid  Hypokalemia can cause heart  are critically ill with COVID-19  three times a week for about 30
        COVID-19 infection.        exposure by following the latest  dysfunction, which is one of  and on ventilators.” There are  minutes exposing hands, arms,
        We, as a practitioner, need to  recommendations of the CDC  the major problems found in  reports saying that prior to the  legs, and face to the sun. But the
        know more information regarding  and WHO and local authority.  COVID-19, and high levels of  emergence of COVID-19 found  company concluded to prevent
        a supplement that is working for                       markers of heart muscle damage  a dose of 1,000 to 6,000 mg of  COVID-19, intaking of vitamin D
        preventing respiratory infections  ① Vitamin and minerals that  were associated with more severe  vitamin C daily shortened the  products is considered as a good,
        such as COVID-19. Here is some   can help with COVID-19 if  hypokalemia.          time on ventilation by about  safe, preventative measure for
        helpful information with scientific  you are not getting enough:                  25% for people who required  protecting against respiratory
        pieces of evidence.        Potassium                  Vitamin C                   ventilation for over 10 hours.  infections in general.
        According to Consumer,  Usually, potassium could be  Vitamin C is vital to the function
        which has identified the best  obtained from foods, such as  of the white blood cells that are  Vitamin D    Zinc and Selenium Pills
        quality health and nutritional  beans, squash, and potatoes.  on first line of defense system of  Daily consumption of vitamin  and Liquids
        products through independent  Potassium deficiency could be  the immune system, leukocytes  D supplements may help to  A study of elderly people
        test since 1999, some supplements  found from people taking certain  and the vitamin plays important  reduce the chance of respiratory  who are in Zinc deficiency, in
        are working, and some are not.  drugs or conditions affecting the   role for absorbing iron absorption.  infections and influenza A in  nursing homes in France, for
        Some supplements can help  kidneys or intestines.      Deficiency in iron can make  children and adults who are  supplementing with zinc – 20
        with COVID-19 if you are  Potassium has been known that  vulnerable to infections.  deficient or severely deficient  mg per day may improve the
        not getting enough, may help  it will not prevent COVID-19  There is no evidence that high  in the vitamin D.  chance of avoiding respiratory
        reduce symptoms of COVID-19,  infection, but it can help to avoid  dose vitamin C can protect people  There is a small study of patients  tract infections.

           The Union of Heaven and Human (天人合一): Understanding

                 qi philosophy in the light of Whiteheadian cosmology

                                                                                                  By Simon Kim, Professor, South Baylo University

                                                               new cosmology to overcome  Creativity               system. There is the totality
                                                               the material world view which  地 Earth: That Other, Externality,  of actual fact; there is the
                                                               ommits the metaphysical  Many                       externality of many facts;
                                                               basis of life and spirit. The  人 Human: This My-Self,  there is the internality of this
                                                               macroscopic horizon based on  Internality, One      experiencing which lies within
                                                               two philosophies can explain the  In the Process and Reality  the totality. (MT116) These
                                                               great cosmology of the heavens  published in 1929, Whitehead  three divisions are on a level. No
                                                               and the world. The heavens  interprets the universals of  one in any sense precedes the
                                                               imply trillions of stars and galaxy  ultimate universal by dividing  other. There is the whole fact
                                                               in astrology and the world means  into three category; Creativity,  containing within itself myself
                                                               nature and human on the earth.  one, many. (PR; p.21) Why  and the other facts. (MT117)
          △  Philosophies  such  as  Eastern  Medicine  and  Organic   The cosmology of Heaven and  did Whitehead need this  We as human being on the earth
          philosophy can explain the great cosmology of the heavens   Earth in the I-Ching also claims  cosmological idea? He pondered  looking up the sky share this
          and the world. imageⓒAdobeStock_Choat
                                                               a unity or union of Heaven and  that within this general concept  general commonsense notion
          During the past one year, I  界觀), whenever there is an  Human (天人合一).          of nature (or cosmos), there  of the universe. The fact that
          tried to persuade readers of the  opportunity, I quotes the  Whitehead dissects the universe  have somehow to be interwoven  the heavens, the earth, and the
          Hani Times the philosophical  Whitehead's philosophy of  into a threefold scheme; The  the further concepts of 'Life'  human beings are connected
          foundation of Eastern medicine.  organism and describes the  Whole, That Other, and This  and 'Mind'. (MT 129) This is in  organisms is the key point
          It conveyed the idea that without  commonality and coincidence  My-Self. (Modes of Thought;  line with my view that, without  of human physiology in the
          understanding the qi worldview  between the two worldviews.  p.110) We experience the  approving the Jingqi worldview,  Hwangti Neijing.
          common to Confucianism  In the upcoming series of Hani  universal reality in a three-fold  we cannot talk about life and  De of Heaven 天德  Qi of Earth
          and Taoism in the East Asian  Times column, I plan to discuss  character; Totality, Externality,  mind, the reality of nature.  地氣  Life of Human (人)生
          tradition, it would be difficult  the similarities between the  and Internality. (ibid; p.116) I try  Cosmic speculation of Whitehead   Essence 精  Shen 神 
          to explain qi and meridians,  Qi worldview and the organic  to apply these three concepts  concluded that the entire  Hun 魂  Po 魄  Intent 意 
          and if the reality of qi was not  philosophy of systematically  in Whitehead's cosmological  existence from the inorganic  Will 志  Heart 心
          acknowledged, the whole system  viewing the universe, nature,  metaphysics to the conception  to the human consciousness  In the next month series, I will
          of the Eastern medicine would  and the human body.   of Heaven, Earth and Human  can be embraced by the same  compare what are the most
          collapse.                 First of all, two perspectives  (HEH) in the East Asian  categorical system, and all  microscopic elements of the
          In order to comment on the  of  Eastern  Medicine  and  philosophy.            phenomena can be explained  universe based on the main
          Jingqi  worldview  (精氣世   Organic philosophy open a  天 Heaven: The Whole, Totality,  by one and the same schematic  concepts of the two philosophies.
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